August 1994
U.S. Department of Energy FSC 6910
Washington, D.C. 20585
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
This document has been reproduced directly from the best available copy.
Available to DOE and DOE contractors from the Office of Scientific and
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Available to the public from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Technology
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Order No. DE94018722
This Department of Energy (DOE) Handbook, DOE-HDBK-1078-94, Training Program
Handbook: A Systematic Approach to Training, describes a systematic method for
establishing and maintaining training programs that meet the requirements and expectations
of DOE Orders 5480.18B, Nuclear Facility Training Accreditation Program, and 5480.20,
Personnel Selection, Qualification, Training, and Staffing Requirements at DOE Reactor
and Non-Reactor Nuclear Facilities. The systematic approach to training (SAT) includes
five distinct, yet interrelated, phases. These phases include analysis, design, development,
implementation, and evaluation. SAT is consistent with other systematically based training
systems such as performance-based training (PBT), training system development (TSD),
instructional systems development (ISD), and other similar methods. For the purposes of
this Handbook, SAT and PBT are interchangeable. The systematic approach method may
also be used in conjunction with other DOE orders and directives that contain personnel
training and qualification requirements.
This Handbook describes the more classical concept and approach to systematically
establishing training programs. However, in some cases this classical approach has proven to
be time- and labor-intensive, especially if excessive detail is expected. The risk and complexity
associated with performance of a job or the nuclear hazard category of the facility affected may
warrant the use of simpler, less detailed alternative methods to achieve results that are both
satisfactory and effective. These methods are discussed in other Departmental and industry
Users of this Handbook should consider the variety of training options that are available for
establishing and maintaining personnel training and qualification programs. Blending classical
and alternative systematic approaches to training methods often yields the most effective
product. Finally, users should emphasize the fundamental goal of any training program as they
use this Handbook; that is, to prepare workers to do their jobs safely, efficiently, and
effectively, and to protect the work force, the public, and the environment.
Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data that may
be of use in improving this document should be addressed to:
John A. Yoder
U.S. Department of Energy
Washington, D. C. 20585
Phone (301) 903-5650
Facsimile (301) 903-6172
by using the U.S. Department of Energy Standardization Document Improvement Proposal
(DOE F 1300.X) appearing at the end of this document or by letter.
This Handbook replaces DOE-STD-0102T, "TAP 2 Performance-Based Training Manual," of
August 1993.
FOREWORD ............................................................ iii
ACRONYMS ........................................................... viii
1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................1
1.1 Development of this Handbook ....................................1
1.2 Handbook Description ...........................................1
1.3 Management of the Training Program ...............................3
2.0 ANALYSIS ........................................................5
2.1 Determine Training Needs ........................................5
2.2 Develop a Valid Task List ........................................7
2.3 Select Tasks for Training ........................................11
2.4 Prepare a Task-to-Training Matrix .................................13
2.5 Conduct an Analysis of Existing Training Material .....................13
2.6 Conduct a Task Analysis ........................................14
2.7 Application of Job or Task Analysis Information ......................15
2.8 Training Development/Changes ...................................15
2.9 Analysis Checklist .............................................15
2.10 Key Considerations ............................................15
3.0 DESIGN ..........................................................17
3.1 Write Terminal Objectives .......................................17
3.2 Develop Training/Evaluation Standards (TESs) .......................20
3.3 Develop Test Items ............................................25
3.4 Construct Tests ...............................................26
3.5 Write Training Development and Administrative Guide .................28
3.6 Key Considerations ............................................31
4.0 DEVELOPMENT ...................................................33
4.1 Select Training Methods ........................................33
4.2 Develop Lesson Plans ..........................................33
4.3 Develop Training Support Material ................................36
4.4 Conduct Training Tryouts .......................................39
4.5 Key Considerations ............................................43
5.0 IMPLEMENTATION ................................................45
5.1 Conduct Training ..............................................45
5.2 Conduct In-Training Evaluation ...................................48
5.3 Document Training ............................................49
5.4 Key Considerations ............................................51
6.0 EVALUATION .................................................... 53
6.1 Monitor Indicators ............................................ 53
6.2 Analyze Information ........................................... 60
6.3 Initiate Corrective Actions ...................................... 62
6.4 Key Considerations ............................................ 62
Attachment 1 Training Needs Analysis Report ............................. 67
Attachment 2 Guidelines for Writing Task Statements ....................... 68
Attachment 3 Task Rating System ...................................... 69
Attachment 4 Sample Survey Questionnaire .............................. 70
Attachment 5 Job Analysis Tabulation ................................... 82
Attachment 6 Task-to-Training Matrix .................................. 83
Attachment 7 Task Analysis Data Collection Form ......................... 84
Attachment 8 Task Worksheet ........................................ 85
Attachment 9 Training Development/Change Request ....................... 86
Attachment 10 Analysis Checklist ...................................... 87
Attachment 11 Guidelines for Writing Learning Objectives ................... 88
Attachment 12 Sample Training Evaluation Standard (TES) ................. 104
Attachment 13 Training Evaluation Standards (TESs) Development Worksheet . . 107
Attachment 14 Training Evaluation Standards (TESs) Review Checklist ........ 109
Attachment 15 Completed TES Development Worksheet ................... 110
Attachment 16 Test Item Formats ..................................... 113
Attachment 17 Sample Test Specification Form for 50-Item General Employee
Test ............................................... 116
Attachment 18 Sample Training Development and Administrative Guide ........ 117
Attachment 19 Training Methods ..................................... 126
Attachment 20 Sample Lesson Plan Format—Classroom .................... 129
Attachment 21 Sample Lesson Plan Format—OJT ........................ 131
Attachment 22 Sample Lesson Plan Format—Simulator .................... 137
Attachment 23 Training Materials Historical Record ....................... 150
Attachment 24 Instructor Activities .................................... 151
Attachment 25 Lesson Plan Checklist .................................. 153
Attachment 26 Training Media ....................................... 155
Attachment 27 Learning Activity Characteristics .......................... 160
Attachment 28 Existing Material Review Criteria ......................... 161
Attachment 29 Sample Instructor Evaluation Form ........................ 162
Attachment 30 Instructor Supervisor Evaluation Example ................... 164
Attachment 31 Indicators of Potential Program Weaknesses ..................165
Attachment 32 Posttraining Questionnaire ...............................166
Attachment 33 Posttraining Interview ...................................168
Attachment 34 Instructor Lesson Rating Form ............................169
Attachment 35 Sample Course Critique .................................171
Attachment 36 Example Employee Training Evaluation .....................172
Attachment 37 Revision Critique Summary ..............................173
Attachment 38 Lesson Plan Review Criteria Checklist ......................174
Attachment 39 Instructor Observation Checklist—Classroom .................176
Attachment 40 Training Development Recommendation Checklist .............180
Attachment 41 Laboratory Instructor Evaluation ..........................182
Attachment 42 Instructor Performance Assessment Instrument................185
Attachment 43 Supervisor's Posttraining Feedback .........................188
Attachment 44 Simulator Instructor Observation ..........................189
Attachment 45 Trainee Posttraining Evaluation ...........................191
Attachment 46 Trainee Cumulative Feedback Evaluation ....................194
Attachment 47 End-of-Course Training Evaluation ........................196
Attachment 48 Program Evaluation ....................................198
Figure-1. Criteria for Selecting Tasks for Training ...........................12
DOE Department of Energy
ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System
ECS Emergency Cooling System
EOL End of Life
HP Health Physics
KSA Knowledge, skill, and ability
NE-1 Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy
OJT On-the-job training
OR Occurrence Report
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act
P&E Plant and Equipment
PER Performance Evaluation Report
SD Standing Directives
SER Safety Evaluation Report
SME Subject matter expert
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SP Standard Practice
TAP Training Accreditation Program
TES Training/Evaluation Standard
TS Technical Specifications (“Tech Specs”)
The cornerstone of safe operation of the Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear facilities is
personnel performing the day-to-day functions which accomplish the facility mission.
Training that is conducted efficiently and effectively and is directly related to the needs of the
job (i.e., performance-based training) is fundamental to safe operation. Responsibility for the
safe operation of these facilities is a line-management function. Therefore, achieving
performance-based training requires commitment from the organization for which training is
provided. This commitment includes making subject matter experts (SMEs) available for
participation in and review of the products of the performance-based training process. It also
includes budgeting and scheduling the time required for both initial and continuing training.
This commitment must be made by senior management from the beginning. Management
must get involved at the start to ensure that they are not only cognizant of ongoing activities
but are also involved to the degree necessary to thoroughly understand the process. Policies
implemented and support demonstrated by senior management provide the driving force to
ensure that training programs receive the attention that is imperative, if facility training
programs are to be successful.
1.1 Development of this Handbook
This Handbook has been designed to assist facilities/sites/offices in their efforts to
develop training programs based on the systematic approach to training (SAT) model.
Information in this Handbook has been compiled from a number of sources: The
Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, Principles of Training System Development;
DOE Guidelines for Job and Task Analysis for Department of Energy Nuclear
Facilities; and selected DOE contractor training manuals and procedures. In addition,
personnel representing DOE contractors and private industry contributed significantly
to the development of this process.
1.2 Handbook Description
This Handbook contains a narrative discussion on the various phases of the systematic
approach to training process. The phases can be modified and incorporated as
appropriate when developing detailed local procedures. Each phase is organized such
that the major steps necessary to adequately complete it are clear. Figures, attachments,
and illustrations are added for clarification and may be reproduced as desired.
The processes described in this Handbook represent only one of the possible approaches
for the development of training programs using the systematic approach to training
model. Other approaches may work equally well if they are based on a
systematic method of determining and implementing training that is directly related to
the needs and requirements of the job.
This Handbook was written on the assumption that a facility/site/office is currently
not using the systematic approach to training model for their training programs.
However, many facilities/sites/offices do have effective training programs in place
that contain many performance-based characteristics. Existing programs should not
be discarded, rather systematic methods should be used to validate and supplement
the content where necessary. The systematic approach also helps refine the methods
of managing and implementing these programs.
This Handbook is organized into a series of sections, each section representing one of
the phases of the SAT model. An overview of each of the phases follows.
1.2.1 Analysis. This section addresses three methods of identifying
training/performance requirements: needs analysis, job analysis, and task
analysis. The major outputs of the analysis phases are a task list for each
position, and a task-to-training matrix.
The task-to-training matrix identifies the training disposition of the tasks
identified in the task list and lists the existing materials that support task
performance. Participation of subject matter experts and facility personnel is
emphasized throughout the processes.
1.2.2 Design. The design phase uses the information collected during the analysis
phase to provide a “blueprint” for developing training programs based upon the
SAT model. This section of the Handbook addresses methods for writing
learning objectives, setting training standards, designing tests, and preparing
training plans. The major outputs of the design phase are learning objectives
and test items. For existing programs, contractors are encouraged to
determine if their learning objectives are appropriate, cover all required
content, and include appropriate criteria and conditions.
1.2.3 Development. Development incorporates the results of the design activities.
The major outputs of the development phase are the completed lesson plans and
training aids.
1.2.4 Implementation. Implementation encompasses taking the results of the
development phase into the training setting and conducting the training. The
major output of the implementation phase is trained personnel.
1.2.5 Evaluation. Evaluation consists of a periodic review of the training materials
and methods of soliciting feedback from former trainees and their supervisors on
the effectiveness of training. The major outputs of evaluation are the decisions
made to improve the training program during all phases.
1.3 Management of the Training Program
This Handbook does not contain all the material or information necessary to make a
training program work. Overall policies and procedures that each organization
determines necessary to develop and administer performance-based training programs
are also required. These policies and procedures may be called Training Program
Manuals, Training Procedures Manuals, Training Management Manuals, Training
Plans, etc. Whatever its name, the document should contain procedures that govern the
way the facility/site/office conducts training. For purposes of discussion in this
Handbook, this document will be referred to as the Training Management Manual.
1.3.1 The Training Management Manual should formalize facility policies and
procedures for training. Examples of sections that should be included in the
manual follow.
1. Introduction and Organization
Purpose and scope of the manual;
Manual compliance requirements;
Training program purpose and goals; and
Organizational relationships and reporting structure.
2. Qualification and Training Program Descriptions
Overview of qualification and training programs;
New employee orientation or indoctrination;
Visitor indoctrination;
Subcontractor indoctrination and training;
Descriptions of all training programs (individually or by
Instructor training and qualification;
Continuing training;
Proficiency requirements; and
Requalification (periodic, following disqualification, lapsed
qualification, etc.).
3. Training Program Material Development and Administration
Training/Evaluation Standards;
Checklists or qualification cards;
Lesson plans, on-the-job-training (OJT) guides, lab guides, etc.;
Training aids and reference material.
4. Training Program Standards and Policies
Academic standards;
OJT (conduct and evaluation);
Lectures, seminars, training exercises, etc.;
Signature requirements;
Student conduct and controls;
Disqualification procedures and policies; and
Exceptions, extensions, and waivers.
5. Administration
Training and qualification records;
Selection and qualification of instructors;
Training program development/change requests;
Audits (internal and external);
Evaluating training program effectiveness; and
Control of subcontracted training.
The process descriptions contained in this section describe a systematic approach to
identifying and documenting performance-based training requirements. The types of analysis
used for identifying training requirements include needs analysis, job analysis, and task
analysis. These analyses will provide assurance that training is the appropriate solution to
performance problems and identify requirements that serve as the basis for the design and
development of performance-based training programs. The process descriptions in this
section will assist users:
2.1 Determine Training Needs
Training needs are initially identified by reviewing regulatory requirements and
existing training programs, and/or conducting a needs analysis. These activities
enable facilities/sites/offices to determine training needs originating from performance
problems, regulatory requirements, and in some cases, requests for additional training
or changes to existing training.
2.1.1 Further in-depth analysis need not be conducted for training requirements
originating from a regulatory source [DOE Order, Occupational Safety and
Health Act (OSHA), etc.], since in essence the needs analysis has already been
done. These requirements are simply included and addressed in the design
and development phases of the training program. Likewise, additional
detailed needs analyses are not necessary for training programs that are in
place and are producing the desired results. However, needs analyses are
appropriate when a discrepancy exists in the performance of the job. A needs
analysis should also be performed whenever changes to training or requests
for new training courses are received. The analysis provides assurance that
training is appropriate and ensures that it is not included elsewhere in the
training program.
2.1.2 A needs analysis can identify solutions to job performance discrepancies.
Substandard performance may be related to faulty equipment, inadequate
procedures, attitude of the workforce, etc. Prior to developing new courses
or modifying existing training programs, a needs analysis should be conducted
to determine that training is the appropriate solution. Proper conduct of the
analysis identifies the root cause(s) and serves as a basis for future plans to
correct identified performance discrepancies. The following questions should
be evaluated as part of this analysis.
1. Do performance deficiencies exist?
2. Are employees capable of performing their jobs?
3. Do they perform the job frequently?
4. Have previous employees been able to perform these jobs?
5. Are operating procedures adequate or have they changed significantly?
6. Are identified deficiencies training-related?
2.1.3 An effective needs analysis must involve subject matter experts (SMEs) such
as job incumbents and supervisors who are knowledgeable of the job
requirements and standards of performance. Job data collected from these
sources provide insight into performance problems and valuable input into
actions planned to correct them. Analysis of performance problems should
follow a logical sequence and continue until the root cause is established. In
general, the following sequence should be followed.
1. Identify specific symptoms of the problem clearly.
2. List possible alternative causes to the problem.
3. Investigate each alternative cause until it can be eliminated or
confirmed as a contributor.
2.1.4 Circumstances generally having training-related implications may include the
1. Performance-based training programs for key positions are not in place.
2. The facility has a shortage of qualified personnel.
3. Major changes in job scope have occurred.
4. Changes to requirements have occurred.
5. Plant or equipment modifications are not routinely incorporated into training
2.1.5 Any actions taken and decisions made during the needs analysis shall be
documented. This documentation provides an important element that supports
and validates the training program since a critical part of the training program
records is the rationale that supports related decisions. A form similar to the
"Training Needs Analysis Report" (Attachment 1) may be used to document
findings and recommendations. These records should be maintained
throughout the life of the training program to substantiate development efforts
and subsequent modifications.
2.1.6 If a valid task list exists for a training program and a needs analysis results in
the identification of additional tasks for a program, the tasks should be added
to the task list. If the analysis does not result in identification of new tasks, the
task list for the program should be reviewed to determine if the task titles need
to be revised, or if any task needs to be changed to train or no-train (refer to
Section 2.3.3 of this Handbook). If a valid task list for the program does not
exist, a needs analysis may result in the development of a specific course that
satisfies a training need for a specific task. This task should then be included in
the task list when a job analysis when it is performed.
2.2 Develop a Valid Task List
A job analysis is conducted to develop a detailed list of duty areas and tasks for a
specific job or position. It can also supply information to develop a job/position
description, if desired. Job analyses also allow comparison of existing training
programs to established requirements and identify deficiencies in the adequacy of
program content. For existing programs, the job analysis provides reasonable
assurance that all tasks essential to safe and efficient operation are addressed by the
training program. It also identifies parts of the training program that are unnecessary,
thus resulting in a more effective training program and more efficient utilization of
resources. For facilities/sites/offices developing new programs, the job analysis
provides the information necessary to identify tasks associated with the job. Training
design and development activities can then be based on actual needs, as opposed to
perceived needs.
All pertinent information regarding position-specific job analyses should be
documented in a job analysis report, which becomes part of the training program file
for each specified position. This report describes the process/methodology used to
conduct the job analysis, the names and positions of individuals conducting the
analysis, and the results of the analysis. The following sections provide general
guidance pertaining to performing job analyses.
2.2.1 Review Available Job Information. The first step in job analysis is a
review of available job information. This review provides input to an initial
list of tasks and duty areas, and serves as the starting point for further
analysis. The following are examples of the types of documents that should
be reviewed.
1. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs);
2. Group, Department, and/or Division Procedures;
3. Standing Directives (SDs), Standard Practices (Sps);
4. Technical Safety Requirements (TSR)/Standards;
5. Occurrence Reports (Ors);
6. Job Questionnaires/Job Descriptions;
7. Equipment/System Operating Manuals;
8. Existing Qualification Documents; and
9. Studies employing job or task analyses of similar jobs (e.g., DOE,
Edison Electric Institute, Institute of Nuclear Power Operations,
Nuclear Regulatory Commission).
Information gained from observation of job incumbents performing the tasks
should be used in the review, as should any data that has been collected related
to extremely effective or ineffective performance.
This review is conducted for the following reasons.
1. It enables the person conducting the analysis to better understand the
nature of the job;
2. It identifies how much, if any, of the job analysis work has already
been completed; and
3. It yields information to write a job description if one does not already
2.2.2 Select and Train Job Analysts. Personnel selected to conduct the job
analysis should include SMEs, supervisors for the job or position undergoing
analysis, and representation from departments involved in the decision-making
process. These departments may include Operations, Training, and Human
Resources. Representation from these groups promotes better cooperation
and understanding during and after the analysis. The persons selected should
be supportive of the job analysis activity and trained in the process.
Training for those participating in the job analysis is necessary because the
participants are much more likely to be knowledgeable in the details of the job
being analyzed than they are in the process by which the analysis is conducted.
A short course is recommended to explain the purpose, value, and
methodology for collecting job analysis data.
2.2.3 Develop the Task Listing. In addition to the information obtained from the
document review, SMEs from the prospective user group are consulted for
compilation of the task lists. A task list is developed using the following
general process.
1. The job is broken down into duty areas that are part of the job
2. Initial task lists are developed; and
3. Task statements are written to describe individual tasks.
Duty areas are groups of tasks that constitute a major subdivision of a job.
They integrate specific knowledge, skills, and abilities required by the job. An
example of a duty area for a reactor operator may be "the emergency core
cooling system;" for a cascade operator, "the cascade compressor lubricating
oil system;" and for a hot cell operator, "the cell ventilation system."
Examples of tasks for the above duty areas are "Start up the emergency core
cooling pump;" "Shift, inspect, and clean the lubricating oil strainers;" and
"Align the ventilation system for negative cell pressure," respectively.
Task statements should be written such that they are clear, complete, concise,
relevant, and stated at a consistent level. "Guidelines for Writing Task State-
ments" (Attachment 2) is a guide for preparing task statements and provides
examples of "dos" and "don'ts" for task statement development.
2.2.4 Validate the Task Listing. Validation of the initial task list can be
accomplished in numerous ways. A tabletop discussion using three or four
SMEs, job-qualified employees, and supervisors can provide reasonable
assurance that the initial task listing is accurate. Interviewing a limited
number of job incumbents may also be an appropriate method. The primary
concerns of the validation process are to ensure that:
1. All tasks performed are included on the task list;
2. The task statements accurately describe the tasks; and
3. Only those tasks associated with the job are included on the task list.
2.2.5 Prepare the Survey Questionnaire. Questionnaires are prepared for
distribution to job incumbents. They are used to verify the accuracy and
validity of the initial task list and identify which tasks will be selected for
training. Each questionnaire includes appropriate instructions for filling out
the form; a section for demographic information (personnel data); task
listings appropriately grouped by functional duty areas; rating scales
designed to gather information regarding the characteristics of each task;
and a listing of the tools, equipment, and references for task performance.
The job incumbent is asked during the survey to assign ratings in the
following categories: Task Importance, Task Difficulty, and Task Fre-
quency. The rating system is based on the criteria contained in "Task
Rating System" (Attachment 3). Clear, complete instructions should be
included on the questionnaire. Attachment 4 is a questionnaire example
that may be used.
2.2.6 Select the Survey Sample and Conduct the Survey. Questionnaires should
be administered to a representative sample of the overall group, division, or
department to ensure validity of response information. Considerations to be
made concerning number and types of survey respondents include experience
of the job incumbents, availability, and restrictions imposed by operational or
production requirements. Qualified supervisors should be included in the
survey. The survey sample size should be as large as possible to assure a
representative sample of the prospective work group population.
2.2.7 Analyze the Survey Results. Survey results are compiled and analyzed by the
training organization. As a minimum, the reported results should contain the
1. Frequency of task performance;
2. Importance (consequences of inadequate performance);
3. Difficulty of task performance; and
4. All additional tasks, identified by survey respondents, that were not
included in the initial survey.
Any differences between supervisor responses and job incumbent responses are
resolved during the analysis of the data. Differences may occur because of the
different perspectives of the respondents and the emphasis each group places on
individual tasks. Large deviations in numerical responses to individual tasks
should also be investigated during this analysis. It is helpful to compile the
results of the questionnaires on a form similar to "Job Analysis Tabulation"
(Attachment 5). Data entered on this form are the numerical averages from all
returned questionnaires (excluding supervisors). Data from the averages of the
supervisor questionnaires are used to help determine the validity of the survey.
Survey results can be compiled by hand or by use of a computerized data
base management system. Several software systems are readily available if
a computer system is used. Before the responses are entered into the data
base, each returned questionnaire should be checked to identify any
problems that might invalidate responses. Upon completion of data entry,
the survey data can be analyzed as desired for the overall ratings of each
scale for each task. These results can then be used to determine which
tasks, if any, are selected for detailed analysis.
2.3 Select Tasks for Training
2.3.1 Develop Numerical Averaging Criteria. After analyzing the survey results
the numerical averages of the responses are used to identify which tasks will
be selected for training. Tasks are selected or deselected for training using a
systematic process similar to the one illustrated in Figure 1. This process
involves the establishment of criteria for each category that represents tasks
according to their average numeric position on the questionnaire scales (e.g.,
Difficulty: very, moderate, not). The numeric cutoff points should be based
on consideration of the relative impact of the category on the operation
concerned. Figure 1 contains example ranges for each of the categories.
Normally, Task Importance and Task Difficulty have a greater impact than
Task Frequency, and the outcome of the decision tree reflects this.
2.3.2 Apply Responses to the Decision Tree. After the criteria developed in
Section 2.3.1 have been established, the numerical average of each of the tasks
is inserted into the decision tree (Figure 1) and the proper path is chosen.
Tasks should then be sorted into groups according to similar combinations of
average difficulty, importance, and frequency ratings as shown in Figure 1.
The decisions arrived at using this procedure result in a grouping of tasks
along a scale so that one end of the scale contains difficult, important, and
frequently performed tasks; the other end of the scale contains the easy, less
important, and infrequently performed tasks. Tasks that are identified as No
Train should be reviewed by subject matter experts and supervision to assure
that no formal training is needed.
2.3.3 Develop a Train/No Train/Overtrain List. Each group of tasks, in turn, is
associated with a recommendation to train, not to train, or to overtrain as
TRAIN. Provide a combination of formal training (e.g., classroom, on-the-job,
drills, simulators, etc.).
NO TRAIN. No Train is not to be interpreted to mean that no training at
all is required. It means that no formal training (refer to Train above) is
necessary; the task can be learned on the job.
OVERTRAIN. Provide a combination of formal training plus periodic
practice of the task (retraining).
2.3.4 Validate the Lists. At this point, the Train/No Train/Overtrain lists should
be reviewed by a committee. This review is intended to provide concurrence
and/or refinement to the list of tasks identified for training. The committee
should consist of representatives from training, SMEs, and management since
Figure-1. Criteria for Selecting Tasks for Training
decisions will be made at this point that will determine the amount of time and
resources that will be dedicated to subsequent activities.
Selection or deselection of tasks for training should be based primarily on the
results of the job analysis. Care should be taken to ensure that training needs
are considered and training requirements, originating from regulatory sources,
are included.
2.4 Prepare a Task-to-Training Matrix
The purpose of a Task-to-Training Matrix (TTM) is to provide one document that can
be used to guide the maintenance of a training program. It provides a ready reference
for evaluating the impact of procedure changes, criteria for selecting tasks for training,
updated technical information, revised learning objectives, etc. The matrix should
contain information for all tasks, whether selected for training or not. All related
training and reference material should be included for the tasks selected for training.
Tasks not selected for training should be listed in a separate section of the matrix and
should include only related reference material. For new training programs, the matrix
should be initiated following collection of job analysis data. As the later phases of the
SAT are completed, additional information should be identified for inclusion into the
matrix. For existing training programs, the TTM should be completed for all
applicable training material (initial and continuing) and related references. This
information provides the basis for analysis of existing training materials. Attachment
6, "Task-to-Training Matrix" provides an example.
2.5 Conduct an Analysis of Existing Training Material
At this point in the analysis phase, a comparison of existing training materials should
be conducted. This is best accomplished using a committee made up of at least three
SMEs and one or two knowledgeable people from the training organization. Existing
lesson plans, lesson guides, OJT guides, and test questions, etc., should be compared
to the criteria included in the process discussed in Section 3 of this Handbook to
ascertain whether the existing materials are adequate.
2.5.1 Using the list of tasks selected for training, and the applicable operating
procedures, review existing training materials for the following:
1. Training material exists that addresses the tasks identified for training;
2. Terminal objectives are included and are accurate and consistent with
the task statement;
3. Standards for qualification are consistent with the terminal objectives;
4. Enabling objectives are included and sequenced such that they
accurately reflect the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to
perform the task elements contained in the applicable procedure; and
5. Test items (questions) accurately measure the performance under the
conditions and standards required by the objectives and the procedure.
2.5.2 The outcome of this analysis places the tasks selected for training in one of
three categories: training for the task is adequate, training for the task exists
and requires changes, or training for the task does not exist.
2.6 Conduct a Task Analysis
Although included in this process for consistency, in actual practice, task analyses,
design, and development activities normally occur concurrently for most tasks. As
training is designed and developed for the tasks selected for training, each task should
be analyzed to determine the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for satisfactory
accomplishment of the task. Task analysts should be selected and further trained in
the process.
2.6.1 Task analysis data collection forms should be developed to meet specific
division/department needs. Task information to be collected includes:
1. Initial conditions (prerequisites) required for task performance;
2. Standards (criteria) for acceptable task performance (e.g., limits,
ranges, time requirements);
3. Critical elements (steps) that must be performed to accomplish the task
properly; and
4. Associated knowledge, skill, and ability statements required to perform
particular elements of the task or the overall task.
2.6.2 Procedures for conditions, standards, and elements associated with a task may
be referenced if the information is adequately addressed in the procedure.
2.6.3 Task analysis information may be collected by one or more of the following
1. Incumbent/subject matter expert interviews using guidelines or
previous task analyses;
2. In-depth procedural review; and
3. Subject matter expert consensus group meetings.
The particular method(s) used will be dependent upon manpower availability,
plant production/operation requirements, and budgetary restraints.
2.6.4 When a task is large or complex, compiling key data on some type of analysis
form can ensure that the required knowledge and skills are not overlooked.
"Task Analysis Data Collection Form" (Attachment 7) and "Task Worksheet"
form (Attachment 8) are examples of typical task analysis data collection
2.6.5 Documentation collected during task analysis should be retained as part of the
training course file and updated periodically as required by procedural changes,
equipment/system modifications, management policy changes, and/or job
2.7 Application of Job or Task Analysis Information
Information collected during the analysis is translated into training program
requirements. Analysis data are also used to validate training program content and
ensure that training reflects actual job requirements for both existing and newly
developed material. The process contained in Section 3 describes the application of
analysis data in the design of training programs.
2.8 Training Development/Changes
As additional training requirements are identified by user groups, requests for the
development of new training materials and/or modifications of existing materials
should be made. "Training Development/Change Request" (Attachment 9) is an
example of a form that could be used.
2.9 Analysis Checklist
For ease in tracking activities during the analysis phase, use of a checklist is
encouraged. This will allow individuals involved in the process to better plan and
coordinate their activities. An example of an analysis checklist is given in "Analysis
Checklist" (Attachment 10).
2.10 Key Considerations
The following key considerations should be emphasized when performing and
evaluating activities of the analysis process:
1. A systematic process involving both training and facility personnel is used to
analyze training needs.
2. Alternative solutions to performance problems, including training and other
management initiatives, are considered thoroughly before committing
3. Job performance requirements are identified through reviews of existing job
data and/or surveys of workers and are confirmed by subject matter experts.
4. Clear standards and uniform methods are used to collect, analyze, and review
job and task data.
5. A panel of subject matter experts is used to assist training personnel when
selecting tasks for analysis and training.
6. Tasks are identified for initial and/or continuing training.
The approach described in this section outlines the basic processes used to design training
programs that are based upon the job-related/performance-based information (i.e., training
needs, task lists, tasks selected for training) collected during analysis. This section is
organized into the major headings of the design process.
3.1 Write Terminal Objectives
Terminal learning objectives (TLOs) are learning objectives that clearly state the
measurable performance the trainee will be able to demonstrate at the conclusion of
training, including conditions and standards of performance. They are translated
directly from the task statement, and provide the framework for the development of
training/evaluation standards, enabling objectives, and lesson plans. Care must be
taken when developing and writing learning objectives. Trainees must clearly
understand them, or they are of limited use. Related terminal objectives must be
written for each task statement before any other design work is begun. Refer to
Attachment 11, "Guidelines for Writing Learning Objectives."
3.1.1 Determine Appropriate Training Setting. When writing a terminal
objective, the training setting must be considered since it must be balanced
against available resources and facility constraints. The training setting is the
environment in which training is conducted and should be consistent with the
task. Training settings include:
1. Self-Paced Instruction. This is any form of instruction that does
not require the presence of an instructor at the training setting.
However, feedback must be provided. Self-paced instruction can
be in printed form, in audiovisual form, in the form of a kit that can
be assembled or manipulated, or in the form of a computer-assisted
instruction program. Training that meets the following conditions
can be considered for self-paced instruction:
Training for the task does not require close supervision.
Unsupervised training is not likely to result in injury to
employees or damage to plant equipment. In addition,
immediate feedback from a supervisor is not required for
the trainee to achieve mastery.
New personnel are not required to perform the tasks
All conditions can either be provided in the training materials
or made available in the facility when needed by the trainee.
Tasks that require special facilities, conditions, or equipment
not readily available in the facility should be considered for
another training setting.
The task does not require extended periods to achieve mastery.
Tasks that are very difficult or extremely difficult suggest
lengthy training durations and are more suited to settings that
provide supervision and immediate feedback.
2. On-the-Job Training (OJT). OJT is formal training that is conducted
and evaluated in the work environment. If the job permits the assignment
of tasks to OJT, and a system is in place to handle the administration and
testing involved in OJT, tasks can be considered for assignment to this
setting. OJT has the advantage of providing continuous training on tasks
that are of immediate need to the trainee. Further, OJT can continue for
whatever length of time is necessary for the trainee to achieve mastery.
OJT is limited to those situations where it is administratively possible to
conduct the training and where OJT can be conducted without
interference to ongoing facility operations. Training that meets the
following conditions can be considered for OJT:
Assignment of trainees can be made in small groups and spread
over a sufficiently long period of time.
There are no critical resource (manpower, material, facility
availability) constraints in the plant, and multiple training
conditions can be provided in the job environment.
Qualified personnel are available to conduct OJT.
- If the tasks meet all the guidelines listed above, they
should be considered for OJT. If one or more of the
guidelines are not met, the tasks should be considered for
assignment to the remaining settings.
- It should be noted that for each job position there may be
certain "must perform" items. The OJT setting is a
preferable setting to adequately train and assess
3. Simulator. Training that is conducted in or on a device that duplicates
the physical appearance; operating conditions during normal, abnormal,
and emergency conditions; and indications associated with the actual
work environment. This setting, though expensive, is suited for training
tasks requiring a high degree of trainee-system interaction, but for which
OJT is not appropriate. For example, some of these tasks are
performed infrequently and would not be encountered normally in
the course of OJT. Tasks that meet the following conditions can be
considered for simulator training:
Similarity to the actual task is required for the trainee to achieve
Problem diagnosis under stressful situations is an integral part of
Teamwork is an important part of the task.
Training of the tasks in the OJT setting would interfere with
ongoing facility operations, would introduce unnecessary safety
hazards, or would not be encountered in the course of normal job
A simulator exists or can be obtained that sufficiently resembles
the physical and operational characteristics of the facility.
The physical performance skills and system interaction
components of the tasks are sufficiently great to require a fair
amount of repetitious practice.
4. Laboratory/Workshop. Training that emphasizes hands-on practical
experience in a controlled environment, but which is not necessarily
conducted at the actual job site. Laboratory/workshop training should
be considered if multiple job conditions (environment, system,
equipment, etc.) are required for task performance. Laboratories and
workshops permit application of course material by the trainees in a
hands-on environment. They are particularly effective when used to
train basic skills that support task performance. Training that meets
the following conditions can be considered for laboratory/workshop
Tasks, elements, and skills require hands-on practice to achieve
Constraints exist that make OJT impractical.
5. Classroom. Training presented to groups of various sizes, typified by
stand-up lecture, seminar, or group interaction. Classroom instruction
works well for presentation of fundamental and basic theoretical
knowledge. Because a classroom training setting does not replicate
on-the-job conditions, it is recommended that a combination of
classroom and other settings be used in the course of instruction.
Training that meets the following conditions can be considered
for classroom training:
Large quantities of information will be presented during
A large group of trainees will be scheduled for training at
a given time.
Other training settings are not suitable or available.
There are no critical resource constraints. (Everything required
for training can be provided at the classroom facility.)
When evaluating the design of an existing training program or addressing a
performance deficiency, determine if the current training setting for the task is
the best instructional choice. If it is not, it may be necessary to select another
training setting and/or modify the learning objectives and lesson material to
incorporate the setting selected. For new programs, evaluate each setting and
select the setting most consistent with the task, taking into account available
resources and facility constraints. Write the terminal objective based on the
task and the setting.
3.1.2 Sequence the Terminal Objectives. All terminal objectives for tasks
identified for inclusion in the training program must now be sequenced and
organized into instructional areas. Objectives are normally sequenced from
simple to complex. The sequence should allow each terminal objective to
build upon and provide information necessary to support the next terminal
objective within that instructional area. They should be sequenced in a logical
progression which takes into account the level of learning that must take place
in order to build to the next objective. This will ensure the entire training
program is sequenced correctly.
3.2 Develop Training/Evaluation Standards (TESs)
After the terminal objectives have been written, it is necessary to ensure that when
training materials are developed they are directly linked to the objectives. The
development of a Training/Evaluation Standard (TES) can help to ensure that this
vital link is maintained. The purpose of the TES is to provide the basis for the
development of objective-based training materials and to maintain consistency in
the evaluation of student performance. Each TES is directly related to a specific
job task (or group of very similar tasks) identified during job analysis.
The TES contains two sections; Training and Evaluation.
1. The Training section contains the task title and number, the terminal and
enabling objectives, and the applicable references. The information contained
in this section will form the basis for the training development activities that
2. The Evaluation section contains a performance test that includes prerequisites,
amplifying conditions and standards, and instructions to the trainee and the
evaluator. This performance test is used to measure the adequacy of a trainee's
performance on a particular job-related task. There are several names used for
the evaluation section of this standard, each varying in format and degree of
documentation (e.g., job performance measures, qualification standards, and
OJT checklists). The evaluation section of the TES can also be used to
evaluate the performance of existing job incumbents. Incumbents may not
have had the opportunity to participate in the newly developed performance--
based training program. By evaluating their performance using the
performance test in the TES, the merit of prior training can be assessed, and
appropriate remedial training can be assigned if necessary.
It is during the development of the TES that the majority of task analysis occurs, since
many of the knowledge and skill requirements for task elements are identified while
writing these standards. The advantage of performing task analysis at this point is
1. It reduces unproductive data gathering by providing early determination of
entry-level requirements and course prerequisites. This results in the
generation of a set of enabling objectives that can be provided to a training
2. A document is generated that establishes the performance requirements
necessary to evaluate trainee task performance.
Placing task analysis data into a computer data base will greatly facilitate the
construction of a TES. A computer program could easily sort the data and print it out
in the desired TES format. Also, the data base could be utilized to sort and organize
the knowledge, skill and abilities (KSAs) and objectives to identify areas of
commonality, and to group-related KSAs or objectives for ease of sequencing.
The TES can be formatted several ways, but should include the following components
at a minimum:
1. Task Number and Title - Unique number and task statement from the
Task-to-Training Matrix;
2. Terminal Objective - Derived from the task statement;
3. Enabling Objectives - Derived from the knowledge and skills identified
during task analysis;
4. References - Applicable procedures, technical safety requirements, etc.,
related to task performance;
5. Performance Test - Designed to measure mastery of the terminal objective;
6. Prerequisites - List of qualifications, courses of instruction, etc., that must be
completed prior to administration of the performance test;
7. Amplifying Conditions and Criteria - Provide clarification or amplification of
the conditions and standards stated in the objectives;
8. Instructions - Clear instructions to the trainee and the evaluator on how to use
the standard; and
9. Approval Signature - Appropriate signature and the date the performance test
is approved.
Each TES can either stand alone or be incorporated into a larger document for ease of
reference, recordkeeping, and training program description. An example of this type
of document, for a single task, is found in Attachment 12, "Sample
Training/Evaluation Standard (TES)."
The following steps are performed when developing the TES:
3.2.1 Determine Testing Limitations. The first step is to review the task and
terminal objective to determine potential testing constraints. The testing must
reflect the stated terminal objective. Constraints include availability of time,
limited work force or equipment, and inadequate resources. If performance of
an entire task would impose unreasonable demands on facilities or equipment,
develop the evaluation portion of the TES using a sample of the task elements.
If actual task performance is not feasible due to limitations, simulation of the
task should be considered. It is important to recognize that a "best
approximation" for a standard of performance is not always adequate. Key
portions of a task must be "perform" items whenever existing facility
conditions permit.
3.2.2 Determine Elements of the Task to be Tested. Step two is where task
analysis begins. The process of task analysis has often been an invisible
activity that is performed by an instructor. In many cases, this method of
analysis is adequate and has resulted in enabling objectives and appropriate
training content. However, visible task analysis information can help to
ensure that key information will not be overlooked when developing training
or performance tests. To aid in this endeavor, forms on which to compile task
analysis information can be very useful when tasks are complex, lengthy, or
unfamiliar to an instructional developer. There are a variety of forms available
that will satisfy the user's needs. Attachment 13, "TES Development
Worksheet" is a form that will not only provide space to collect key elements
and KSAs but also provides space to identify KSAs as entry-level and write
enabling objectives.
Begin by listing all of the task elements on Attachment 13. If an adequate
procedure exists for the task, it may not be necessary to list the element
description on the worksheet. In this case, it would be appropriate to list the
element number from the procedure. If it is determined that, due to testing
constraints, complete duplication of the task in the TES performance test is
unrealistic, then the elements of the task should be examined. Elements that
include important decision points can be used to measure successful
performance of the entire task. Those key elements would then be listed on
the worksheet.
3.2.3 Identify Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs). Using the list of all task
elements, it is now necessary identify the KSAs required to perform those
elements. Attachment 15, "Completed TES Development Worksheet"
provides an example of how the TES Worksheet may be used to record this
3.2.4 Determine Entry-Level Requirements. In every training program, the
entry-level KSAs of the trainee must be considered. By properly establishing
the entry-level requirements, new learning will be based upon what the
trainees already know, and the trainees will not be wasting time on objectives
they have already mastered.
The entry-level requirements should be based on a familiarity with the general
level of KSAs of the trainees, and by a careful review of documents such as
job descriptions, position descriptions, or personnel qualification
requirements. The entry-level requirement should be set at a point where
most trainees have the required KSAs. Any required KSAs that the trainees
do not possess upon entry will have to be taught as part of the overall training
program. Remedial lessons may be necessary for those trainees who do not
meet the entry-level requirements.
One way to determine entry-level is to develop and administer an entry-level
test. This test can determine if personnel meet the entry-level requirements,
and serves to focus the training at the appropriate level. This can be
especially helpful when evaluating an existing program since it allows
comparison of existing job incumbent training level to the desired level.
It should be noted that entry-level testing is optional and can be affected by
contractual agreement. It is essential, however, that a system be in place to
enable verification that trainees meet the established entry-level requirements.
The system should include a course of action for those personnel who fail to
meet the requirements.
3.2.5 Determine Amplifying Conditions and Standards. The conditions and
standards stated in the terminal objective may need further clarification to allow
proper evaluation of task performance. For this reason, any additional
conditions or standards that serve to amplify the terminal objective or individual
task elements should be listed in the TES. Care should be exercised to ensure
that the additional conditions and standards do not change the intention of the
terminal objective.
Ideally, the conditions and standards applied during training and testing should
be identical to those existing during actual task performance. However, if
some testing constraints were determined to exist, the conditions and standards
used during training will be a compromise. Although a compromise, the
conditions and standards applied during training and testing must be designed
to be the best possible assessment of the trainee's ability to perform the task
under actual conditions.
3.2.6 Write Enabling Objectives. Enabling objectives are learning objectives that
support the terminal objective. They include the critical components of
performance, conditions, and standards. Enabling objectives should be written
directly from the KSAs required for element performance. Any identified
KSAs that are not included in the entry-level requirements must be
incorporated into an enabling objective. See Attachment 11, "Guidelines for
Writing Learning Objectives," for information on how to write learning
Enabling objectives should be sequenced logically, moving from simple to
complex, and from lower to higher levels of learning. Often, the required
sequence will drive the outline and content of the lesson plan and other
training material. If TESs are developed for all tasks identified for a
particular training program, enabling objectives that are common to several
tasks may be grouped into one lesson of instruction. This grouping can
increase the efficiency and cost effectiveness of a training program by
reducing duplication. For this reason, a computerized system that can sort
by enabling objective title can be invaluable.
When evaluating an existing program or a performance deficiency, identify
which enabling objective(s) support each terminal objective. Each should then
be evaluated for correct standards and conditions of performance, for clarity
and conciseness, and for support of the terminal objective.
3.2.7 Determine Scoring Methods. Scoring methods are determined when
constructing the evaluation section of the TES. In some evaluation standards,
referenced procedures may provide detailed, step-by-step descriptions of
required performance, and therefore provide an effective scoring method.
Another method is to prepare a performance checklist that incorporates the
action steps or elements of task performance. The trainee is required to follow
each step, usually without deviation. See Attachment 12. For other tasks,
where strict adherence to procedural sequence may not be required, the
product of performance (i.e., a tangible result) can provide a measurement of
successful task completion. When developing the TES, scorable items must be
clearly defined to distinguish between satisfactory and unsatisfactory
After completion of the TES development, a review of the TES should be done to
ensure that it includes the desired characteristics. For an example, see Attachment
14, "TES Review Checklist."
3.3 Develop Test Items
Test items are developed to be consistent with the learning objectives. The purpose
of the test item is to measure trainee performance against the criteria stated in the
learning objective. The test item development sequence is as follows:
3.3.1 Determine Test Item Format. Test items are developed from the learning
objectives to measure trainee skills, recall, and/or application of information.
Test item formats that are preferred in a performance-based system include
performance, completions/short answer, multiple choice, matching, alternate
choice, and drawing/labeling. Other test item formats may have applications
in specific situations.
Selection of test item format is guided by action verbs of the learning
objectives. Action verbs of the learning objectives suggest one format to be
more appropriate for use in testing than others.
1. Skill action verbs suggest a performance test format, and knowledge
action verbs suggest one or more of the written formats. For
example, "start" and "shut down" are skill actions verbs that suggest
a performance test format.
2. Completion/short-answer format is appropriate for many knowledge
actions verbs, including "recall," "identify," and "list."
3. Action verbs such as "discriminate" and "select" should be tested
using a multiple choice format.
4. Learning objectives that require the student to "classify" or "relate"
should be tested in the matching format. See "Test Item Formats"
(Attachment 16) for guidelines of test characteristics.
3.3.2 Determine the Number of Test Items to be Developed. The appropriate
number of test items for each learning objective depends on a number of
factors. Although at least one test item must be developed for each learning
objective, certain considerations justify development of more than one test
item for a given learning objective. For example, tasks used to develop the
learning objectives that were rated at or near the maximum scale of
importance and/or difficulty would suggest a larger number of test items than
those tasks rated near the minimum scale.
3.3.3 Develop Skill and Knowledge Test Items. Test items should be written
after the format is selected and the number of test items is determined. Test
items must have answer keys written at this time.
3.3.4 Validate Contents of Test Items. Content validation is the process by
which test items are determined to be sound and incontestable as to meaning
and correct answer. Each test item should be reviewed by at least three
subject matter experts. Each should agree on what the test item is asking
and the correct response. These validation reviews should be documented.
3.3.5 Incorporate Items into Test Bank for Future Use. A test item bank should
be developed and maintained current. The items in the test bank will be used
in the future to construct entry-level tests, preinstruction tests, progress tests,
or after instruction tests. A tracking system should be developed to correlate
test items to the corresponding learning objective.
3.4 Construct Tests
The construction of tests at this time is optional. However, tests must be constructed
prior to implementing the training program. Tests are a form of evaluation that
instructors can use to measure the results or effectiveness of their stated objectives.
Test items should be constructed and scored in an objective, rather than subjective,
manner. An objective test can be scored without the exercise of personal opinion.
The length of a test should not exceed the number of test items which could be
answered in two hours by the average trainee. This may require assembling several
tests for a given instructional area. The following steps are involved in the
development of tests:
3.4.1 Develop Test Specifications. Learning objective levels are broken down into
three levels: knowledge of facts, terms, and symbols; comprehension of
principles and concepts; and application of information, principles, and
concepts. Tests should have the appropriate number and mix of test items
based on the importance of each area being tested and the level of learning
objective. For example, if 50% of the learning objectives are written at the
comprehension of principles level, and the majority of test items used are
knowledge of facts, terms, and symbols, then the test is not representative of
the learning required. Learning objectives that are more difficult to master
and critical to job performance should have more test items represented on the
test. The test specification is developed so that these concerns are addressed.
See "Sample Test Specification Form for 50-Item General Employee Test"
(Attachment 17).
The completed test specification should be reviewed by subject matter experts
and facility management. This review can help to ensure that a sufficient
number of learning objectives are tested to predict performance.
3.4.2 Assemble the Test. Tests are assembled using the following general
1. Select the appropriate test items based on the test specifications;
2. Group test items with the same format together;
3. Group items of similar content together to help the concentration of
the test taker;
4. Design the format of the test to have a place for the trainee's name,
clearly marked page numbers, sufficient space between the questions,
and clear distinctions between the different sections;
5. The test key should be prepared when the test is constructed. This is
especially important for essay and short-answer questions;
6. Test directions should be written clearly and included on the test. A
model answer may help to clarify directions;
7. Point allocations for each answer should be indicated and consistent
with importance of the learning objective that the test item is testing;
8. The content of the tests should be changed from one exam to the next
so they are not compromised.
3.5 Write Training Development and Administrative Guide
A Training Development and Administrative Guide should not be confused with the
facility's Training Management Manual (see Introduction) which outlines the facility
training policies and procedures that guide the development of all training. A
Training Development and Administrative Guide is a management tool for the
administration of an individual training program. It is used to gain management
approval of the program and guide development and implementation efforts. Though
not part of this guide, additional specifications may be developed to clarify and detail
the required characteristics of individual courses or lessons. Approval should include
training management and the management of the organization for which the training
is being developed. An example of this guide is in the Sample Training Development
and Administrative Guide (Attachment 18).
The Training Development and Administrative Guide is not intended to be a large
document. However, inclusion of the course outline could require several pages.
The example outlined in Attachment 18 is just a few pages from each section of an
outline, which is 21 pages in length. The rest of the document should only be a few
pages in length. It should have appropriate signatures indicated for review and
The following discussion outlines the major steps in developing procedures for the
3.5.1 Determine the Training Organization and Administrative
Responsibilities. Each contractor should have training responsibilities
established as a guide for personnel that are responsible for various portions
of the program. Typical questions to be answered are:
1. Who will develop the lesson material?
2. Who will perform reviews of material and when?
3. Who will present the material and document it?
4. What are the interfaces between the training personnel and the referent
3.5.2 Determine Course Loading and Scheduling Requirements. These are
determined by using training requirements identified during the analysis phase
and the projected availability of new and existing facility employees who will
require training. Course loading and scheduling should be based on the
availability of qualified instructors, capacity of facilities, and availability of
3.5.3 Establish Trainee Evaluation Guidelines. Evaluation criteria should provide
for testing, placement, recycling, remedial training, and follow-up evaluation
during on-the-job performance. Trainee evaluation guidelines should address
the following:
1. Basis and method for exception from parts of the training program;
2. Evaluation method of trainee performance throughout the program;
3. Guidelines for disposition of trainees whose performance is
4. Provisions for counseling and remedial instruction, recycling to earlier
segments of training, or removal from the program when appropriate;
5. Evaluation of trainee comprehension and retention of material (i.e.,
using a post test).
It should be noted that several of the items above may be addressed in the
facility Training Management Manual. Therefore, they would not have to be
included in the guide, but should be referenced.
3.5.4 Specify Required Instructor Qualifications. Determine instructors'
qualifications based on the training program needs. Qualified trainers, subject
matter experts, job incumbents, or others should be utilized as appropriate.
See the Guide to Good Practice for Training and Qualification of Instructors,
3.5.5 Determine Required Training Resources and Facilities. To ensure that
facilities and resources are available to support training activities, the guide
should address physical facilities, equipment, and reference materials.
1. Physical facilities and equipment include the following:
Classroom facilities;
Laboratories and workshop facilities;
Audiovisual aids and equipment;
Tools and equipment; and
Office space and furnishings.
2. Technical reference material should cover topics at a level appropriate
for the program, instructor, and trainee; should be applicable to facility
systems and equipment; and should be current with facility
3.5.6 Prescribe Test Administration Guidelines. These guidelines should include
the following:
1. Security, including accountability of test items to avoid compromise
during reproduction, storage, use, and evaluation;
2. Prior notification to trainees of materials needed for the test and the
procedure to be followed during the test;
3. Testing instructions to the trainee that include purpose of the test,
importance of following test item instructions, time limitations, and
special instructions for the answer sheet;
4. Development and use of answer keys;
5. Evaluation of test results using training standards established during
test item development;
6. Disposition of test results, including review with and counseling of
trainees; and
7. Provisions to vary the content of tests to prevent compromise.
3.5.7 Establish Supplemental Training Record Requirements. This should
include retention periods and entry and retrieval procedures to provide the
1. Records relating to training programs that permit review of content,
schedule, and results of past and current programs; and
2. Individual trainee records that include a history of trainee performance
and permit verification of required qualifications.
3.5.8 Develop the Course Curriculum Outline. This outline serves as a guide for
development of course material. It outlines, by training setting, the learning
objectives in the prescribed sequence.
3.5.9 Prepare the Development and Implementation Schedule. Course, unit,
and lesson objectives should be organized and scheduled. A schedule should
be prepared to define the milestones for development and implementation
activities. A simple milestone bar chart (e.g., Gantt Chart) to indicate major
activities is sufficient.
3.6 Key Considerations
The following are key considerations that should be emphasized when performing
and evaluating activities of the design process:
1. Training/evaluation standards contain job-related data for measuring task
2. Selection of training settings considers task, instructional, resource, and
logistical constraints;
3. Learning objectives are used to identify training content and satisfactory
trainee performance;
4. Learning objectives identify observable and measurable trainee action or
5. Test items are appropriate for the learning objectives;
6. Learning objectives are compatible with expected entry-level skills and
knowledge of trainees;
7. Learning objectives are sequenced to assist trainees in making the transitions
from one skill or knowledge level to another;
8. Pretests are developed to determine trainees' entry qualifications and to
identify remedial training and exception requirements as applicable;
9. Progress tests are developed to evaluate trainee performance and determine
the need for additional assistance;
10. Post-tests are developed to measure trainees' satisfactory completion of
training; and
11. Training standards for evaluating trainee test performance are established.
This Page Intentionally Blank
This section describes the processes used to develop training programs that are based upon
job-related performance-based information (i.e., training needs, task lists, tasks selected for
training) collected during the analysis phase and the work accomplished (learning objectives,
tests, Training Development and Administration Guide) during the design phase. The
development process includes the following.
4.1 Select Training Methods
Training methods selected should be based on the objectives and settings for the
course. Training methods are techniques of communicating instructional material to
trainees. They include lecture, demonstration/practice, discussion/facilitation, oral
questioning, role playing, walk-through, and self-pacing. Characteristics of each of
these methods are found in "Training Methods" (Attachment 19).
Although discussion and oral questioning have general application in all training
settings, other methods are more effective in certain training settings. For example:
Lecture generally is considered more appropriate for the classroom;
Demonstration and practice applies primarily to on-the-job training (OJT)
and laboratory and simulator training, although it can also be used in the
Role playing is particularly effective during simulator drills and exercises that
involve team training;
Walk-throughs serve to enhance training that is conducted in training settings
where the job environment is simulated; and
Self-pacing is a method generally reserved for self-study.
4.2 Develop Lesson Plans
Lesson plans are detailed expansions of the curriculum outline that ensure consistency
in the delivery of training from instructor to instructor and from student to student.
They are used by the instructor as the primary training tool to guide the learning
process and utilization of training materials. Lesson plans identify the learning
objectives, content, learning activities, training equipment, and training materials
needed for training and provide guidance for their use. In addition, properly
developed lesson plans perform the following functions:
Provide a degree of standardization of instruction;
Present a logical, sequential listing of content;
Prevent over— as well as under-emphasis of selected content;
Force instructors to analyze content prior to presentation;
Offer a ready format for revision;
Provide a record of contents presented;
List aids, equipment, and references used; and
Provide continuity between the lessons presented within a specific course,
especially when several instructors are involved.
4.2.1 Develop Lesson Plan Format. The first step in lesson plan development is
the determination of format. Instructor and trainee activities should be planned
so they occur at the proper stages in the learning process. Once a standard
format has been established, it should be used for all lesson plans. This
standard format should be specified in the facility Training Management
Manual, discussed in Section 1.0 of this Handbook. See the forms "Sample
Lesson Plan Format—Classroom," "Sample Lesson Plan Format—OJT,"
"Sample Lesson Plan Format—Simulator" (Attachments 20 through 22,
respectively) for sample lesson plan formats. While the printed design or
format of a lesson plan may differ, the lesson plan should include the following:
1. Cover Page
Labeling Information
- Course Title and Number - A title and a number unique
to that lesson plan
- Lesson Title - A title descriptive of the content
- Lesson Time - Approximate duration of the lesson
- Author - Individual who wrote or last revised the lesson
- Review and Approval Signatures
- Date - Date lesson plan was approved or last revised
- Revision Number - Current revision number;
Terminal and Enabling Objectives - The learning objectives for
the lesson;
Training Aids and Material Used - A list of all support material
and tests used during instruction with this lesson plan;
References - All pertinent references used to support the
content of the lesson plan (inclusion of page and paragraph for
text material is helpful); and
Prerequisites - Any courses, classes, qualifications, etc.,
required prior to beginning this instruction.
2. Historical Record Form
A section which includes documentation of the changes made to
a lesson plan, why they were made, and who made and
approved them. See "Training Materials Historical Record"
(Attachment 23).
3. Presentation Content
Introduction - A section which includes the purpose of the
lesson, the training session conduct and administration (i.e.,
breaks, smoking policy, outline of activities), and a statement of
the learning objectives;
Body - The lesson content, trainee, and instructor activities; and
Summary - A highlight of important points and review of learning
4.2.2 Write Content and Specify Learning Activities. The second step of lesson
plan development is the writing of content and learning activities. Although
writing the content of the lesson plan and specifying the learning activities can
be classified as separate activities, they occur concurrently when developing a
lesson plan. Instructor and trainee activities should be planned so that they
occur at the proper stages in the learning process. To ensure this proper timing,
content can appear on one half of the page and activities on the other.
Guidance for instructor activities is provided in "Instructor Activities"
(Attachment 24) for the following items:
1. Gaining and maintaining attention and motivating the trainee;
2. Informing the trainee of the learning objectives;
3. Electing recall of prerequisite knowledge;
4. Presenting the training material;
5. Providing learning guidance;
6. Electing mastery of the learning objectives;
7. Electing performance feedback;
8. Evaluating trainee performance; and
9. Enhancing retention and transfer of training material.
The content of the lesson material is derived from the elements of the enabling
objectives. Developers should use the training standard portion of the Training
Evaluation Standard that was developed during the design phase as a rough
outline for the development of this content. The sequenced enabling objectives
can be used as the content headings in the body of the lesson. Using enabling
objectives this way will aid in review, approval, and auditing of the lesson plan.
However, a simple outline of the material is not considered adequate for
instructional content because an outline is too brief and leads to subjective
instruction which does not assure need-to-know information will be covered.
Therefore, the outline should be developed in sufficient depth to assure mastery
of the learning objectives and coverage of all test items being used for trainee
evaluation. Some enabling objectives or portions of enabling objectives require
activities to make the content more easily understood. "Instructor Activities"
(Attachment 24) provides appropriate instructor activities for the introduction,
body, and summary sections of the lesson. Trainee activities should be selected
from methods listed in "Training Methods" (Attachment 19). The methods
should be selected based on the characteristics described in the attachment, the
learning needs of the students, and the learning objectives.
When revising an existing training program each lesson plan should be
evaluated to assure proper format, instructional continuity, and depth of
content. Existing lesson plans should not be discarded or considered
inadequate until they are thoroughly reviewed. See "Lesson Plan Checklist"
(Attachment 25) for a checklist to be used when reviewing lesson plans.
4.3 Develop Training Support Material
Training support materials refer to training equipment, audiovisual media, and printed
material. When selecting or developing training support materials, the type of
material is influenced by the learning objectives and method of instruction. Materials
should support the learning objectives and emphasize job-related information and
situations. The lesson specifies what training materials are required and when. A
guideline for incorporating training material into the lesson is found in "Training
Media" (Attachment 26). The following steps are performed when developing
training materials.
4.3.1 Specify Use of Audiovisual Media. The use of audiovisual media in
presenting course material can help maintain trainee interest, motivation, and
improve training efficiency and effectiveness. Media to be considered include
simulation, computer-aided instruction, film or videotape, sound slide or film
strip, audio recorder, transparencies, and written handouts.
The characteristics of a learning activity may suggest that a medium with
certain audiovisual capabilities will be more effective in displaying or
transmitting the desired information to the trainees. These characteristics
(visual, visual movement, exact scale, audio) are summarized in "Learning
Activity Characteristics " (Attachment 27). Each learning activity must be
analyzed to determine which of the characteristics should be reflected in the
audiovisual capabilities of the medium. These four characteristics are not
independent and combinations of them may be needed to display or transmit
the information effectively.
The media selected should be evaluated in terms of cost and practicality of use
in the training program. Factors to be considered in these evaluations include:
1. Projected life-cycle costs of the selected media;
2. Budgetary resources available, particularly if the media requires a
substantial capital investment;
3. Appropriateness of the media for the number of trainees to be trained at
a given time;
4. Frequency of changes to media;
5. Compatibility with existing programs; and
6. Lead time required to produce the media.
4.3.2 Review and Select from Existing Materials. Developing effective training
material requires creativity and is both costly and time-consuming. Adopting
or modifying existing material can reduce training development costs.
Existing course materials should be collected and reviewed to determine if
they meet in whole or in part the needs of the training program. Review
criteria for existing materials is found in "Existing Material Review Criteria"
(Attachment 28). Material selection should be based on an evaluation of
existing material against the following criteria:
1. Is it appropriate to expected trainee entry-level skills and knowledge?
2. Does it cover the learning objectives?
3. Is it consistent with learning activities?
4. Is it compatible with the Training Development and Administration
Guide for the program?
The review and analysis of existing course material will identify materials to
be rejected, materials to be accepted without revision, and materials to be
revised. The materials that are suitable without revision should be
incorporated into the development process. Material needing revision should
be modified as described in the following section.
4.3.3 Modify Existing Training Materials. Modifying existing training materials
can minimize development time and conserve resources. The modification
process can involve two approaches: revision of existing training materials
that are free of copyright restrictions, or preparation of supplementary
material for training materials under copyright restrictions. Modification
should be considered when existing materials are incomplete or minor changes
are needed. For example:
1. Additional information is needed to meet the requirements of the
learning objectives and learning activities;
2. Minor modifications to facility systems, equipment, and/or procedures
require an update or change;
3. Minor changes in regulations require an update or change;
4. Industry operating and maintenance experiences necessitate a minor
update or change; and
Existing materials that are incomplete or require minor modification should be
modified using the following guidelines:
1. The style and reading level of the modification should be consistent with
the existing materials;
2. Modifications should be inserted into existing material where needed; and
3. Some redundancy may be necessary to provide continuity between the
modifications and the existing materials.
4.3.4 Develop New Materials. Development of new training materials should be
consistent with the learning objectives and should reflect the learning activities
to ensure that the trainees progress through training in an organized and
efficient manner. Training materials should be developed using guidelines that
are intended to promote learning.
The guidelines include formatting that will ensure ease in trainee use. For
example, charts, graphs, tables, and other illustrations that are effective in
emphasizing key points should be located on a separate page and in close
proximity to related information.
The reading level of training materials should be consistent with the expected
entry-level skills and knowledge of the trainees. Essential information should be
located in the materials, and the trainees should not be referred to other places
for that information.
More than one representation of key or complex information should be included
in the materials. Relating the information in a job context is an effective way to
promote learning. This should include a description of the job environment,
how the information will be applied on the job, and the reasons why it is
important for the trainee to learn the information.
4.4 Conduct Training Tryouts
During a training program tryout, data is compiled and evaluated to correct faults and
improve the effectiveness of the lesson plan and training materials. A training program
tryout includes evaluation of training material for technical accuracy as well as
instructional effectiveness. The following steps are performed when conducting a
tryout of the training material:
4.4.1 Select, Train, and Evaluate Instructors. Instructor qualifications were
identified during the design phase. In addition to technical competence,
instructor qualifications should provide oral and written communication
abilities, interpersonal skills, and instructional capabilities. Instructors who do
not meet these established qualifications should be trained in advance.
A continuing training program to upgrade and improve the technical and
instructional capabilities of instructors should be established. Continuing
training and development should be based on periodic evaluation of instructor
performance. Evaluation should include direct observation by a qualified
evaluator during training sessions and should address technical competence,
instructional skills, and overall effectiveness in achieving the learning objectives.
Examples for the evaluation of instructors are contained in "Sample Instructor
Evaluation Form" and "Instructor/Supervisor Evaluation Example"
(Attachments 29 and 30, respectively). Instructors should remain
current with job requirements, facility changes, operating experiences, and
technical specifications in the facility.
The use of both announced and unannounced evaluations can improve the
overall effectiveness of instructor performance. Guidelines to be followed by
the evaluator should include the following.
1. Establish a relationship with the instructor based on mutual respect and
2. Review the lesson plan and other course material prior to the training
session in which the evaluation will occur;
3. Recognize that the primary purpose of instructor evaluation is to
improve the quality of training;
4. Refrain from making comments or participating in training activities;
5. Schedule and conduct a critique of the evaluation with the instructor;
6. Provide a completed copy of the evaluation to the instructor; and
7. Assist the instructor in developing a plan for correcting any deficiencies
4.4.2 Confirm Availability of Trainees. Selection of trainees should be
coordinated between the training and referent organizations to ensure that
course loading and scheduling requirements are met. Trainees selected should
possess the required entry-level skills and knowledge of the scheduled
program. Trainees should be selected sufficiently in advance to permit
adjustments in scheduled training (e.g., remedial training) that may be required.
4.4.3 Confirm Availability of Training Facilities and Resources. The availability
of training facilities and resources identified in the Training Development and
Administrative Guide should be verified. Conflicts in scheduling or availability
should be resolved to ensure that required facilities and resources are available
when training begins. The following guidelines assist in this effort.
1. Confirm that the allocated training facility is adequate and appropriate
for the number of trainees, learning activities, media, and the numbers
and types of training equipment to be used;
2. Check the facility and correct any unsafe conditions;
3. Check equipment operability, including spare parts and maintenance
4. Verify that the facility is properly heated, cooled, and lighted, and is
reasonably free of distractions; and
5. Confirm that sufficient training materials for the course are available
(plant procedures, drawings/schematics, texts, handouts, audiovisual
aids, tests, tools, consumables, etc.).
4.4.4 Perform Technical Review. The technical review is performed to ensure the
training materials are technically accurate, current, and consistent with facility
systems, equipment, and procedures. The review should be conducted by a
subject-matter expert who provides feedback to the material developer. All
materials should be reviewed, and identified deficiencies should be corrected.
This review should be coordinated as materials are being developed.
4.4.5 Conduct Small-Group Evaluation. After revisions from the technical review
have been made, a tryout of the materials should be conducted on a small
group of trainees. The trainees should possess the entry-level skills and
knowledge expected of future trainees. Although a minimum of one trainee is
necessary, additional trainees should be used when personnel availability
During the tryout the training setting should be simulated as closely as
possible. The lessons are presented, and all appropriate tests are administered
and scored. Effective small-group evaluation includes the following activities.
1. Trainees are monitored to determine if the presentation of material and
directions for study are clear and easily understood.
2. Presentations and directions that require modification or clarification
are documented.
3. Questions asked by the trainees that relate to effectiveness of training
are recorded;
4. The length of time taken by trainees to complete training segments and
tests is recorded;
5. Test items answered or performed incorrectly by the trainees are
identified; and
6. Trainee comments that address the following are obtained:
Difficulty of the material
Length of the training
Amount of material covered
Clarity of the material
Terminology used in the material
Pace of the training
Structure of the material and sequence of training
Quantity and quality of practice exercises
Quality of the media
Relevance of the training to job performance.
For courses of lengthy duration it is not always feasible to conduct a
small-group evaluation. An alternative is to conduct small-group evaluations on
the most important segments of the course. Courses or segments of courses not
submitted to small-group evaluation should receive increased monitoring and
emphasis during the first run. See "Indicators of Potential Training
Program Weaknesses," "Post-training Questionnaire," and "Post-training
Interview" (Attachments 31 through 33, respectively) for examples of a
checklist, questionnaire, and interview form that can be used to collect data
during the small-group evaluation and the first run.
4.4.6 Conduct First Run. The first run verifies the usability of the training material
under intended conditions and confirms the revisions made to the material
during the technical review and small-group evaluation. Prior to conducting the
first run, material should receive formal approval by the training and referent
organization management. During the first run, learning and administrative
problems are noted and trainee comments on the training are obtained.
Techniques for data collection are the same as for small-group evaluation.
After collection, the data should be analyzed to improve applicable training
materials. If problems are identified during the tryout, retraining of the trainees
involved may have to occur once the materials are corrected.
4.4.7 Evaluate Data and Revise Material. Data collected during the small-group
evaluation and tryout are translated into findings, and decisions are made for
revising the training materials. Progress and post-test scores should be
collected and analyzed to determine if the intended learning outcome is reflected
in the learning objectives and their associated test items. If the training does not
produce the intended learning outcomes, revision of training materials should be
considered. It should be noted that faulty test items may not accurately
measure the intended learning outcome of the trainees. Those test items
consistently missed by trainees should be analyzed for faulty construction.
Supporting training materials should also be analyzed for clarity, completeness,
and technical accuracy.
Trainee evaluations should be reviewed to detect errors in the presentation,
materials, or media that may or may not be apparent to the program developer
or instructor. Final materials should be approved by the cognizant training and
referent organization management.
4.5 Key Considerations
The following are key considerations that should be emphasized when performing and
evaluating activities of the development process:
1. Training methods are appropriate to the training setting and learning activities;
2. Training events define the structure and sequence of learning;
3. Learning activities are derived from the learning objectives;
4. Lesson plans provide a structured approach for conducting consistent training;
5. The learning objectives guide the evaluation of existing training material;
6. Development of new training materials is guided by the learning objectives, the
learning activities, and the expected trainee entry-level skills and knowledge;
7. Data, acquired during tryout of the training materials, are used to determine
technical accuracy and training effectiveness, and guide any needed revisions.
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The implementation activities described in this chapter should be applied based on the status
of an existing program. Some activities are performed only once during implementation of a
training program while others are repeated each time the program is conducted. Activities of
implementation are:
5.1 Conduct Training
If specified in the Training Development and Administrative Guide, trainees should be
pretested to ensure that they are adequately prepared. Trainee performance should be
monitored and evaluated during training. This evaluation should provide for
recognizing successful performance and areas in need of improvement. The following
steps are performed when conducting training:
5.1.1 Pretest Trainees. Testing of (prospective) trainees should be done if so
specified in the Training Development and Administrative Guide. The type of
testing done is dependent on the design of the program and the needs of the
organization receiving the training.
Entry-level testing is used to determine whether prospective trainees have the
fundamental skills and knowledge needed to participate in the training program.
Such tests are based on the entry level requirements identified in the analysis
and design phases. Passing the entry-level exam indicates a probability of
successful completion of the training. Failing the entry-level exam indicates that
a potential trainee needs remedial training to acquire the fundamental skills or
knowledge for successful completion of the training.
Pretests measure the trainees' mastery of the objectives that are addressed via
the course content. Pretests should be given sufficiently in advance of training
to allow for adjustments to course direction and scope. Pretest results can be
used for the following reasons:
1. Accelerate or except from segments of training those trainees who
exhibit mastery of specific learning objectives;
2. Identify overall training program emphasis based on common strengths
and weaknesses of the group of trainees; and
3. Preview course content and trainee performance requirements.
5.1.2 Prepare for Training. Instructors should prepare sufficiently to ensure
consistent and effective delivery of lessons. Lesson plans should be reviewed to
ensure familiarity with lesson content, equipment and tools, and the use of
media, text material, references, and tests. Technical errors should be
identified and corrected during this review. The schedule and emphasis should
be modified based on trainee pretest results.
Instructor preparation should include a review of all procedures that address
training implementation. Additionally, the instructor should:
1. Check the assigned training facility to ensure it is appropriate for the
number of scheduled trainees, learning activities, equipment, and media
to be used;
2. Verify his/her ability to operate equipment and use tools effectively;
3. Ensure that sufficient supplies of training materials (e.g. consumables,
text material, handouts, workbooks, tests, procedures, etc.) are available
and up-to-date;
4. Verify that the training facility is heated, cooled, and lighted properly
and is reasonably free of distractions;
5. Review procedures for monitoring progress, evaluating performance,
and counseling trainees; and
6. Review test administration procedures for test storage, retrieval,
reproduction, and instructions during and after testing.
5.1.3 Deliver Lessons. Lesson plans outline instructor and trainee activities and the
resources necessary to support training. Effective training presentation
requires general adherence to the lesson plan and an understanding of the
learning process.
Instructors can guide trainee progress more effectively if they have a working
knowledge of the learning process. Trainee motivation can be enhanced by
providing an effective training environment, by identifying a clear indication of
what must be learned, and by presenting the materials in an organized,
concise, and factual manner. Techniques that instructors can use to contribute
to trainee motivation include the following:
Assisting trainees in setting specific, attainable goals and identifying
the means for achievement;
Actively involving the trainees in the learning process, including
hands-on application (e.g., equipment, tools);
Using rewards to recognize achievement (e.g., certificates, promotions
keyed to training progression); and
Interjecting competition with self or others (e.g., accelerated pace,
added skills an employee can use, new equipment the employee can
operate/maintain, peer group recognition).
An effective training environment also requires that the trainee exercise good
listening habits. The instructor should use the following methods to improve
students' listening habits:
Directing attention to the material being presented and eliminate
Relating material being presented in personal terms and to personal
experiences of the instructor or the students;
Using learning objectives to organize ideas; and
Reviewing and summarizing the main idea(s).
Meanwhile, students should be:
Evaluating the material only after the facts have been presented; and
Asking questions when they are uncertain or confused.
5.1.4 Evaluate Trainee Performance. Trainee performance should be evaluated
regularly during and at the completion of the training program. Evaluation
measures trainee progress and provides performance feedback to the
instructor and the trainees that serves to reward success and identify needed
improvement in trainee performance. Trainee performance is also used to
evaluate the effectiveness of the training program.
Pre-tests, progress tests, and post-tests are administered as scheduled in the
lesson plan to evaluate trainee performance. The following guidelines should
be used in administering tests:
1. Security of tests and answer keys should be maintained during storage,
reproduction, and testing of trainees to prevent compromise;
2. Trainees should be given prior notification of scheduled tests and
materials needed (i.e., calculators);
3. Instructions to the trainees should include the purpose of the test, the
importance of following instructions, and time limitations;
4. Equipment and tools used during performance tests should be
available and in operational condition;
5. Written tests should be corrected, graded, and reviewed with the
trainees in a timely manner to enhance benefits derived from the test;
6. In performance tests, deficiencies should be identified, a grade given,
and the trainee advised of the results promptly.
Trainee performance and progress toward achieving mastery of the learning
objectives should be monitored closely. Monitoring should identify
satisfactory performance and trends that may indicate potential problems.
Trainees should be counseled periodically to review progress and at any time
when deficiencies occur. Counseling should address trainee performance
strengths and/or deficiencies and include a plan for improvement, if needed.
The trainees' supervisor(s) should be kept informed of trainee progress and be
involved in counseling when performance problems warrant.
Standards for evaluating trainee performance should be applied consistently.
Trainees should not be permitted to complete the training program or
progress to another segment of training until deficiencies have been corrected
and the training standards met. A program of remedial training or recycling to
previous segments of training can be beneficial in correcting trainee
performance deficiencies. Remedial training is a cost-effective alternative to
removal from training.
5.2 Conduct In-Training Evaluation
During training, data should be collected for subsequent use in evaluating and
improving training program effectiveness. Evaluation information is collected from
test performance data, instructor critiques and trainee critiques. Evaluation of the
training program is addressed in the process. If the above data sources indicate
recurring problems or suggest the need for improvement, follow the analysis and
revision process outlined in Section 6.0 of this Handbook.
5.2.1 Collect Test Performance Data. Trainee test scores should be used to
assess trainee progress and improve training and testing effectiveness. If a
large number of trainees experience difficulty with a training segment, as
reflected in their test scores, the training material or test items may be faulty
and in need of revision. An exception analysis (see Evaluation Section 6.2.2,
Conduct Exception Analysis) should be conducted to evaluate test data
before revisions are made. Progress test and post-test scores should be
compiled routinely during training. After the test scores are tabulated in a
usable form, an analysis should be conducted and interpretations made.
Analysis may indicate changes or modifications needed to the training
5.2.2 Perform Instructor Critiques of Training. Instructors are a unique source of
evaluation data. They can identify problems involving technical accuracy,
completeness, pace, sequence, and level of difficulty of the training materials. A
procedure for recording these problems when they occur should be established.
Problems noted and suggestions for improvement should be reported in training
critiques. The critique should be submitted by the instructor at the completion of
training segments or at any time a problem of significance is identified.
Evaluations should be performed in each training setting the instructor functions.
"Instructor Lesson Rating Form" (Attachment 34) is an example of this type of
Although instructor training critiques are a valid source of evaluation data,
recommended changes should be analyzed along with the training supervisor's
performance evaluation of the instructor and the success of trainees in completing
the segment of training.
5.2.3 Obtain Trainee Critiques of Training. Trainees can provide useful feedback for
improving presentation of course material. A questionnaire completed by trainees
after major segments of training should focus on course effectiveness and ways in
which training can be improved. It should address the pace of training, clarity of
the material, and the quality of the media.
Trainee critiques of training should be used by the instructors to improve their
performance and can be helpful when used in conjunction with instructor
performance evaluations. See "Sample Course Critique" and "Example Employee
Training Evaluation" (Attachments 35 and 36, respectively) for evaluation
instruments to be completed by trainees. See "Revision Critique Summary"
(Attachment 37) as an aid to improving the training program through the use of
trainee critiques.
5.3 Document Training
The documentation of training includes preparing, distributing, storing, controlling, and
retrieving records and reports that address the training program and trainee participation.
These records and reports assist management in monitoring the effectiveness of the
training program. They also provide a historical reference of changes that have occurred
within a program due to evaluations. When documenting a training program, the training
program and trainee records are maintained and reports prepared, as indicated by the
recommended steps below.
5.3.1 Maintain Training Program Records. Training program records should be
maintained to permit review of content, schedules, and current and past
program results. These records should be classified according to type and
retention period. They should be located, organized, and indexed for ease of
retrieval. Training program records should include the following.
1. Most recent job and task analysis data used in training program
2. Course schedules;
3. Lesson plans and tests;
4. Trainee attendance summaries (name, course, dates, and test results);
5. Instructor evaluations; and
6. Reports of program audits and evaluations.
5.3.2 Maintain Trainee Records. Records of the training and qualification of facility
employees should be maintained. Records should be current and organized to
permit efficient but controlled retrieval. A trainee's record should contain the
individual's training history and the identification of required training that has not
been completed. Specifically, trainee records should include the following.
1. A summary of the individual's education, training, experience, and
qualifications at the time of hire;
2. A summary sheet indicating the individual's current and previous positions
with the company, training received, qualifications achieved, and
continuing training required;
3. A record of training completed, including course title, attendance dates,
test performance, and certifications of successful course completion;
4. A record of training attended but not successfully completed, including
course title, attendance dates, and test performance evaluations; and
5. A record of waivers or exceptions granted, including course titles and
statements of justification.
5.3.3 Prepare Training Reports. The training organization should report periodically
to appropriate levels of management on the status and effectiveness of training
activities. Significant training events or problems should be identified and reported
when they occur. Although specific aspects will vary with individual contractors,
the reports should address the following.
1. Completion of training programs, including course title, dates, and
summary of trainees' performance;
2. Attrition of individual trainees, including a summary of performance
problems, remedial actions, and final disposition;
3. Evaluations and audits of training program effectiveness, use of training
manpower and resources, and achievement of goals and objectives;
4. Recommendations for improving course scheduling; and
5. Action plans for completing program improvements.
5.4 Key Considerations
The following are key considerations that should be emphasized when performing and
evaluating activities of the implementation phase.
1. Procedures are developed and used to implement the Training Development and
Administrative Guide;
2. Technical and instructional qualifications are based on job performance
3. Trainees meet the training program prerequisites;
4. Training facilities and resources are available and appropriate for training;
5. Pretests are administered to trainees prior to training;
6. Instructors make all necessary preparations prior to training;
7. Instructors ensure they are using the most current procedures and lessons;
8. Instructors adhere to lesson plans;
9. Instructor performance is evaluated on a regular basis;
10. Trainee performance is evaluated regularly and upon completion of training,
using established performance standards;
11. Security of tests and answer keys is maintained to prevent compromise;
12. Instructor and trainee critiques of training and trainee test scores are used in
evaluating training program effectiveness; and
13. Trainee and training program records are maintained for evaluating training
program effectiveness.
The evaluation phase of performance-based training takes place in order to determine the
effectiveness of the training program. Evaluation is the quality assurance component of the
performance-based training model. There are three major activities involved in evaluation:
monitoring of indicators, analyzing information, and initiating corrective actions.
6.1 Monitor Indicators
Data should be collected for each indicator that provides the best indication of training
effectiveness. While this data collection should be continuous in many cases, it is a
"batch" process. In these cases, the frequency for which these items are reviewed
should be determined based on the frequency management feels is necessary to ensure
the currency of the training program. The following indicators can be monitored to
determine training program effectiveness.
6.1.1 Monitor Facility Operating, Maintenance, and Industrial Safety
Experiences. Facility operating, maintenance, and industrial safety
experiences should be monitored to identify employee performance problems
caused by improper training. Facility events and industrial accident reports
can identify tasks for which inadequate training may be contributing to
equipment damage, excessive unavailability, unscheduled maintenance,
rework, unsafe practices, or lack of adherence to approved procedures. This
information should be supplemented with interviews. Training personnel
should monitor the frequency of personnel errors, and review accident and
event reports for training implications using the following questions.
1. Did the employee fail to follow prescribed procedures?
2. Did the employee improperly diagnose the situation?
3. Was the employee misinformed or unaware of the correct procedure?
4. What was the specific sequence of events?
5. Has this problem or a similar problem occurred in the past?
6. Was an individual injured?
7. Was equipment damaged?
8. Was a significant amount of work time lost?
9. Was a technical safety requirement or standard violated?
10. Does the report describe a new or unusual situation?
11. Was the employee newly assigned to this position?
12. Are job performance standards different from those used in training?
6.1.2 Collect Employee and Supervisor Feedback. Employee, supervisor, and
instructor feedback is gathered to identify program strengths and weaknesses.
Instructor and student critiques completed during implementation should be
included in this data. This feedback can be gathered using checklists,
numerical rating scales, questionnaires, and interviews. Regardless of the
material, process, or program being evaluated, there are general principles
that should be followed to construct an evaluation instrument.
Checklist Format. A checklist is used to observe a process or assess a
product to judge whether the actions or results meet predetermined standards.
Examples of checklist evaluation forms are "Lesson Plan Review Criteria
Checklist," "Instructor Observation Checklist—Classroom," and "Training
Development Recommendation Checklist" (Attachments 38 through 40,
respectively). Checklists might be used to determine if a lesson plan is
complete and ready for instructor use, if a trainee's job performance was
satisfactory after training, or if an instructional session was conducted
properly. The following guidance may be helpful when constructing a
1. Identify all actions or key points to be evaluated. Each must be
important, observable, and measurable;
2. Identify the most frequent problems found in the activity to be
3. Convert these problems (negative statements) into positive statements
that describe satisfactory performance or describe satisfactory
products; and
4. If possible, have a model or samples of acceptable materials to help
the user judge whether standards of accuracy and quality are met.
Numerical Rating Scale Format. The use of a numerical rating scale helps
control the subjectivity of the evaluator and provides better discrimination than
a simple pass/fail or satisfactory/unsatisfactory choice. Numerical rating scales
should include written descriptions of typical performance to help guide
evaluators in rating performance. A numerical rating scale can be used to
evaluate a trainee's performance on many tasks, evaluate group interactions, or
collect feedback from facility management on trainee performance. For
example, numerical scales might be used to collect post-training feedback from
trainees and supervisors, and to conduct instructional setting evaluations.
"Laboratory Instructor Evaluation," "Instructor Performance Assessment
Instrument," "Supervisor's Post-Training Feedback," "Simulator Instructor
Observation," and "Trainee Post-Training Evaluation" (Attachments 41 through
45, respectively) are examples of numerical rating scale evaluation measures.
Numerical rating scales also help reduce common rating errors such as:
1. Under— or over-rating specific performances because of a general or
overall impression;
2. The tendency to rate most performances as average (avoiding highs and
lows); and
3. The tendency to give similar ratings to two or more performances,
related in the mind of the evaluator.
The following guidance may be helpful when constructing numerical rating
1 Select the performance to be evaluated. It should be important,
observable, and measurable;
2. Decide if the scale will contain an even or odd number of possible
responses and how many possible responses will be supplied per item.
Once this is determined all the selected performances being evaluated
should have the same number of possible responses. Keep the scale
simple for ease of use; and
3. Two different weighting systems could be used. One system assigns a
low-to-high rating across the range of numbers. Two examples are
low-medium-high and poor-good-excellent. A preferred system adds
written descriptions of typical performances that describe what the
ratings mean. Write the descriptions so they are balanced and accurate.
Questionnaire Format. A questionnaire is used to elicit opinions, obtain
information, and collect feedback about the work or training environment.
"Trainee Cumulative Feedback Evaluation," "End-of-Course Training
Evaluation," and "Program Evaluation" (Attachments 46 through 48)
questionnaires should be administered to individuals or groups as appropriate.
Data collected in a group setting tends to be more reliable than mailed
questionnaires. If mailed questionnaires are used, they should include a letter
from a senior company official that explains the purpose of the questionnaire,
solicits the individual's help, and thanks the respondents for their time.
Questionnaires distributed without addressing these topics usually have very
poor results. Questionnaires can also be completed in an interview. If
interviews are used they should be held in a controlled environment, free of
noise or disruption. Responses should be recorded. The following guidance
may be used when developing a questionnaire.
1. Define the purpose of the questionnaire. This can be done by asking the
following questions: "What do we want to find out?", "Why do we want
to find that out?", "When do we need the information?", "How can we
best get the information we need?", "Where should we gather
information?", and "Who is the information for and from whom should
we collect the information?"
2. Select evaluation questions to be used in the questionnaire. There are
generally three sources for these questions. These include managers and
users of the information to be collected; previously collected data,
interviews, and fieldwork with people in the environment; and other
questionnaires that have been used for similar purposes.
3. Determine the types of questions required. Generally, three types are
Performance Questions - This type of question usually asks
what has actually been performed. These questions are aimed at
descriptions of actual experiences, activities, or actions and
corresponding performance that would have been observable had
the evaluator been present to observe the actions;
Opinion Questions - This type of question can help identify
problem causes and suggest possible solutions. These questions
are aimed at finding out what people think about something.
Opinion questions reflect people's goals, intentions, desires, and
values; and
Knowledge Questions - These questions assess what factual
information the person has. The assumption is that certain facts
are prerequisites for effective performance.
4. Focus each question on a specific point. Provide cues or a point of
reference to help the respondent. For example, "What problems have
you had in calibrating the transmitter since you were trained?", or "Based
on what you know about the new modification procedures, what should
be changed in this course?", or "In your opinion, should the fundamentals
section of operator training be resequenced in the course?"
5. Specify the type of comparison or judgment to be made.
Provide specific, appropriate bases from which comparisons
or judgments can be made. Do not mix performance-based
with other types of scales within the same response.
When gathering feedback from employees the following questions should be
1. What additional training have you received since being assigned to your
2. What unexpected difficulties or problems in job performance have you
3. Has your supervisor given you instructions different from those you
learned during training? What were they?
4. Have you noticed other differences between the training you received
and what is expected of you now?
5. Have changes occurred in your job since you were assigned?
6. How were you prepared to handle these changes?
7. Which tasks do you find easiest?
8. Which tasks do you find especially challenging?
9. Looking back, what specific training benefitted you most?
10. What kinds of errors have been committed on the job?
11. What suggestions would you make to improve training?
12. What additional training do you need for your job?
Supervisors should be interviewed to determine how well training is preparing
new employees to perform their jobs and what training is needed for current
employees. The following types of questions can be used to collect
supervisors' responses.
1. How well do employees (both newly-trained and experienced) perform
on the job?
2. What tasks were newly-trained employees best prepared to perform?
3. For what tasks were they inadequately prepared?
4. Are employees able to diagnose conditions and identify alternate
solutions for accomplishing a task?
5. What kinds of errors have employees committed?
6. Which tasks require excessive time for employees to complete?
7. How do newly-trained employees compare to those who received
earlier training?
8. What additional training have they received since they were assigned
job responsibilities?
9. Have employee errors caused equipment damage or failure?
10. Has rework by maintenance personnel been required due to personnel
errors or lack of adequate training?
11. Have increases in rework, unscheduled maintenance, or overtime
occurred in jobs performed by newly-trained employees?
12. Have employees been commended or warned for unusually good or bad
job performances?
13. Have you observed unexpected results from training?
14. Has training created any new problems?
15. What suggestions would you make to improve initial or continuing
16. Do you expect any changes in job assignments or equipment that will
require additional training or changes in current training?
17. What current training do you consider to be excessive or unnecessary?
6.1.3 Review Facility Inspection and Evaluation Reports. Facility and corporate
inspection and evaluation reports (including quality assurance audits) should be
reviewed for indications of training-related weaknesses. The following
questions should be answered by this review.
1. How effectively is training preparing employees to conform to plant
2. To what extent do training activities conform to established procedures?
3. In what areas of training is improvement needed?
Review facility evaluations and audits reports for recommendations for
improvement in the following areas:
1. Organization and management of the training system;
2. Trainee selection;
3. Development and qualification of training staff;
4. Support of training with facilities, equipment, and materials;
5. Conduct of job analysis and identification tasks for training;
6. Establishment of training program content;
7. Development of learning objectives as the basis for training;
8. Organization of instruction using lesson plans and other training guides;
9. Conduct of classroom and individualized instruction;
10. Conduct of on-the-job training;
11. Conduct of simulator training;
12. Conduct of laboratory training;
13. Examinations and evaluations leading to qualification/certification; and
14. Systematic evaluation of training effectiveness.
6.1.4 Review Facility Modifications and Procedure Changes. Facility
modifications may require special training, changes in existing training, or
additions to continuing training. Design changes, facility modifications, and
procedure changes should be reviewed and tracked for training implications and
considered for incorporation into existing training programs.
6.1.5 Review Industry Operating and Maintenance Experiences. Industry
operating and maintenance experiences should be reviewed for applicability
and possible incorporation in facility training programs. This information can
be obtained from several sources such as Unusual Occurrences and DOE
investigations. Incorporating industry operating experience into facility
training enables contractors to benefit from each other's experiences. Industry
operating and maintenance experience reports should be screened to answer
the following questions.
1. How unique is the event?
2. Do similar conditions exist at this facility?
3. What is the potential for the event to occur here?
4. What consequences to personnel or equipment will result if the event
5. Is there evidence that this event may be part of a trend?
6. What specific training should be provided to prevent the occurrence or
mitigate the consequences of such an event at this facility?
6.1.6 Regulatory Developments. Training personnel should monitor DOE and
Nuclear Regulatory Commission orders, regulations, special reports, etc., for
information and changes in requirements affecting training. The impact of
regulatory changes can be evaluated using the following questions.
1. What conditions do the changes address?
2. Do those conditions exist at this plant?
3. Will changes influence the way our personnel perform their tasks?
4. What specific effects will this change have on training?
5. Does the condition require an immediate response?
6.2 Analyze Information
Program evaluation information must be analyzed before it can be used to make
changes in training. The simplest method of analysis that will yield the information
required should be used. Analysis methods include exception analysis and content
analysis. Some types of data should be organized and tabulated using frequency
distributions prior to analysis. Apparent performance discrepancies must also be
verified through discussions with appropriate personnel. The following activities are
used to analyze data: frequency distributions, exception analysis, content analysis, and
root cause identification.
6.2.1 Frequency Distributions. Frequency distributions should be used for
organizing, summarizing, and displaying data. They can be constructed using
simple counting, averaging, and graphing procedures that show how often
particular events have occurred. They are normally used as the first step in
analyzing responses to surveys and trainee progress test results.
After all data from the indicators is collected, responses are tabulated. Totals
are then entered into the corresponding spaces on a blank survey. The average
(mean) response for each item is calculated and displayed on a bar chart. The
bar chart presents survey information in a simple visual form. It highlights high
and low values and permits easy comparison with acceptable performance
standards or sets of previous data.
6.2.2 Exception Analysis. Exception analysis is used for reviewing data to detect
unacceptable variations from a predefined standard. Facility operating,
maintenance, and industrial safety experience should be analyzed using this
method. Increases in the frequency of accidents, injuries, personnel errors,
rework or unscheduled maintenance, or increases in overtime above normal
levels may indicate a need to provide additional training or improve existing
training. Acceptable levels should be established for each of these parameters
as criteria for comparison. If any observed value deviates from the criteria, the
cause should be investigated.
Feedback from employees and employee exams, supervisors, and instructor
and trainee critiques should be analyzed to indicate if any training problem
needs to be investigated.
6.2.3 Content Analysis. Content analysis depends primarily on the expertise and
professional judgment of the individuals performing it. Content analysis should
be considered for use with all types of information and may be used in
conjunction with exception analysis. Interview responses should be analyzed
using content analysis. The following guidelines should be used when
performing content analysis:
1. Look for agreement. If respondents provide the same or similar
answers, these answers are more likely to be valid;
2. Do not disregard responses. Do not attempt to "second-guess"
employees, supervisors, or subject matter experts. If a response
appears erroneous or exaggerated, follow up with observations and
additional discussion; and
3. Focus the analysis on discovering specific tasks or subject areas in
which training refinements seem necessary.
6.2.4 Root Cause Identification. Identification of the root cause should lead to
determination of the appropriate corrective action. Utilize training and facility
personnel in the identification of root causes and the determination of
appropriate solutions. In general, root causes are identified by first identifying
specific symptoms of the problem. Then alternative causes are generated and
investigated until they are confirmed or eliminated.
Identification of root causes may be aided by the use of evaluation standards
produced during the design phase. When facility events or feedback from
employees or their supervisors indicate that workers have difficulty with
specific tasks, administering applicable evaluation standards to a group of
workers may disclose the nature of the problem and its cause.
6.3 Initiate Corrective Actions
If a performance discrepancy or potential problem is discovered and analysis confirms
that training can contribute to a solution, action should be initiated to correct the
existing or potential problem. Training modifications initiated because of existing
deficiencies in personnel performance and those resulting from changing needs should
be processed in a similar manner. Improvements and changes to training should be
initiated and tracked systematically. Analysis results should be retained to document
evaluation activities and indicators should continue to be monitored.
Because of the amount of work and cost involved, any decision to modify training
should be carefully considered. Each facility should establish a procedure for deciding
whether or not training should be changed, how it should be changed, and to whom the
new or modified training should be provided.
Improvements or revisions involving any phase of the training process (analysis, design,
development, implementation, or evaluation) should be completed in a timely manner.
Since some performance deficiencies can be eliminated by better implementation of an
existing program, with no changes in the program itself, this should be considered.
6.4 Key Considerations
The following considerations should be emphasized when performing and evaluating
activities during the evaluation phase.
1. Responsibility for monitoring indicators, analyzing data, and approving
revisions is clearly defined;
2. The training department is alerted to facility operating, maintenance, and
industrial safety experiences;
3. Communication on training effectiveness occurs between plant supervisors and
the training department;
4. Employee opinion of the quality and effectiveness of training is collected
5. The training department is alerted to employee performance errors;
6. The training department meets with maintenance and operations, supervisors
and engineers to determine potential training problems;
7. Training uses facility inspection and evaluation reports to guide program
8. Facility modifications and procedure changes are monitored for training
9. Training monitors industry operating and maintenance experiences for program
10. Regulatory changes are reviewed for training consequences;
11. Program performance data is analyzed;
12. Proposed changes are reviewed by appropriate facility and training personnel;
13. Training changes are tracked.
This Page is Intentionally Blank
This Page is Intentionally Blank
Requester: Tracking No.:
Date Issued:
1. Task(s) requiring improvement:
2. Frequency of the performed task(s):
3. Consequences of improperly performed task(s):
4. Reason(s) task(s) require improvement:
5. Training recommendation(s):
6. Training action plan if applicable (identify individual/department responsible for delivery of
(Training Analyst) (Date)
Reviewed By:
(Training Manager) (Date)
(Requester) (Date)
(Supervisor) (Date)
Approve Recommendation Reject Recommendation
If recommendation is rejected, identify an alternative solution:
(Please return completed form to originator and training analyst.)
Use wording that is easily "Compare written description to actual
understood. performance"
"Relate results to needs of field."
Be precise. Use words that Minimize the use of vague words like "check,
mean the same thing to all coordinate, and assist."
personnel int he job
Write separate, specific "Supervise files."
statements for each task. "Maintain files."
"Have responsibility for maintaining files."
Use abbreviations only after "Emergency Cooling System (ECS) may be
spelling out the term. followed by `Start up the ECS.'"
Include both form and title "Complete Task Description Worksheet"
number when the task is to (Form No. XXX).
complete a standard form,
unless all that is needed is the
general type of form.
Be brief. Short phrases are "Write production and control reports.".
"Accomplish necessary reports involved in the
process of maintaining production and control
Begin with a present-tense "Clean" or "Write."
action word (subject "I" or
"you" is understood).
Indicate an object of the action "Clean engine
." "Write report."
to be performed.
Use terminology that is "Use applicable DOE documentation."
currently used on the job.
Avoid stating a person's "Load computer tape."
qualifications, such as
experience or education. "Has on year computer training."
Omit items on receiving "Give instruction."
instruction, unless actual work
is performed during training. "Attend lecture."
Frequency of Performing Task:
1. Less than once per year
2. Once every five to twelve months.
3. Once every three weeks to four months.
4. Once every one to two weeks.
5. More frequently than once per week.
Importance of Task:
1. Consequences of improper performance are negligible (improper
performance would make no difference in plant operation).
2. Consequences of improper performance are undesirable (improper
performance may impair reliability of a system or a process).
3. Consequences of improper performance are serious (improper
performance may require an Unusual Occurrence Report).
4. Consequences of improper performance are severe (improper
performance may result in an Alert Event).
5. Consequences of improper performance are extremely severe
(a serious injury or site emergency may result).
Difficulty in Performing Task:
1. "Very easy" to perform.
2. "Somewhat easy" to perform.
3. "Moderately difficult" to perform.
4. "Very difficult" to perform.
5. "Extremely difficult" to perform.
This survey is designed to gather information about the Operator position at
. Its specific purpose is to obtain from you, the job incumbent, information concerning
technical tasks that make up your job. The information collected from this survey will be used by the
Training Department to design training programs which reflect actual job requirements. This is
possible only with your cooperation. Please consider each item listed in the survey, carefully. Your
contribution to this effort is essential. If you have any questions or problems related to this survey
please contact the Training Department. Thank you for your assistance in this effort.
Before beginning this survey, look through the booklet and become familiar with the contents and
all instructions. It is important to review the task inventory and become familiar with it, in order to
make a valid assessment of each task statement.
The survey is divided into two sections:
Section I—Biographical Information—Asks for some information about your
background, general job description, and plant facilities. These descriptions will be used
to sort survey responses into common groups. In the event that clarification of a response
is required, your name is requested. All survey responses will be treated confidentially.
Section II—Task Statements—Contains a listing of specific tasks which may or may not
be part of your particular job. These tasks are grouped by systems or duty areas and related
tasks are kept together to make it easier for you to think about any tasks you perform that
may not have been listed. You are asked to rate each task in terms of its "frequency,"
"importance," and overall "difficulty." These terms are defined in more depth in the
following pages.
Remember that your responses to the items in this survey should reflect what you do when
performing your job as an Operator. If referring to a procedure or reference would assist you in
responding to an item, please feel free to do so, but give your own opinion.
Name: Date:
1. What is your present job level? (Mark one)
Supervisor Operator Operator Trainee
2. How long have you worked in your present job title?
Year(s) Month(s)
3. What is the highest level of education you have received?
Grade school
Attended high school, but did not graduate
Graduated from high school or equivalent
Attended trade/vocational school, but did not graduate
Graduated from trade/vocational school
Attended college, but did not graduate
Graduated from college.
4. How many years of formal vocational/technical education have you had beyond high school?
a. Military schools
years months
b. Nonmilitary schools
years months.
5. Please place a check mark beside each of the areas below in which you have had at least six (6)
months experience:
Area I:
C-331 Area III: C-360
C-315 C-350
C-310 C-340
Area II:
C-333 Area IV: C-337
C-333A C-337
Building: C-300
This section contains a list of tasks each of which may or may not be part of what you do on your
present job. Because this survey is being taken by individuals with several experience and
responsibility levels, we expect that some individuals will not perform many of the tasks and few
individuals will perform all of the tasks.
You are asked to make three ratings for each task that is part of your
job: Frequency (how often
you do the task), Importance (how serious it is if the task is done improperly), and Difficulty (how
hard it is to do the task properly). If you are not
responsible for performing a particular task, just
circle "Zero" (Never) for that task. It is anticipated that there may be tasks listed for which you are
responsible, but may not have performed (for example, a task which is rarely performed, such as an
emergency or abnormal situation). The three rating scales that follow are explained in more detail,
and are repeated on the last page of the booklet which should be folded out for easy reference. Please
rate these tasks to the best of your ability. Be sure to mark an answer for every task. Please use a
pencil in case it is necessary to change a response.
In this column you are asked to indicate how often you perform each task. When estimating the
frequency of performance, think back over your activities and indicate how often you personally have
performed each task by circling the appropriate frequency code number from the scale below:
1 = RARELY—Perform once a year or less
2 = SELDOM—About three or four times a year
3 = OCCASIONALLY—About one time per month
4 = OFTEN—About once a week
5 = VERY OFTEN—Daily.
This column asks you to rate the overall importance of each task in terms of the consequences of
inadequate performance. You should consider the overall impact with regard to possible unnecessary
contamination, damage to equipment and systems, injury to personnel, loss of production capability
and possible environmental impact from failure to perform a task properly. Rate task importance using
the following guidelines:
1 = NEGLIGIBLE—Improper task performance does not result in unnecessary exposure nor does it
make any difference in plant operation (no lost production). Neither does it pose any personnel or
environmental safety consequences.
2 = UNDESIRABLE—Improper task performance may result in a dose considered inconsistent with
ALARA or cause some undesirable consequences to plant operation (reduced production capability
or some potential environmental impact).
3 = SERIOUS—Improper task performance may result in exceeding plant or equipment operating
limits, which may require moderate corrective action.
4 = SEVERE—Improper task performance may result in equipment damage or personnel injury
requiring extensive corrective action.
5 = EXTREMELY SEVERE—Improper task performance may result in serious exposure or
contamination, implying possible health consequences or plant/equipment consequences that may
be enormously time consuming or costly to correct.
This scale is used to rate the difficulty of performing a task in the typical setting or location, rather than
in unusual circumstances or in locations rarely encountered. In judging task difficulty, consider the
knowledge required to perform the task or the mental activity required. Rate task difficulty using the
following scale:
1 = VERY EASY—The mental activity required is low, and the degree of task complexity is low.
2 = SOMEWHAT EASY—The mental activity required is low, and the degree of task complexity is
3 = MODERATELY DIFFICULT—The mental activity required is medium, and the degree of task
complexity is medium.
4 = VERY DIFFICULT—The mental activity required is medium to high, and the degree of task
complexity is high.
5 = EXTREMELY DIFFICULT—The mental activity required is medium to high, and the degree of
task complexity is very high.
The examples below illustrate how to make your ratings for each task. The ratings shown in these examples
are not meant to be accurate for any given job, but to show the correct way to mark your responses.
The example immediately following shows the most common type of response where the task is performed
as part of the individual's job. The incumbent performs the task "about once a week," thus No.4 has been
circled in the Frequency column. Number 3 has been circled in the Importance column, because the
incumbent feels that "improper task performance may result in consequences requiring considerable corrective
action. "Again, No.4 has been circled in the Difficulty column because the incumbent feels that task difficulty
is high:
Task Never Frequency Importance Difficulty
1. Operate Vibration 0
Detection System
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
In the example below, the person completing the survey does not
perform the task as part of his/her present
position. Zero(0) has been circled under Never and the other scales have not
been marked:
Task Never Frequency Importance Difficulty
1. Unload Lube Oil 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Tank Car
Task Never Frequency Importance Difficulty
102.1 Prepare tank car for unloading. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.2 Unload tank car. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.3 Obtain moisture content 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.4 Dry coolant. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.5 Regenerate molecular sieve. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.6 Leak rate systems and headers. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.7 Operate liquid transfer pumps. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.8 Operate IR pumps. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.9 Operate Beech-Russ pumps. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.10 Operate UF Pit R-114 separation 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
unit (C-335).
102.11 Obtain coolant negatives on cells 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
and equipment.
102.12 Sample for negatives. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.13 Detect leaks through soaping 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
(Gastech and OVA).
102.14 Calibrate OVA. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.15 Perform routine daily checks. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.16 Perform prescheduled tests and 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.17 Complete safety system 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Task Never Frequency Importance Difficulty
102.18 Pump coolant to running systems. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.19 Apply/Issue electrical work 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.20 Apply/Issue hazardous work 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.21 Apply/Issue DNO tags. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.22 Adjust coolant pressures and 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.23 Interpolate coolant data. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.24 Transfer coolant to other 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.25 Obtain coolant data. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.26 Operate coolant 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
instrumentation and
interpolate it.
102.27 Troubleshoot coolant alarms. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.28 Drain coolant. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.29 Sample Pit R-114 for oxygen 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
content (portable meter).
102.30 Don SCBA, or air-line- 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
supplied masks, before
entering pit.
102.31 Operate manual valves. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.32 Identify abnormal conditions. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.33 Operate Pit R-114, O deficiency 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Task Never Frequency Importance Difficulty
102.34 Respond to O deficiency alarms 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
at Pit R-114.
102.35 Troubleshoot coolant alarm light 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
in ACR.
102.36 Check operating condition of 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
valves (seats).
102.37 Complete paperwork (logs). 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.38 Identify Pit R-114 valve 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.39 Verify tank car sample results. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Please list (print) any tasks which you perform that are not listed (include scale ratings):
Never Frequency Importance Difficulty
0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.41 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.42 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
102.44 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Task Never Frequency Importance Difficulty
111.1 Monitor assay spectrometer. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.2 Calculate assay. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.3 Adjust line recorders. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.4 Calculate liter upflow. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.5 Adjust feed rates (C-337, C- 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.6 Coordinate and dispense 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
conditioning gas (C-335).
111.7 Operate P&E pumps. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.8 Set up headers. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.9 Control building UF pressures 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
and flows.
111.10 Relamp Control Room. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.11 Monitor and adjust overlap flows 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.12 Maintain conditioning gas facility 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.13 Alert and direct building 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
operators during
111.14 Monitor ADP system. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.15 Clean kitchen. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.16 Open and close ACBs. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.17 Perform routine checks. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.18 Coordinate daily activities 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
with C-300.
Task Never Frequency Importance Difficulty
111.19 Maintain Control Room 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.20 Operate ADP system. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.21 Relamp indicating lights. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.22 Date/Time recorders. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.23 Monitor megawatt 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.24 Monitor seismic alarms. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
111.25 Monitor all utility alarm 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Task Never Frequency Importance Difficulty
113.1 Start LO pumps. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.2 Stop LO pumps. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.3 Switch LO pumps. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.4 Apply/Issue electrical work 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.5 Apply/Issue hazardous work 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.6 Valve RCW to cooler. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.7 Perform weekly checks. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.8 Adjust oil pressure. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.9 Adjust oil flow. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.10 Control oil spills. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.11 Switch lube oil strainers. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.12 Transfer oil from tank car. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.13 Control oil temperature. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.14 Valve oil to cooler. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.15 Perform annual check with C- 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.16 Check gauge at strainers. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.17 Valve in Honan filter. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.18 Adjust oil tank levels. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.19 Start hydraulic pumps. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
11320 Stop hydraulic pumps. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Task Never Frequency Importance Difficulty
113.21 Switch hydraulic pumps. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.22 Valve hydraulic oil to control 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
113.23 Control hydraulic oil spills. 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Please list (print) any task which you perform that are no t listed (include scale ratings):
Never Frequency Importance Difficulty
0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Job/Duty Area Difficulty
Compiled By Importance
Verified By Date Frequency
Rated By Date
Job/Duty Area: Task Number:
Task Statement:
No Train: Continuing (overtrain):
LESSON PLANS Reference Procedures
Classroom OJT Self-Paced Laboratory Simulator
Task No:
Task Title:
Subject Matter Expert:
(Signature) (Date)
Task Analysis:
(Signature) (Date)
(Signature) (Date)
Initial Conditions:
Task Standards:
Task No. Page of
Number Elements Conditions/Standards Knowledge/Skills/Elements
Requested for: Training Development Training Change
Training Subject/Topic (include lesson plan/OJT checklist number(s), if known):
Location of Training, (include lesson plan/OJT checklist number(s), if known):
Reason for Request (check as applicable):
Familiarization Improve Skill System/Component Change/Plant Event
New Information/Method DOE, Corporate, or Company Procedure Change
Error, or information lacking in existing Training/Posttraining Feedback
General Description of Development/Change (identify the problem and what the appropriate
solution to the problem is; comment here and/or attach additional information and necessary):
Additional information attached
Requested By:
Phone No.:
(Print Name)
Date Request Submitted:
Date Training/Change Required :
( Date should not be less than 10 workdays from request.)
DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE (For Training Organization use only)
Action Taken by Training Organization:
(Signature) (Date)
Follow-up (date copy sent to requester, or requester contacted):
(Signature) (Date)
Instructions - Review and check the box of each step below as accomplished:
1. Determine training needs:
a. Performance problems
b. Regulatory requirements
c. Requests for additional training
d. Requested revisions to training
2. Develop a valid task list:
a. Review available job information
b. Select and train job analysts
c. Develop the task listing
d. Validate the task listing
e. Prepare the survey questionnaire
f. Select the survey sample and conduct the survey
g. Analyze the survey results
3. Select tasks for training
a. Develop numerical averaging criteria
b. Apply responses to the decision tree
c. Develop a train/no train/overtrain list
d. Validate the lists
4. Prepare a task-to-training matrix.
The first step in developing a learning objective is to determine the action statement. The action
statement consists of an action verb and a direct object. The action verb should identify trainee behavior
that is observable and measurable. For example, in the action statement “start secondary feed system,”
the action verb (start) and the direct object (secondary feed system) are both observable and measurable.
The following is a verb list with definitions to aid in the selection of an action verb for the action
ACKNOWLEDGE Recognize and respond to an indication or alarm.
ACTUATE Put into mechanical action or motion.
ADD Increase; to perform the mathematical addition process.
ADJUST Bring a continuous effort into proper or exact position.
ALIGN Adjust or correct relative position of an item.
ALTERNATE Change or substitute one to another.
ANALYZE Break down a complex whole into its component parts.
ANNOUNCE Give notice of an event or evolution (e.g., via the public address system).
ANSWER Respond to a request for information.
ANTICIPATE Give advance thought, discussion, or treatment; foresee.
APPLY Bring into action; put into operation.
ASSEMBLE Fit parts together into a complete structure or unit.
ASSESS Determine the importance, size, or value.
ASSIST Give support or aid.
AUTHORIZE Legally approve of action; empower.
BACKWASH Move air or liquid backward by a propelling force.
BALANCE Equalize opposing forces.
BEGIN Commence or initiate.
BLEED Extract or cause to escape from a contained source.
BLOCK Obstruct passage or progress.
BOIL Heat to the boiling point.
BORATE Add boric acid.
BUILD Construct according to specific plan or process.
BYPASS Avoid or circumvent.
CALCULATE Determine by mathematical processes.
CALIBRATE Detect, correlate, report, or eliminate, by adjustment, any discrepancy in
accuracy of an instrument or measuring device being compared with a
CALL Communicate orally in person or by phone.
CENTER Place or adjust around a center area or position.
CHANGE Replace.
CHARGE Restore or load to capacity.
CHECK Look at carefully or critically; verify.
CHOOSE Select after consideration of alternatives.
CIRCULATE Flow in a circular path.
CLEAN Free from dirt or contamination.
CLEAR Free from obstruction or limitation.
CLOSE Bring or come to a natural or proper end; cease operation.
CODE Assign symbols, letters, numbers, or words.
COLLECT Bring together into one body or place.
COMPARE Examine the character or qualities in order to discover resemblances or
COMPLETE Bring to an end; having all necessary parts.
COMPUTE Determine by mathematical means.
CONNECT Join or fasten together.
CONTROL Manage with authority.
COOL Cause to lose heat or warmth.
CORRECT Alter or adjust to a required condition or standard.
CONSTRUCT Make or form by combining parts.
DECIDE Come to a conclusion based on available information.
DECREASE Make less as in size, number, or intensity.
DEENERGIZE Disconnect energy or voltage.
DEPRESS Press down.
DESELECT Stop a selected function.
DETECT Discover the existence or presence of something.
DETERMINE Decide or resolve conclusively.
DIAGNOSE Recognize or determine the nature or cause of a condition by consideration
of signs or symptoms.
DILUTE Make thinner or diminish the strength of, by admixture.
DIRECT Assign activities to another person.
DISCONNECT Sever or terminate a connection.
DISPLAY Exhibit for visual evidence.
DISPOSE Get rid of.
DISSOLVE Cause to pass into solution.
DON Put on clothing or equipment.
ENERGIZE Impart energy or voltage.
ENTER Input data.
ESTABLISH Make firm or stable.
ESTIMATE Calculate approximately the extent or amount of.
EXIT The act of going out or going away.
EXPLAIN Make understandable.
FEED Supply a signal to an electric circuit; supply liquid to a system.
FLUSH Cleanse or wash out with a fluid.
HEAT Add energy to achieve higher temperatures.
HOIST Raise into position using a tackle.
HOLD Retain by force; apply continuous pressure.
IDENTIFY Regard or recognize clearly.
IMMERSE Plunge or dip into a fluid.
INCREASE Add or enlarge in size, intent, quantity.
INFORM Communicate information.
INSPECT Examine officially; to determine the serviceability of an item by comparing
its physical, mechanical, and/or electrical characteristics with established
INSTALL Seat or fix into position a component or assembly to allow the proper
functioning of equipment or system.
INTERPOLATE Determine or estimate intermediate values from two given values.
INTERPRET Translate the meaning of.
INSERT Put in.
ISOLATE Separate from another.
JOG Move, start, and then stop quickly.
LET DOWN Allow to descend.
LINE UP Organize in a linear arrangement.
LOAD Place power output on line.
LOCATE Find a particular spot or place.
LOCK Secure by key, combination, or device.
LOG Record required information in a book or on a sheet.
LOWER Decrease in elevation, pressure, or temperature.
LUBRICATE Make smooth or slippery by applying a substance capable of reducing fric-
MAINTAIN Keep in an existing state.
MANIPULATE Operate mechanically or with skillful hands.
MEASURE Regulate by a standard.
MIX Combine or blend.
MONITOR Check or observe the operation of a system and its components over a
period of time.
MOVE Go or pass from one place to another with continuous motion.
MULTIPLY Increase in number greatly or in multiples.
NEUTRALIZE Counteract the activity or effect. To make electrically or chemically inert.
NOTIFY Give formal notice to.
OBSERVE Watch with careful attention.
OBTAIN Hold onto; gain by planned action.
OPEN Make available for entry or activity.
OPERATE Start, stop, or influence the operation of a specified component or system.
ORGANIZE Arrange into a coherent unity or function.
OVERHAUL Restore to completely serviceable or operational conditions as prescribed
by maintenance standards.
OVERRIDE Bypass the action of an automatic control.
PERFORM Carry out an action to conform to prescribed procedure.
PLAN Devise or formulate a program of future or contingency activity.
PLOT Represent by means of placing points on a graph.
POSITION Place a control in a discrete state.
PREPARE Compound; put together; make ready.
PRESSURIZE Apply force in a contained vessel.
PRIME Prepare for work by filling or charging with something.
PRINT Produce something in printed form.
PULL Draw out or hold back.
PUMP Raise, lower, transfer, or compress fluid or gasses by suction, pressure, or
PURGE Free of sediment or relieve trapped gas by bleeding.
RACK IN/OUT Insert or remove the breaker from the cabinet.
RAISE Increase in elevation.
REACTIVATE Become active or functioning again.
READ Understand visual information which is presented symbolically by
REALIZE Bring into existence.
REBUILD Restore unserviceable equipment to a like new condition in accordance with
original manufacturing standards.
RECEIVE Be given written or verbal information.
RECIRCULATE Begin flow again.
RECORD Write information; document events or trends.
RELEASE Set free.
REMEMBER Retain information or recall information.
REMOVE Take away.
REPAIR Restore serviceability to an item by correcting specific damage, fault,
malfunction, or failure in component or assembly.
REPLACE Substitute a serviceable component or assembly for an unserviceable
REPORT Give an account of; formally document meeting or event proceedings.
REQUEST Ask for information.
RESPOND React in response; answer.
RETURN Restore something to former state or condition.
RINSE Cleanse by flushing with liquid.
RUN Continue in force or operation.
SAMPLE Draw a specimen for judging the quality of the whole.
SCAN Read quickly.
SECURE Protect from damage; control access.
SELECT Choose from a group.
SEQUENCE Arrange in order.
SERVICE Keep an item in proper operating condition.
SHUT Stop or suspend operation (see close).
SHUT DOWN Stop or suspend operation (see close).
SKETCH Draw roughly.
SPRAY Apply a jet of vapor of liquid.
START Begin; come into being.
START UP Begin; set in operation.
STOP Close or cease (see close).
STORE Lay away for future use.
SWITCH Shift to another electrical circuit; exchange.
SUBTRACT Take away by reducing.
SUPPLY Provide or furnish.
SYNCHRONIZE Arrange operations to occur simultaneously.
TELEPHONE Communicate by phone.
TEST Verify serviceability and detect failure by measuring against prescribed
THROTTLE Decrease the flow of; regulate the speed of.
TITRATE Method or process of determining the strength of a (titration) solution or the
concentration of a substance in solution, in terms of the smallest amount of
a reagent of known concentration, required to bring about a given effect in
reaction with a known volume of a test solution.
TOTAL Add up; compute.
TRACE Discover signs, evidence, or remains of; follow a path.
TRACK Be aware of a progression of activities.
TRANSFER Convey from one place or situation to another.
TRANSMIT Send or transfer from one person to another.
TRANSPORT Transfer or convey from one place to another by mechanical means.
TRIP Remove from service rapidly.
TUNE Adjust; respond to radio waves of a particular frequency.
TURN Rotate or revolve.
TYPE Operate a keyboard.
UNLATCH Open or loosen by lifting a latch.
UNLOAD Take off a load.
UPGRADE Raise the quality of; improve.
UPDATE Bring up to date; revise.
UNLOCK Unfasten; free from restraint.
UNCOUPLE Detach or disconnect.
VENT Release gas, liquid, or pressure.
VERIFY Confirm the accuracy of.
VENTILATE Expose to air.
WAIT Expect or remain in readiness.
WARM UP Make ready for operation by preliminary exercise or operation.
WEIGH Ascertain the weight of.
WITHDRAW Remove from use.
ZERO Adjust to zero.
A properly developed learning objective should state clearly the condition that will exist at the time
of trainee performance. Conditions of performance define the facility situation, environmental aspects and
resources available to aid trainee performance. Typical conditions may include the following:
Facility operating mode
Safety considerations or hazards
System and equipment status
Tools and materials to be used
References available
Environmental conditions
Problem situations or contingencies (abnormal or emergency).
Learning objective conditions are derived from various job conditions identified during analysis.
When developing learning objective conditions, adjustments may be necessary to reflect the degree of
fidelity that can be achieved in the training setting. For example, job conditions can be simulated with
high fidelity during OJT and simulator training, because they mirror the actual job conditions. When
classroom or self-pacing is used, the learning objective conditions are limited by the constraints of the
classroom or self-paced environment. If an implied condition is used, it should be easily understood by
all who read the objective. Because the learning objective and the setting affect each other, examples of
appropriate settings and the conditions that may be required for the setting are listed in the left-hand
column below. The written learning objectives, that include the required conditions, are listed in the
right-hand column.
OJT Setting: Given the reactor plant at full power, the
Facility operating mode; equipment and
equipment status
secondary equipment, closed cycle, cooling
water system running with one heat
exchanger in service and one heat exchanger
in standby, and the secondary equipment,
closed cycle, cooling water pump aligned with
one pump running and one pump in standby,
operate the secondary equipment, closed cycle,
cooling system within system temperature limits.
Laboratory Setting: Given a process sample, laboratory equip-
Equipment; materials
ment, and reagents, analyze a feedwater sample
for pH in accordance with approved procedures.
Classroom Setting: Given a manual on fire prevention, state the
most effective extinguishing agent for a Class-C
Simulator Setting: Given a malfunction in the main feedwater
Problem situations or contingencies
pump, troubleshoot the malfunction in the main
feedwater pump.
Workshop Setting: Given the disassembled parts of a three-phase
Equipment; tools; references
electric motor, proper tools, and a technical
manual, assemble parts of the three-phase
electric motor in correct sequence.
Classroom Setting: Given a complete set of protective clothing,
Safety considerations
don the clothing in the correct sequence.
A well-prepared learning objective includes a standard for evaluating student performance. The
trainee's action should result in an output, and the required quantity or quality of that output is the
standard of performance. Standards can include step-by-step processes that do not permit deviation.
Others may prescribe the product of performance and the factors for judging that product.
Standards are derived from job standards identified during analysis. Similar to the development
process for conditions, learning objective standards also should be adjusted to reflect fidelity to job
standards. In some cases an implied standard may not be included in the objective. For example, an
implied standard of “without error” may be assumed for a procedural step. If an implied standard is used,
it should be easily understood by all who read the objective.
The following is a list of characteristics for standards, a description of what the characteristics
specify, and an example of a learning objective including these standards:
Characteristics of
Good Standards What is specified Example
Precise nature of the output; Using a calculator, multiply two
number of features output must three-digit, numbers and write the
contain; minimum acceptable level
of performance
answer to the nearest tenth.
Number of steps or sequence of Given a process sample, laboratory
steps that must be covered; equipment, and reagents, analyze
reference to a plant operating
the sample for pH. The steps will
be performed in correct sequence
and comply with plant
Implying the standard of NO Given the reactor plant at power, the
ERROR; how exact the feedwater regulating system in
performance must be; correct manual, a wide range of steam
numbers reflecting generator level reading, and a steam
tolerances generator system description,
calculate the steam generator narrow
range level to ± 5% of the wide
range level.
Value of dimensions that Given a misadjusted carburetor and
acceptable answer/ performance the necessary tools, adjust the
can assume (these may be
carburetor so the engine idles at its
smoothest point.
Amount of days, hours, minutes, or Given a 200-word rough draft, type
seconds allowed for performance
a letter without error at a
minimum speed of 40 words per
Given a disassembled globe valve,
rags, gasket, material, tools, and a
technical manual, reassemble the
globe valve in 30 minutes.
It is important for learning objectives to address the knowledge needed across the range of task
performance under all conditions. The use of generic (fill in the blank) learning objectives can provide
management control for ensuring that objectives span the range of knowledge required under both routine
and abnormal conditions, as well as supplement the task analysis process of identifying appropriate
knowledge for a task. The Example System that follows can be used as a template when writing
objectives for a lesson.
When designing your own set of generic objectives each of the headings listed in the example should be
taken into consideration. Notice that the example includes objective statements requiring both memorization and
application of knowledge. When developing generic objectives you should ensure coverage of both memorization
and application. You will note criteria and conditions are not listed in these examples. Your objectives should
contain all three parts of an objective (action statement, conditions, and standards).
Example System
1. State the purpose of the system.
Design and Interrelationships:
1. Name the major components of the system.
2. Draw a one-line diagram of the system that shows its interconnections with other systems.
3. Describe the chemical control/functional dependencies that exist between the system and
the systems below.
4. Predict how the system responds during a chemistry transient.
1. Summarize the operation of the system.
2. State the reason for .
3. Recognize the correct system alignments for each of the following conditions:
4. Determine the applicable chemistry specifications for each of the following plant conditions:
Operations (Continued):
1. Classify the following system conditions into normal or abnormal.
2. Relate each system test to the condition(s) it detects.
3. Predict how changing environmental conditions affect the system.
1. Identify where the procedures are located.
2. Select the procedure(s) for the activity.
3. Determine the chemistry limitations of the system under the following conditions:
4. Summarize how to .
5. List the consequences of improperly performing a .
6. Describe the process for reporting errors or sources of confusion in chemistry procedures.
1. Identify the sample points in the system.
2. Describe where in the system flowpath samples are obtained.
3. Identify the equipment used to sample the .
4. Determine the valve alignment for sampling the .
5. Determine the flushing/recirculation requirements for sampling the .
6. List the factors that can influence analysis results.
7. Describe the labeling information required on samples.
8. Describe how to transport samples.
9. Summarize how to dispose of samples.
1. Identify where the system controls are located.
2. Describe how control layout, design, or operation limitations might contribute to
employee performance errors.
3. Relate control adjustments to their effects on the following system parameters.
1. Identify the alarms associated with the system.
2. Identify where the following alarm sensors monitor the system:
3. Identify where the alarm annunciator is located.
4. Recognize the set points of the system alarms.
5. Identify the expected chemistry alarms during the following plant events:
6. Identify the conditions that verify a alarm.
Indicators and Chemistry Monitors:
1. Identify the operational chemistry monitors associated with the system.
2. Identify where in the flow path each of the following chemistry monitors measures system
3. Match system/component chemistry monitor indications to specific chemistry events.
4. Recognize the failures modes of each of the system chemistry monitors.
System-Related Hazard/Safety Precautions:
1. Identify the personnel hazards or dangers associated with the system.
2. List the precautions associated with the system.
3. Describe how each of the following chemistry conditions can damage the system.
4. Relate the following precautions to the system damage each prevents.
TASK NO. 505021
Task Title: "Perform Radiation Surveys in Support of Field Radiography Operations.”
Terminal Given that applicable references, equipment, and materials are available,
Objective: perform radiation surveys in support of field radiography operations in accordance with
References: 1. SOP WPS-14871, Radiological Control of Field Radiography Operations and
2. IPM IV-10, Radiological Controls Manual.
3. RM-901C, PortaScan Operator's Manual.
Enabling Objectives References
1. Given a Radiography Checklist, describe the information that must be 1
filled in and when, during the field radiography operation; this should
be completed.
2. Given a Source Survey Checklist, describe the information that must be 1
filled in and when, during the field radiography operation; this should
be completed.
3. Describe how to verify proper posting of the area affected by the 1
radiography operation.
4. List and locate the equipment to perform radiation surveys in support 1,2
of field radiography operations.
5. Describe the locations required to be surveyed during the field radiog- 1
raphy operation.
6. Given the equipment technical manual, perform preoperational check of 3
portable radiation monitoring equipment.
7. Use portable beta-gamma survey equipment to determine radiation 3
levels in accordance with procedure.
8. Demonstrate proper survey techniques using appropriate instruments. 2
Prerequisites: 1. HPT-ST-303, Portable Survey Equipment
2. HPT-ST-302, Performing Radiation Surveys
3. HPT-RO-101, Principles of Radiography
4. Qualified Radiation Worker.
Conditions: Affected system tagged out (if required) and prepared for radiography.
Instructions to Trainee—You are to perform the required radiation surveys in support of the selected radiography
operation. You must acquire the necessary references and equipment, and complete all required documentation. If you
perform a critical step improperly, or do a step out of sequence, you will fail this performance test.
Action Step Criteria Initials
1. C —Obtain references
2. C —Obtain equipment
3. S/C—Perform preoperational check of Preoperational checks performed
portable radiation monitoring (IAW Equipment Technical
equipment Manual).
4. S/C—Verify posting of the area Posted in accordance with SOP
affected by the radiography WPS-14871.
5. S/C—Complete the Radiography
6. S/C—Determine radiation levels Surveyed in accordance with IPM
IV-10 and SOP WPS-14871.
7. S/C—Record survey data
8. S/C—Complete the Source Survey
9. S/C—Submit survey data
10. Return equipment Equipment returned to proper
storage location.
11. Return references References returned to proper
storage location.
Evaluator Instructions—The trainee is to perform this test, without assistance, on the job site. An
implied standard of “without error” is assumed for procedural step completion. Provide clarification of
requirements if requested by trainee. You are encouraged to ask relevant questions to verify trainee
understanding. If a trainee fails this performance test, clearly document the reason for failure, and forward
the documentation to the trainee's immediate supervisor. Successful completion of this performance test
is to be recorded on the trainee's qualification card.
Codes: (S) Sequence is important. This step must be performed only after the preceding step(s).
(C) Critical step. Failure to meet standards for this item constitutes failure of the TES.
Approved by:
1The symbols P,S,O, and D refer to Perform, Simulate, Observe, and Discuss. They indicate the mode of
evaluation acceptable for the task.
P,S,O,D Task Signatures
P,S 505010 Perform Material Release
P 505017 P e r f o r m P e r s onnel
P,S 505020 Perform Job Coverage Surveys
P 505021 Perform Radiation Surveys in
Number Task Title (Trainee and Instructor) Date
Contamination Surveys
Support of Field Radiography
Task Number: Task Title:
: Terminal Learning Objective:
Task Standards
General Conditions
Element Number:
KSA Taxonomy
Element Statement: Performance Evaluation
Knowledge, Skills, Method and Amplifying
and Abilities Conditions and Standards
(Y/N) Enabling Objectives
Instructions—Check each item after review:
1. Will each TES measure how well the trainee performs?
2. Is each TES written at the task level?
3. Does each TES represent the best approximation to actual task performance that can be
made, considering cost, time, and ability to measure?
4. In situations where an end product was available for inspection, was the acceptance
criteria incorporated in the TES?
5. Are TES criteria adequate to require proficient performance without being unnecessarily
6. Do criteria of the TES reflect the desired level of proficiency?
7. Have specific instructions for administration and evaluation of the TES been provided?
8. Has subjectivity in scoring been minimized?
9. For TESs in which a process has been broken down into several observable elements, are
the selected elements representative of the process, and can they predict successful
10. Has the TES been validated on a representative sample of the target population?
11. Does the TES require that the task be "performed" in those cases where performance is
suitable and feasible?
12. Have those TESs, for which constraints preclude performance in the job environment,
been verified as having high-fidelity?
Task Number: Task Title:
8100090208 Repair Strainers—Diesel Generator Lube Oil System
: Terminal Learning Objective:
Supply Procedure
Quality Assurance Manual
Maintenance Procedure
Technical Manual
Administrative Procedures.
Given required initial conditions and proper tools, repair strainers in accordance with the
maintenance procedure and the component Technical Manual.
Task Standards
Repairs must meet the standards for physical condition and cleanliness required by the
Maintenance Procedure.
General Conditions
Lube oil system tagged out by Operations
Generator tagged out be Operations
Operations has drained the lube oil system.
Element Number: Element Statement: Level
KSA Taxonomy Knowledge, Skills, Required
Number and Abilities (Y/N)
Enabling Objectives Conditions and Standards
Performance Evaluation
Method and Amplifying
8100090208-1: Remove Strainer Cover:
401206010100 Location of strainer N 1. Describe the location of the
diesel generator lube oil
401206040100 Identify strainer components using Y
TM drawings
401206040101 Determine strainer construction Y
401206100200 Determine sequence to remove strain- Y
er cover
404001010521 Location of face shield N 2. Describe the location of the
maintenance mechanic
404001050521 Use of face shield Y
404101013323 Location of prybar N 3. (Same as No. 2)
404101051700 Use of prybar Y
404103010520 Location of lint-free rags N 4. (Same as No. 2)
404103050520 Use of lint-free rags Y
8100090208-2: Remove Gasket from Strainer
401206100204 Determine sequence to remove cover Y
401206070101 Recognize that gasket is properly Y
404101010120 Location of screwdriver Y 5. (Same as No. 2)
404101050191 Use of screwdriver Y
8100090208-3: Remove Strainer Element:
401206100208 Determine sequence to remove strain- Y
er element
Element Number: Element Statement: Level
KSA Taxonomy Knowledge, Skills, Required
Number and Abilities (Y/N)
Enabling Objectives Conditions and Standards
Performance Evaluation
Method and Amplifying
401206070102 Recognize that strainer element is Y
properly removed
8100090208-4: Clean Strainer Element:
401206100700 Determine sequence to clean strainer Y
401206070103 Determine cleanliness standard for N 6. Describe cleanliness stan- Meet MP standards for
strainer element dards from the maintenance cleanliness
procedure (MP)
401206070104 Recognize that strainer element N 7. Demonstrate use of MP
meets cleanliness standard cleanliness standards
402902010101 Location of cleaning solvent N 8. Describe location of
402902050101 Use of cleaning solvent Y
402902060102 Safety precautions for solvent use N 9. Describe safety precautions
for use of approved solvents
8100090208-5: Inspect Strainer Element:
401206100500 Determine sequence to inspect Y
strainer element
401206070105 Determine physical condition stan- N 10. Describe physical condition Strainer element must be
dards for strainer element standards for a lube oil free of holes/tears and
strainer element meet maintenance proce-
dure standards for physi-
cal condition.
401206070107 Recognition that strainer element N 11. Demonstrate use of MP
meets physical condition standards physical condition standards
Type Description Standards
A direct translation of a skill learning Performance of the learning objective
objective into a test item the trainee is must be matched in the test item.
required to perform.
Conditions and standards of the learn-
ing objective must be matched in the
test item.
Item directions to the trainee should
be clear and concise.
Actions should be observable, and
measurable process items (i.e., step-
by-step procedures) should be listed
in the order in which they are per-
Standards for results to be achieved
(i.e., accuracy or completeness)
should include an indication of per-
formance (e.g., ±5% of program level,
within two degrees).
An item that requires the trainee to The item must be stated simply with-
complete the sentence or write the out extensive qualification so that the
answer to a question in a few words. test is not unintentionally a reading
A series of well-constructed comple-
tion/short answer items that can The answer called for must be clear to
measure knowledge with more con- the informed trainee.
sistency and objectivity than essay test
items. For completion items, the main idea
should precede the blank.
The item should be constructed so that
only one correct, brief answer is
Alternate Choice
A two-choice item in which only one of The item must be true or false, with-
the responses is absolutely correct. out qualification.
The item should not be long or overly
complex with many qualifying
Type Description Standards
Alternate Choice
The item should not normally be lifted
directly from printed sources due to
the potential lack of clarity or
accuracy when taken out of context.
Multiple Choice
An item with three or more responses, The item can contain either a direct
one of which clearly provides the "best question or incomplete statement (to
answer." be filled in with the correct response).
Words should not be included in the
item that otherwise would be repeated
in each response.
The correct answer should be clearly
the best of the responses.
Responses should be within the
trainee's comprehension.
Responses should be arranged in
some logical order.
"None of the above" and "all of the
above" should be avoided.
Positions of the correct answer should
be varied.
The item and responses should not
measure trainee opinion.
Response should be independent, not
overlapping or include other
A list of conditions, responses, and Conditions and responses should have
directions for matching the conditions a plausible relationship to each other.
to responses.
Type Description Standards
The number of responses should be
less than or more than the number of
conditions to avoid the simplicity of a
one-to-one relationship.
Directions to the trainee should
explain the basis for matching clearly.
An item that requires the trainee to The item should be clear and contain
sketch the flow path of a given specific instructions.
system/circuit, or label a drawing as
provided. The system/circuit to be sketched
should have only one correct flow-
The drawing (test item) should
identify the items to be labeled clearly.
There should be only one correct term
for each item to be labeled in the
Content Area Concepts (Principles/Concepts) Questions
Knowledge of Total
Facts, Terms, Comprehension of Application Number
Symbols Principles/ of Information of
Fundamentals 1 1 0 2
Biological Effects 0 2 0 2
Administration 2 2 1 5
Exposure Control 2 5 4 11
25 310
Monitoring 1 3 1 5
Access Control 3 3 1 7
Unusual Incidents/
12 36
11 02
Total Questions
13 24 13 50
General Information:
1. Course—Health Physics (HP) Technician Training
2. Referent Organization—Operational Health Physics
3. Required by DOE Order 5480.11
4. Prepared by HP Trainer.
Organization and Administrative Responsibilities:
1. Development of course material will be accomplished by Health Physics Training, specifically,
HP Trainer and RP Trainer.
2. Materials will be reviewed by Operational Health Physics management, Radiation Technology,
and selected HP technicians.
3. Reviews will be performed on draft material issued on 6/7, 7/15, and final draft 8/25. One week
will be allowed for review and comment.
4. Final materials will be approved by the Manager, Health Physics Training, and the Manager,
Operational Health Physics.
5. Course material will be maintained by Health Physics Training and administered by Health
Physics Training and Operational Health Physics as specified in Qualification Standard
No. 0602Q.
6. Key contacts will be I. M. Responsible, Supervisor Operational Health Physics, and HP Trainer,
Training Specialist, Health Physics Training.
7. Subject matter experts will be assigned by I. M. Responsible to aid in development as requested
by HP Trainer.
Course Loading and Scheduling:
1. Each course will accommodate a minimum of three and a maximum of 15 trainees.
2. Scheduling will be coordinated through the Manager, Health Physics Training. Requests for
scheduling must be made 15 workdays prior to the required start date.
Evaluation Guidelines:
1. Release of trainees from portions or all of the training course must be approved by the Manager,
Health Physics Training, and the Manager, Operational Health Physics. Exceptions must be
documented as stated in the Training Management Manual.
Evaluation Guidelines (Continued):
2. Pretests covering entry-level knowledge will be given one week prior to course start date. Any
individual deficiencies will require remedial work prior to starting the course. Health Physics
Training will coordinate remedial activities.
3. Two progress tests, Week One and Week Three, and a final comprehensive test will be given.
4. Failure of any test will require remedial action described in the Training Management Manual.
Instructor Qualifications:
1. All classroom instruction will be provided by qualified health physics instructors.
2. All OJT instruction will be provided by qualified OJT personnel.
Training Resources and Facilities:
1. Classroom instruction will be conducted in Room 130 of the Plant Training Building.
2. All additional training will be provided in the appropriate OJT area.
3. There will be no impact to facility operations to conduct training. All OJT can be conducted
during the course of normal operations.
4. Training aids and additional equipment are available through Health Physics Training or can be
obtained, on a loanable basis, from Operational Health Physics.
Test Administration Guidelines:
1. Tests will be controlled and administered as described in the Training Management Manual.
Supplemental Training Records:
1. All training will be recorded in Qualification Standard No.0602Q.
2. Completed qualification standards will be sent to Health Physics Training for review and
inclusion in the individual training files.
Course Curriculum Outline:
Included as an example are sections from each training setting. This is not the complete outline. The
actual guide should contain all portions of the outline.
Classroom (Approximately 120 Hours)
Math and Science Fundamentals
Basic Mathematics/Algebra:
1. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers, fractions and decimals.
2. Calculate percentages, square roots, and averages.
3. Determine significant figures.
4. Convert units from metric to English and English to metric for length, volume, flow rate
measurements, temperatures, and pressures.
5. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide algebraic expressions, use parentheses, factor algebraic
expressions, and change signs to the depth necessary.
6. Apply the concept of exponential buildup and decay to solve radioactive decay and gamma ray
shielding problems.
7. Use exponents, radicals, and scientific notation in radiological protection technology.
8. Graph sample data.
9. Perform statistical analyses of data.
1. Discuss the use of a system of units.
2. Discuss the concepts of and relationships between work, energy, and momentum.
3. Discuss equilibrium and the laws of motion.
1. Describe the structure and relationship between atoms, elements, molecules, and compounds.
Describe the types of chemical bonding.
2. State the properties of acids and bases.
Chemistry (Continued):
1. Explain the concept of chemical and ionic equilibrium.
2. Solve simple chemical equations.
Nuclear Physics:
1. Define the following terms, SI equivalents, and identify the symbols used for:
a. Curie
b. Rad
c. Rem
d. Roentgen
e. Radioactivity
f. Radioactive decay
g. Half-life.
2. Define the term isotope and discuss similarities and differences between an isotope and the base
3. Discuss mass-energy equivalence.
4. Discuss the concept of nuclear forces.
5. Define binding energy and relate it to binding energy per nucleon.
6. Define the term “fission” and discuss its relationship to nuclear material.
7. Discuss parent-daughter relationships for radioactive material.
8. Discuss the concepts employed in criticality safety (e.g., double and triple contingency) at your
Basic Electricity:
1. Explain the characteristics of conductors, semiconductors, resistors, capacitors, inductors, and
simple direct current circuits.
Written and Oral:
1. State the importance of accurate communications.
2. Discuss the importance of interpersonal communication skills.
3. Apply them both to written and oral communication (i.e., handling conflict, active listening,
Radiation Protection Theory
Radioactivity and Radioactive Decay:
1. Explain the processes involved in the nuclear stability of atoms.
2. Identify the modes of radioactive decay (e.g., alpha, beta, and neutron).
3. Explain gamma-ray emission.
4. Write simple equations describing each mode of decay.
5. Perform radioactive decay calculations using exponential equations and appropriate graphs.
6. Characterize alpha and beta particles, gamma rays, x-rays, and neutrons.
7. Write simple equations describing the process of neutron activation.
8. Discuss the information that can be obtained from the Chart of Nuclides.
Sources of Radiation:
1. State and quantify the major sources of natural background radiation.
2. State and quantify the major man-made sources of radiation.
3. State and quantify the major sources of radiation at the facility.
LABORATORY (Approximately 20 Hours)
Math and Science Fundamentals
Basic Mathematics/Algebra:
1. Graph sample data.
2. Perform statistical analyses of data.
Radiation Protection Theory
Interaction of Radiation with Matter:
1. Select the type(s) of shielding material required for each type of radiation.
Counting Statistics:
2. Perform minimum detectable activity calculations, when necessary.
Radiation Protection Concepts and Procedures
External Radiation Exposure Control:
1. Solve simple distance attenuation problems for line and point sources.
2. Perform corrections for instrument readings (geometry, distance, etc.)
3. Evaluate the effectiveness of temporary shielding in various practical applications.
4. Perform gamma-ray shielding calculations using these items:
a. Exponential shielding equation
b. Half- and tenth-thickness values
c. Empirically derived graphs.
5. Demonstrate proper survey techniques using appropriate instruments.
6. Perform dose-equivalent determinations.
7. Solve dose-rate and shielding problems using:
a. Inverse square law
b. Tenth value layer
c. Half value layer.
(Training will be completed during a 3-month shift cycle)
Communication on the Job
Oral and written:
1. Demonstrate proper oral communication:
a. Face-to-face
b. Radio
c. Telephone.
2. Demonstrate proper written communication in:
a. Work logs
b. Radiation surveys
c. Maintenance requests
d. Radiation work permits
e. Other required written records.
Radiation Protection Concepts and Procedures
Radiation Protection Concepts and Procedures:
1. Demonstrate proficiency in using DOE and Department of Transportation standards and
contractor administrative limits in practical situations.
External Radiation Exposure Control:
1. Demonstrate the ability to utilize the principles of time, distance, and shielding to minimize
personnel exposure.
2. Solve simple distance attenuation problems for line and point sources.
3. Perform corrections for instrument readings (geometry, distance)
4. Evaluate the effectiveness of temporary shielding in various practical applications.
5. Perform gamma-ray shielding calculations using these items:
External Radiation Exposure Control (Continued):
a. Exponential shielding equation
b. Half and tenth thickness values
c. Empirically derived graphs
6. Implement facility exposure control systems.
7. Respond to area radiation monitor alarms.
8. Demonstrate proper survey techniques using appropriate instruments.
9. Perform dose-equivalent determinations.
10. Solve dose-rate and shielding problems using:
a. Inverse square law
b. Tenth value layer
c. Half value layer.
Radioactive Contamination Control:
1. Identify the potential sources of radioactive contamination, including work operations that can
generate contamination.
2. Identify the conditions in which the use of each type of containment device should be considered.
3. Identify the methods by which a work site can be prepared in advance for performance of highly
contaminated work.
4. Demonstrate proper survey techniques (e.g., smears, fixed contamination, personnel
contamination) using appropriate instrumentation.
5. Demonstrate proper techniques and procedures for limiting the spread of contamination.
6. Demonstrate the ability to post a contamination area properly with the required signs.
7. Identify the facility contamination monitoring systems and their operating principles and
8. Demonstrate proper donning and removal of anticontamination clothing, and define the
conditions that dictate the use and selection of anticontamination clothing.
Radioactive Contamination Control (Continued):
9. Convert meter readings to radioactivity levels.
10. Estimate surface contamination levels resulting from various working conditions and incidents.
Development and Implementation Schedule:
1. 5/01—“Training Development and Administration Guide” approval
2. 6/07—First-draft lesson plans
3. 6/14—First-review complete
4. 7/15—Second-draft lesson plans including training support material
5. 7/22—Review of support and second-draft lesson plans
6. 8/25—Final lesson plans and support material complete
7. 9/03—Final review of materials
8. 9/17—Final comments incorporated
9. 9/20-10/18—small-group
10. 11/01—Review and modifications identified in small-group evaluation
11. 11/08-12/06—First Run
12. 12/15—Review and modifications identified in first run
13. 12/30—Final course approval.
Approval Signatures:
(Manager, Operational Health Physics) (Manager, Plant Training)
Method Characteristics
Lecture A public-speaking-type presentation
Effective and efficient with large groups of trainees
Typically used in classroom settings
Body of information that is well-organized, condensed, and
presented in logical steps
Presentation provides periodic pauses for asking and answering
questions to determine trainee comprehension
Conclusion provides a summary of key points.
Demonstration/Practice A presentation in which the exact procedures (skills) are shown in
step-by-step sequence by the instructor
More effective with small groups of trainees
Limited to laboratory/workshop, OJT, and simulator training, when use
of equipment is involved
Performance of each step and its relationship to the overall procedure
is emphasized by the instructor
Trainee performs the step-by-step procedure under instructor
supervision until proficiency is achieved.
Discussion/Facilitation Conversation is guided between trainees, with direction from the
instructor or group leader
More effective with small groups of trainees
Typically used in classroom settings
A discussion leader is appointed for each group
Method Characteristics
Discussion/Facilitation Provides for use of case studies
Provides opportunity for trainees to observe, listen, and actively
participate in the learning activity.
Oral Questioning Instructor asks specific questions of different trainees (not always those
who volunteer the answer) to increase interaction and control the pace
of the training
Permits direct interaction between the instructor and trainees
Appropriate to all settings
Samples trainee comprehension of the material.
Role Playing Trainees assume roles (responsibilities) in a real or simulated job
Develops an understanding of roles and the importance they play in the
job environment
Permits instructor observation of trainee attitudes, philosophies, and
personality traits
Appropriate to all settings except self-pacing
Effective in learning team member functions and team response
Particularly effective during exercises and drills.
Walk-Through Trainees experience actual job environment
Used to facilitate trainees' transition from learning in a simulated
environment to application in the job environment
Limited to a discussion of action steps within the actual job
Method Characteristics
Walk-Through Emphasizes physical facility layouts, spatial relationships,
(Continued) equipment location, and observation of trained employees
performing their jobs
Places the course learning objectives in a job context that
increases trainee motivation and allows active participation
Permits a sampling of trainee comprehension of the learning activity.
Self-Pacing The pace of training is controlled by the trainee (i.e., a lesson stops
when a trainee fails to respond and remains stopped until the trainee
Frequently used during remedial training.
Training Department: Course:
Author: Date: Lesson:
Review: Date: Lesson No.: Rev. No.:
Approval: Date: Time:
Terminal Objective and Enabling Objectives:
Instructional Aids:
(Page of Pages)
LESSON PLAN (Continued)
Lesson: Lesson No.: Rev. No.:
Content Outline Activities
(Page of Pages)
LESSON TITLE: “Tying the Woolly-Worm Fish Fly”
TIME: 30-45 Minutes
RELEVANT PROCEDURE(S): “Woolly-Worm Fly,” Western Flies, Vol. I, page 127
DATE: 10/23/89
DATE: 10/23/89
DATE: 10/25/89
Safety Precautions and Procedural Limitations:
Hook and sharp instrument safety
Avoid breathing fumes from the head cement.
Required Tools/Materials/Instructional Aids:
Fly tying vise Bodkin/half-hitch tool
Bobbin One box No. 4X hooks
Scissors No. 1 nylon thread
Saddle hackles Assorted chenille
Red yarn Head cement.
What's in it for me?
Terminal: Given the necessary tools, materials, and procedure, tie a Woolly-Worm fly that
closely matches the instructor-provided example or photograph.
Enabling: None.
Instructor Preparation:
Review Lesson Plan, Procedure, and Evaluation Guide.
Prepare materials (enough for at least six flies) in advance.
Student Preparation: None.
a. Introduce self A little small talk usually helps to “break
the ice.”
b. Motivator WIIFM? —You should be able to earn up
to $100.00 per week tying flies in your
spare time.
c. Learning objective (LO) Review with the student the lesson's LO;
see cover sheet.
d. Overview Describe to the student how you intend to
teach this lesson.
e. Find out what the student already knows Tailor OJT session based on this.
f. Questions Make sure the student feels free to ask
questions at any time.
a. Review tools and materials STRESS SAFETY:
Ensure that the student understands
terminology, the use(s) of each tool, and
reasons for using only high quality
2. LESSON BODY (continued)
b. Explanation and demonstration
(1) Explain and demonstrate the tying STRESS PROCEDURAL
of a Woolly-Worm fly using the COMPLIANCE:
referenced procedure.
Ensure that you cover all listed
knowledge requirements stated
on the attached OJT Evaluation
(2) Discuss/explain the critical steps The suggested method for this
(listed on Evaluation Guide). lesson is to demonstrate how to tie
the fly, explaining your actions as you
accomplish each step.
Ask comprehension checking
questions to ensure that the student
c. Practice under supervision
(1) Review the procedure with the Again, stress the importance of
student closely following the procedure.
(2) Have the student tie a Woolly- Be patient! Demonstrate procedural
Worm fly. steps again if necessary.
(Instructor's option: Tie another fly Allow the student to continue
as the student ties his/hers. This only after completing each
allows you to show the student how to step of the procedure.
perform the step again or use the fly
that the student is tying.) Comprehension Check—Ask the
student why he/she performed the
critical procedural steps or what could
happen if performed incorrectly.
(3) Have the student tie another fly. Reduce your assistance as the student
becomes more proficient.
a. Restate the learning objective
b. Review any areas in which the student Remember to keep your comments
had difficulty positive!
c. Restate the motivator Cottage Industry—It's possible to
earn up to $100.00 or more per week
working in your spare time.
d. Document the completion of training
TASK STATEMENT: Tie a Woolly-Worm Fly TASK NO.: 505075
REFERENCE: Western Flies, Vol. I, Page 127
DATE: / /
Learning Objective—Given the necessary tools, materials, and procedures, tie a Woolly-Worm fly that
closely matches the instructor-provided example or photograph.
Knowledge Requirements—Discuss the following during task performance:
Safety precautions.
Reason for leaving hook point exposed.
Reason for always wrapping in a clockwise direction.
Necessity of tying half hitches.
Why a space is left between Position "A" and the eye of the hook.
Performance Requirements—
1. Thread attached and base wrapped?
2. All materials attached at proper location?
3. Materials firmly
4. Wrappings wound clockwise?
5. All applicable safety rules observed?
6. Complied with the procedure?
Final Evaluation Pass/Fail—Performance requirements must be completed
with 100% accuracy. Knowledge requirements must be completed with 80%
or greater accuracy.
Failures—Return this form to the Training Department to reschedule the
evaluation session and/or additional training. Time permitting, provide FAIL
training on identified weak areas and document your actions on the back of
this Evaluation Guide.
Make sure there is sufficient
space between Position "A" and
the eye for making a head.
General Information
Caution!—Be aware of the hook point when handling and wrapping.
It is very sharp! Do
not cover the point of the hook with the vise.
1. Attach the vise to the worktable. Adjust so that the operating
lever will secure the jaws firmly. Hook position
2. Place hook in vise as shown. Hook should be parallel to the
3. Starting at Position “A,” wrap thread clockwise over the entire
shank of the hook to Position “B.” This provides a base for all Hook nomenclature
future operations.
4. Attach red yarn for the tail at Position“B.” Tail should extend
about 1/4 inch beyond the bend. Three wraps of thread around
the yarn is adequate to hold the tail secure. Trim excess yarn Hackle
from shank.
5. Chenille is used as the body; tie on at Position “B.”
6. Select a large saddle hackle for the ribbing; tie in the tip
Position “B.” Tail
7. Wrap thread to Position “A,” then tie a half hitch. Wrap
chenille clockwise to Position“A,” tie off with three wraps
and a half hitch; trim chenille. Chenille
Vertical lines "A"
and "B" are strategic
tying positions
8. Wrap hackle to Position “A,” tie off, and trim as in Step 7.
The wrapping technique is called “palmering,” and successive
wraps should be about 1/16 inch apart.
9. Complete the tying by forming the head behind the eye. Tie
two half hitches to secure. Apply one or two drops of head The Woolly Worm
SCENARIO TITLE: Primary Cooling System Operations—Single-Loop and Natural Circulation
EFFECTIVE DATE: August 29, 1985
COURSE: Certified Operator Initial Training (Advanced Operations Module)
(Operations Training Supervisor)
(Operations Superintendent)
(Training Manager)
Scenario Title: Primary Cooling System Operations—Single-Loop and Natural Circulation
Setting/Duration: Classroom Preview—2 to 4 h
Control Room Simulator—2 to 4 h.
1. ECCS Surveillance
a. Plant Procedure, Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) Surveillance and
associated data sheets
b. Plant Procedure 2.13, Emergency Core Cooling System
c. Technical Specification (TS) 3/4.5.1.
2. Primary Cooling Pump Seal Failure
a. Plant Procedure, High Unidentified Reactor Leakage
b. Plant Procedure, High Identified Reactor Leakage
c. Plant Procedure, Primary Cooling Pump Seal Failure
d. Technical Specifications 3/4.3.2, 3/4.1.1, and 3/4.4.1.
3. Primary Cooling Pump Trip
a. Annunciator Procedure 4.602.A13-4.5 Primary Cooling Pump Turbine Trip
b. Annunciator Procedure 4.602.A6-4.7 Primary Cooling Pump Trip.
1. 10-05-0001 Primary Cooling Pump “A” Seal Failure
2. 10-01-0002 Primary Cooling Pump “B” Turbine Trip.
Initial Conditions:
1. IC-11 [100% power, end of life (EOL)]
a. Core thermal power—2425MW(t) (99.55%)
b. Core flow—102M lb/h (99.55%)
c. Exposure—8400MWD/T (near EOL)
d. Equilibrium xenon—3.1% delta K/K
e. Reactor pressure—1590 psig.
Scenario Summary:
Starting from 100% power and 100% core flow at the end of core life, the following conditions will
be encountered in sequence:
1. Failure of an ECCS pump to start on demand during a routine pump operability surveillance
2. Failure of primary cooling pump "A" seal requiring isolation of the pump
3. Inadvertent trip of primary cooling pump "B" during maintenance activities supposedly being
conducted on pump "A" resulting in natural circulation operation.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the classroom preview and simulator exercise, the trainees will be able to
perform the following tasks with the reactor plant operating at power and under the additional
conditions as indicated:
1. Perform an ECCS surveillance in accordance with Plant Procedure and respond to
inoperative pump in accordance with Plant Procedures 2.1.3 and TS 3/4.5.1.
2. Diagnose a primary cooling pump seal leak and take corrective action in accordance with
Plant Procedures,, and, also TS 3/4.3.2, 3/4.1.1, and 3/4.4.1.
3. With one primary cooling pump isolated and a trip of the running primary cooling pump,
identify the primary cooling pump trip, identify the natural circulation condition, and take
corrective action in accordance with Plant Procedures 4.602.A13-4.5, 4.602.A6-4.7,, and TS 3/4.4.1.
Common Student Errors:
Note: This section will be filled out by the facility as it uses the exercise guide to alert
the instructor for areas to look for when conducting future training. (Operators
do not always complete subsequent actions in abnormal procedures.)
Instructor Outline Trainee Activity
a. Scenario Title: Primary
(1) Cooling Operations—Single
(2) Loop and Natural Circulation
b. Expected Duration
(1) Simulator—2 to 4 h
(2) Classroom—2 to 4 h
c. Learning Objectives.
a. Initial Conditions
(1) Power (100%)
(2) Core flow (100%)
(3) Equilibrium xenon, near EOL
(4) Maximum decay heat power history.
b. ECCS Surveillance
(1) Review Surveillance Proce- Respond to instructor questions.
Note: Use the generic outline
provided in Appendix C
as a reference for topics
to discuss.
(2) ECCS pump startup failure
(a) Symptoms (Control Room Respond to instructor questions.
Instructor Outline Trainee Activity
(b) Applicable alarm response Respond to instructor questions.
procedures (list:)
(c) ECCS system started
Procedure 2.1.3
(d) TS LCO 3/4.5.1 action
requirements for inoperable
core cooling pump
Note: Use the generic
outline provided in
Appendix C as a
reference for topics
to discuss while
reviewing TS.
c. Primary Cooling Pump Seal Failure Respond to instructor questions:
(1) Symptoms (Control Room indi- Leak-detected confinement equip-
cations) (list:) ment, drain flow high, annunciator
Primary cooling pump outer seal
leakage high
Primary cooling pump seal staging
flow high/low.
(2) Operator actions Respond to instructor questions:
Note: Use the generic outline.
(a) Applicable annunciator Review Plant procedures (list:)
Procedure (High Uniden-
tified Reactor Leakage)
(b) Applicable plant abnormal Review Plant Procedure
procedures (list:) (High Identified Reactor Leakage)
Instructor Outline Trainee Activity
(c) Applicable technical spec- Review TS 3/4.4.1 and Power Flow Map
ifications (list:).
Respond to instructor questions.
(d) Applicable emergency pro- Review Plant Procedure
cedures (list:) (Primary Cooling Pump Seal
- TS 3/4.3.2
- TS 3/4.1.1
- TS 3/4.4.1.
(e) Applicable technical spec- Review applicable technical spe-
ifications (list:). cifications for reactor leakage and
single primary cooling loop
d. Primary Cooling Pump Trip
(1) Symptoms (Control Room indi- Respond to instructor questions:
cations) (list:)
Turbine trip
Flow coastdown
Reactor power decrease
Primary pump suction or discharge
valve closed.
(2) Operator Actions (use the generic
(a) Applicable alarm response Review Alarm Response Proce-
procedures (list:) dure 4.602.A13-4.5 (Primary
Cooling Pump Turbine Trip)
Review Alarm Response Proce-
dure 4.602.A6-4.7 (Primary
Cooling Pump Trip)
(b) Plant abnormal proce- Review Abnormal Proce-
dure(s) (list:) dure (Loss of Core Flow).
Instructor Outline Trainee Activity
a. Review Learning Objectives
Note: Normally, these instructions would not
necessarily be included in the body of the
exercise guide, but would be explained in a
training department instruction governing
the use of simulator exercise guides.
(1) If the classroom presentation does
not immediately precede the
simulator training session, review
the scenario summary and the
learning objectives.
(2) Trainee knowledge is assessed
using items listed in segments
titled “QUESTIONS.”
(3) All bold-faced segment titles (e.g.,
MALFUNCTION, role play) re-
quire the instructor to perform
certain functions that impact the
conduct of the exercise.
Instructor Outline Trainee Activity
a. Scenario Summary (if needed)
b. Learning Objectives (if needed)
c. Shift Turnover Information
(1) No equipment out of service
(2) No evolutions in progress
(3) No abnormal equipment lineups
(4) Planned evolutions—ECCS
(5) Initial plant conditions:
(a) Power (100%)
(b) Core Flow (100%)
(c) Equilibrium xenon
(d) Maximum decay heat power
(e) Refueling is scheduled for
next month.
d. Assign Shift Positions Conduct shift turnover, board
walkdown and assume shift positions
and prepare to perform ECCS
a. Start Simulation—RUN
Instructor Outline Trainee Activity
MALFUNCTION: Activate Malfunction 11-03- Direct ECCS surveillance.
0007, “A” ECCS pump inoperative.
Comply with procedure in accor-
dance with station policy; maintain
plant conditions to comply with
surveillance prerequisites.
QUESTIONS: At appropriate times as the Answer instructor questions.
surveillance is conducted or later during the
critique, ask questions probing trainee knowledge
of related, fundamental topics such as the
Q1. Definition of electrical motor starting A1. Current flow is due to voltage
current? applied to a pure resistive load
(windings) before a counter
EMF is produced by rotor back
into stator.
Q2. Difference between starting and run- A2. Starting current is six to seven
ning current of alternating current times as great as running
induction motors? current.
Q3. Normal valve lineup of the ECCS A3. Valve V-1 open; Pump B
system? running; Pump A in off posi-
tion; Valve V-5 closed; flow
control valve closed; Valve
V-6 closed; Valve V-51 open.
Q4. Locations of ECCS components? A4. ECCS test bypass
valves located in ECCS pump
OBSERVATION: Observe that students take Recognize “A” ECCS pump does
immediate and subsequent action in response to not start and announce failure to
inoperative ECCS pump as per Plant Control Room personnel.
Procedure 2.1.3 and TS 3/4.5.1.
Direct maintenance foreman to
investigate cause of pump failure.
Instructor Outline Trainee Activity
Note: Perform the role of plant personnel as they Declare ECCS system inoperable.
are asked for by the shift supervisor or
Control Room operator.
ROLE PLAY: As maintenance foreman, advise Determine technical specification
the control room that the reason for pump failure requirements for inoperable
cannot readily be determined, and that trouble- ECCS pump.
shooting efforts have started.
MALFUNCTION: Activate Malfunction 10-05- Perform immediate and
0001, Primary Cooling Pump “A” Seal Failure, subsequent actions for failed
after discussion of TS action requirements. primary cooling pump seal failure.
OBSERVATION: Observe diagnosis of Determine primary cooling pump
the primary cooling pump seal failure. seal failure.
The following symptoms are evident:
1. Leak detected “Confinement Equip-
ment Drain Flow High” annunciator
2. Leak detected “Confinement Floor
Drain Flow High” annunciator
3. Primary cooling pump outer seal Announce failure to Control
leakage high Room personnel
4. Primary cooling pump seal staging
flow high/low.
OBSERVATION: Observe trainees take immediate Determine seal failure leak rate
and subsequent actions in response to primary from equipment drain sump pump
cooling pump seal failure as per Plant Proce- run times and integrator readings.
dures,,, and TS 3/4.3.2
and 3/4.1.1. Determine Technical Specifications
action requirements for inoperable
primary cooling pump.
ROLE PLAY: As plant equipment operator, advise Secure the malfunctioning
as to the Control Room pump seal leak rate. primary cooling pump and isolate
the pump; verify leakage has
Instructor Outline Trainee Activity
Note: Perform the role of plant personnel as
requested by the shift supervisor.
ROLE PLAY: As maintenance foreman, request
the shift supervisor approve a work order allow-
ing maintenance on the isolated primary cooling
MALFUNCTION: Activate malfunction 10.01- Perform immediate and
0002, Primary Cooling Pump “B” Turbine trip. subsequent actions for tripped
primary cooling pump.
(Caution! When primary cooling pump trips,
remove Malfunction 10.01-0002.)
OBSERVATION: Observe diagnosis of the Determine primary cooling pump
primary cooling pump trip: trip.
1. Primary coolant pump trip Announce failure to Control Room
2. Primary flow coastdown Determine technical specification
limitations for no primary cooling
pumps running.
3. Reactor power decrease.
OBSERVATION: Observe trainees take imme- Dispatch plant equipment
diate and subsequent actions in response to operator to determine cause of
primary cooling pump trip per Plant Procedures primary cooling pump trip.
4.602.A13-45, 4.602.A6-47, and
TS 3/4.4.1.
QUESTIONS: At appropriate times during Answer instructor questions.
the casualty, ask questions probing trainee
knowledge of related, fundamental topics such as
the following:
Q5. Methods of determining the cause of the A5. Potential causes:
primary cooling pump turbine trip in the
Control Room Indication of turbine fault
Instructor Outline Trainee Activity
Primary cooling pump suction or dis-
charge valve closed (governor trip)
Loss of vacuum
Loss of bearing oil pressure.
Q6. Temperature difference limits between A6.Refer to temperature recorder
isolated and operating primary cooling TR-560 for primary cooling
loops and how they are measured. pump temperature (Loops A and
B)—Technical Specifications limits.
TERMINATION: After team decides plant con-
ditions can be maintained or plant management
decides to shut down and make needed repairs—
end of scenario—FREEZE SIMULATOR.
4. POSTEXERCISE CRITIQUE Discuss major problems and questions
about the scenario.
a. Obtain trainee's self-evaluation/
b. Review learning objectives.
c. Review the exercise using recorder
traces of the evolutions; compare
trainee responses to malfunctions
with correct responses.
d. Review all oral questions and correct
answers; correct the wrong answers
provided by individual trainees during
the exercise.
e. Critique student performance observed
during each exercise:
(a) Reinforce proper individual and
team performance
Instructor Outline Trainee Activity
(b) Reinforce applicable theory
(c) Identify areas for improvement.
f. Solicit additional questions from
students and promote discussion of
correct answers.
5. EVALUATION (at conclusion of simulator
training session)
a. Performance evaluation form (one per trainee)
(1) Strengths
(2) Weaknesses.
b. Discuss evaluation results with each trainee.
c. Comments.
Scope and Reason for Modification Instructor Date
Instructions—Review the guidelines below, and check off each as they are accomplished:
1. Gaining and maintaining attention and motivating the trainee:
a. Appeal to known interests of the trainee.
b. Relate the instruction to short- and long-term goals of the trainee and training program.
c. Change the media and schedule break periods during lengthy segments of training.
2. Informing the trainee of the learning objectives:
a. Address the learning objectives in clear, concise language; and if necessary, illustrate them
in a variety of ways to clarify misunderstandings and for added emphasis.
b. Relate the value of the learning objectives to job performance.
c. Explain the enabling objectives and how they relate to mastery of the terminal objective.
3. Eliciting recall of prerequisite knowledge:
a. Stimulate the recall of previous learning and relate it to new information.
4. Presenting the training material:
a. Use appropriate media to provide a visual demonstration of the information.
b. Present statements of new information in a meaningful context and logical sequence.
c. Provide examples and periodic review or summaries.
d. Provide for proper timing and sequence within and between skill events, and break the
events down into manageable steps.
5. Providing learning guidance:
a. Provide features of the job environment that will aid in retention of the information,
concept, or rule.
b. Provide opportunity for the trainee to apply the concept or rule in a variety of new
c. Identify each skill step, its performance, and its relationship to the overall skill event.
6. Eliciting mastery of the learning objectives:
a. Ask the trainee to state or write the information or to perform the skill event.
b. Ask the trainee to apply the rule or concept in an unfamiliar situation.
c. Monitor trainee progress.
7. Eliciting performance feedback:
a. Identify to the trainee what is wrong or omitted from the information, concept, or rule.
b. Provide assessment of performance and reward promptly and frequently during early
training, and occasionally during later training stages.
8. Evaluating trainee performance:
a. Ask the trainee to restate the information, rule, or concept.
b. Ask the trainee to originate a situation and apply the rule or concept.
c. Ask the trainee to perform the skill in accordance with the standards of performance.
9. Enhancing retention and transfer of training material:
a. Provide time for repetition and rehearsal of the information, concept, or rule.
b. Provide the opportunity for application of the rule or concept to a variety of job
c. Provide periodic practice for infrequently used skills.
Instructions—Review the following guidelines as a basis for classroom application, and check
off each item as you become familiar with each event:
1. Cover Page
a. List lesson plan number and lesson time.
b. List all references; name and number all training aids.
c. All objectives are clearly written and are measurable.
2. Introduction
a. Introduce yourself; establish credibility.
b. Identify ground rules:
(1) Break/lunch, location of restrooms, smoking policy
(2) Note-taking, handling of questions, trainee evaluation(s).
c. Motivate trainees:
(1) Stress WIIFM; explain purpose of the class
(2) Relate actual job experiences; use vivid examples.
d. Review objectives and give overview of lesson.
3. Body (What will you train?)
a. Organize and train to lesson objectives.
b. Mention enabling objectives when covered.
c. Use internal summaries—have trainees assist in summarizing.
d. Repeat new information three to six times during the lesson.
e. Make content interesting:
(1) Use examples and analogies; relate to actual job
(2) Incorporate a variety of visual training aids.
4. Summary
a. Review lesson objectives:
(1) Have trainees provide answers
(2) Consider giving trainees time to study notes before the test
(3) Do not include any new information in the summary.
5. Instructor Notes (How
will you train?)
a. Indicate when and how visual aids and handouts will be used.
b. Specify trainee activities, group exercises, etc.
c. Indicate when and how trainee feedback will be obtained; include specific feedback
questions on key content material.
6. Objectives and Test
a. The performance is clearly stated for each objective.
b. The lesson plan supports each enabling objective.
c. Each test item is valid (test items can be matched to objectives).
d. Each test item is objective.
e. Enough objectives are tested for the examination to be reliable.
LP Number: Reviewer's Name: Date:
Virtually all presentations involve the use of some form of visual aid. Although most lessons can be
made more interesting and effective by incorporating audio-visual aids, probably no part of the
presentation is misused more. Care must be taken to design the lesson and the use of any visual aids to
meet the stated objectives.
The following basic principles of effective instructor-trainee communication should be considered when
choosing audio-visual aids:
First, visuals can increase trainee understanding where words cannot convey all the information.
A sketch, photograph, diagram, or graph can describe relationships more completely than words.
Visuals can also convey the same information faster and more efficiently.
Second, long-term retention of information can be increased by visuals. Seventy-five percent of all
the information stored in the mind comes through the eyes, while 13% of all the information stored
in the mind comes from the sense of hearing. Therefore, using the visual sensory channel helps to
communicate in the way most people are able to learn most easily.
Third, instructors are also helped by designing visual aids. The process of designing visual aids
forces instructors to organize their ideas, and during the presentation the aids assist in keeping their
thoughts organized.
Audio-visual aids offer many advantages to the instructor, but there can be many disadvantages if an
audio-visual medium is not used properly. A good presentation should be able to stand alone without visual
aids. The training aid should support the presentation, not be the center of it. Audio-visual aids should
strengthen what is being said, but should not require interpretation. The following general audio-visual
guidelines should be considered when using and selecting audio-visual aids.
Audibility and Visibility
Can everyone in the room comfortably hear and see the aid? (Take into consideration distracting noises
outside the room, the acoustics, lighting, and size of the room.) An aid that cannot be heard or is illegible
or cannot be seen is worse than no aid at all because the audience will become distracted. It is advisable
to rehearse with the visual aid far enough in advance of the presentation to make any necessary changes
Accessibility or Availability
Plan the use of visual aids around the equipment that will be available where the presentation will be
given. Is it accessible when needed? A model can be an effective aid, but it can distract the audience if it
is left in view throughout the briefing. If a model cannot be placed completely out of sight, keep it covered
in the back of the room or in another room until it is needed. Flip charts can also remain covered until it
is desired to turn the attention of the audience to the charts.
Design the training aids to be a natural, intrinsic portion of the sequence of the instruction. Do not
make important points fit the aid available. The addition of instructional aids in instruction is good;
however, the aid should be related to the instructional objectives and work smoothly into the subject
matter. Any difficulties encountered using the aid will distract the audience and detract from the effective-
ness of the presentation.
Is the visual aid appropriate for the audience being addressed? Are cartoons being used when precise
diagrams and models should be? Determine the intent of the learning objectives, and analyze the learning
needs of the audience before the aid is used.
Support Value
The aid should emphasize the subject matter to be remembered. Instructional aids are tools; and while
it is desirable for the tool to be attractive and amusing, it should primarily stimulate interest in the main
subject rather than in itself. The crucial point is that aids are neither superimposed extras nor the
backbones around which a subject is organized, but they are an integral part of the treatment of the
subject, making their unique contribution to the achievement of the stated objectives.
There are many different types of training aids that can be used for an effective presentation. This
section discusses the various training aids available to you as an instructor.
Flip Chart
Flip charts are prepared on large sheets of paper and attached to the top of an easel by a clamp. Each
chart is flipped over when discussion of the material it displays is finished. The size of the charts can vary
considerably, depending upon the material to be displayed. An instructor can prepare the chart by drawing
directly on the paper. The visual can be prepared before class or as the instruction progresses. Advantages
of preparing the chart prior to class are that more time can be taken to draw the chart and more class time
will be available for the instructor. Rather than flipping the used sheets over, they can be displayed around
the room as a subject is developed. The charts can usually be rolled up and carried fairly easily for future
use or reference.
35MM Slides
Slides can be prepared by photographing a particular subject and displaying it on a screen through a
slide projector. Slides require fairly expensive equipment to project and considerable time to prepare.
Slides are worth the trouble if they are going to be used a number of times. Slides are particularly effective
if the group is large or an exact diagram or picture is needed that cannot be
drawn precisely by the instructor. However, the room usually needs to be darkened, which limits eye
contact with the audience and may tire the audience if used for prolonged periods of time. Slides will not
necessarily limit your flexibility to use the chalkboard as long as the instructor is close to the light
switches and is comfortable moving from one medium to the other.
Overhead Transparencies
Overhead transparencies are a practical, inexpensive, and versatile method of displaying information.
Transparencies can be written on like a chalkboard or flip chart, used to construct a chart step-by-step
through the use of overlays, and the overhead projector can be turned off when not in use. The drawbacks
are minor but may include keystoning the image on the screen, blocking the audiences' view by the
projector or the instructor, and occasional difficulties in adjusting transparencies.
The following are some general guidelines for constructing overhead transparencies:
They should be kept simple in detail and word usage.
For most situations, there should be no more than ten lines and at least two minutes should
be allowed for its use. The audience will be confused and frustrated if transparencies are
changed more frequently because it takes twenty to thirty seconds for the audience to focus
on the content.
The transparency should clarify an idea better than speech alone could.
The transparency should present highlights only.
Use large, clear, bold, uncrowded letters and lines.
The lettering should be large enough for all to see easily and stand high enough so that the
lettering at the bottom is not blocked by the audience.
Only use those transparencies that accurately represent the facts; if graphs or charts are used,
analyze them before the presentation so that comments and answers are accurate. Verify that
there are no flaws in the interpretation of the chart.
A contrasting color should be used to highlight only important points.
The transparency should be neatly made and be an accurate representation of the idea to be
The transparency should be sturdy and easy to carry or file.
Handouts can be an effective way of increasing a trainee's learning and retention if careful thought has
been given to their preparation and use. The following are guidelines for the use of handouts:
The audience may be distracted by the handouts if they are distributed while the presentation
is being given. Supplemental handout material (i.e., articles) should be handed out as
identified in the lesson plan so that the trainees' attention is focused on the material at the
appropriate time.
Reproduce copies of flip charts or transparencies only if they are vital for future reference.
Reproduced charts that are not completely understandable by themselves should be
accompanied by interpretive remarks and/or notes for future reference.
If the handouts do not contribute to the learning objectives, do not use them.
The chalkboard, or whiteboard if using dry-erase pens, is one of the most useful and least expensive
forms of visual aid equipment. It offers plenty of space and can be changed relatively easily. Words,
diagrams, and sketches can all be used on a chalkboard. Writing on the chalkboard adds variety to the
presentation and gives the audience a chance to take notes. The audience can get involved by being asked
for input and listing their ideas on the board. The following are guidelines for use of the chalkboard:
Writing should be legible, neat, and much larger than usual.
All members of the audience should be able to see the chalkboard. Remove any visual
obstructions and avoid writing on the bottom of the board.
Enough time should be allowed for the audience to copy or study the material developed on
the chalkboard before you erase the material.
The instructor should not talk while writing on the board.
Writing lengthy material on the board should be avoided.
Key ideas and phrases should be written on the board for emphasis.
Material on the board should be erased when it is no longer needed.
Film and Video Tape
Film and video tape are very effective in conveying an idea, particularly when the instructor does a
good job in preparing the audience with an introduction to the material and in conducting a summary after
its showing. Films can be selected from various libraries and vendors. Video tapes, however, can be
produced at the facility. Events such as previous lectures, debates, panel discussions, facility evolutions,
etc., can be recorded. Specific tasks may be dramatically displayed on video tape with narration or
allowing the instructor to discuss as the task evolves. As with film, there are several sources of video tapes
on a wide variety of subjects.
Some disadvantages of film and video tape are the availability of the equipment, the cost of films,
video tapes and associated equipment, and the complexity of using the equipment.
The following rules should be helpful when using film and video tape equipment:
Set up the equipment before the session and test it to ensure that it is operating as expected.
Check the seating arrangements and remove any visual obstructions.
Designate an assistant to help with light control if necessary.
Have spare equipment available.
The following is a list of suggestions for developing training aids, which will contribute to the
achievement of the learning objectives and facilitate communication in the classroom:
Prepare lesson of instruction as usual.
Examine the lesson plan to see whether any learning outcome could be achieved better
through supplementing or reinforcing words with training aids.
Upon identifying such an objective, consider several aids that would help to achieve it.
Choose the best training aid for the learning objective, to help the students master the lesson.
Also use a variety of training aids in order to vary the pace of the instruction.
Decide which training aids are best adapted to the needs, resources, and capabilities.
Locate the aid needed, or have it made.
Rehearse the presentation with the aid and determine if the aid really contributes to the
completeness of the presentation. If not, alter or eliminate it.
Visual The learning activity has pictorial or alphanumeric
characteristics that are best learned through visual
display of those characteristics.
Visual Movement Physical movement, in the learning activity, is best
learned through demonstration of that movement.
Exact Scale The learning activity requires knowledge of the exact form
and dimensions of an object that is best learned through
an exact scale representation of the object.
Audio The learning activity has sound characteristics that are
best learned through demonstration of those
Category Clarification Application
Appropriateness to expected Are the materials prepared at Determine if material content
trainee entry-level skills and a level of skills and can be related to expected entry-
knowledge knowledge appropriate to the level skills and knowledge,
Coverage of learning learning objectives of the of the desired program, and
objectives desired program? determine which learning
Consistency with learning desired program? that of the desired program.
activities Identify any deficiencies.
Compatibility with the situation? space, and with the number of
"Training Development and trainees planned.
Administration Guide"
trainees? including appropriate reading
Are the materials clearly
written and presented so the Determine if selected trainees
trainee can complete the can use the materials and
required learning activities? complete the learning activities.
Do the materials reflect the the learning objectives to those
Will the use of the mater-ials determine if they are supportive
be consistent with other and provide an effective
materials used in the training progression of learning.
program or the mastery of
the learning objectives?
Do the materials conform to Analyze the material, com-
the learning activities of the paring the learning activities to
Are the materials practical be used in facilities with
for use in the given facility available equipment, time,
level of the trainees.
Assess the material, comparing
objectives are not covered
Analyze sets of materials to
Determine if the materials can
Instructor: Observer: Class Size: Date:
/ /
Class ID: Course Title: Location:
General Class Occupations: Length of Lecture: Length of Observation:
Instructions—Answer the questions below, and make comments whenever “No” is selected:
1. Did the instructor follow the master lesson plan?
Yes No
2. Was the instructor's knowledge of the subject satisfactory?
Yes No
3. Was the instructor's method of presentation satisfactory?
Yes No
4. What was the attitude of the instructor towards the class?
5. What was the general attitude to the class?
6. Were handouts used? Yes No Not Observed
Were the handouts satisfactory
Yes No Not Observed
7. Were visual aids used? Yes No Not Observed
If "yes," what type?
8. Were the visual aids satisfactory?
Yes No Not Observed
Instructor Performance Summary:
(Excellent) (Average) (Needs Improvement)
General Comments:
(Observer's Signature)
Reviewed with Instructor:
(Date) (Date)
Noted by Supervisor:
cc: File (original)
Training Manager
(Note: Similar forms should be developed and utilized for each instructional setting.)
Evaluation Date:
All items should be checked on the following basis as appropriately designated:
N/O = Not observed.
NI = Performance (Needs Improvement) is less than standard.
S = Performance (Satisfactory) meets the standard.
G = Performance (Good) exceeds the standard.
E = Performance (Excellent) exceeds the standard significantly higher.
Adjusted lighting ...................................
Controlled temperature ..............................
Kept background uncluttered .........................
Other distractions ..................................
Displayed topic ..................................
Presented learning objective ........................
Presented lesson topic overview .....................
Endeavored to motivate student(s) ....................
Stressed importance of material ......................
Solicited class participation .........................
Knowledge of subject matter ........................
Displayed enthusiasm .............................
Variety of training aids .............................
Use of training aid techniques .......................
Reinforced student participation ......................
Response to student needs .........................
Used examples/analogies ..........................
Checked student comprehension/questioning ...........
Clarified/amplified important points ...................
Maintained student interest .........................
Delivery rate/voice level ............................
Summary/review of lesson ..........................
Organized/easy to follow .............................
Lesson technical content accurate .....................
Course technical content accurate .....................
Reviewed with Instructor:
/ / / /
(Date) (Date)
Noted by Supervisor:
cc: File (original) / /
Instructor (Date)
Training Manager
Instructions—Check the indicators that were observed during small-group evaluations and the first
run of the course:
1. Learning objectives are not compatible with the entry-level skills and knowledge of the
2. Learning objectives are not sequenced for effective learning.
3. Learning activities do not support effective accomplishment of the learning objectives.
4. Learning activities do not specify adequately the behavioral activities of the instructor
and trainees.
5. Text material and references are inconsistent with expected trainee entry-level skills and
6. Materials contain terminology not used in the facility.
7. Pacing of material is too slow or too rapid.
8. Audiovisual media used is inappropriate or ineffective.
9. Practice exercises are not similar to test items.
10. Test items do not measure mastery of the learning objectives adequately.
Instructions—Please check the response you consider appropriate for each
question and provide comments where appropriate:
1a. How difficult was the instruction?
Too Easy Average Too Difficult
b. Where and why was it too easy or too difficult?
2a. How was the length of the instruction?
Too Short Okay Too Long
b. Where and why was it too short or too long?
3. How was the amount of information?
Too Little Okay Too Much
(at one time) (at one time)
4a. How was the information?
Clear Average Confusing
b. Where and why was it confusing?
5. How was the vocabulary in the lesson?
Too Simple Okay Too
6a. How were the directions?
Clear Average Confusing
b. Where were the directions confusing?
7. How was the amount of practice exercises?
Too Few About Right Too Many
8. How were the practice exercises?
Interesting Okay Boring
9. How was the lesson's pace?
Too Slow Okay Too Fast
10. How was the content structured?
Logically Okay Randomly
11. Any other general comments? Please write them below.
Instructions—Review the following questions and briefly comment on each:
1. How difficult was the instruction?
2. How was the length of the instruction?
3. How was the amount of information?
4. Was the information clear or confusing?
5. How was the vocabulary in the lesson?
6. Were the directions clear or confusing?
7. How were the practice exercises? Were they helpful?
8. How was the lesson's pace?
9. How were the illustrations?
10. Was the instruction sequenced logically?
11. Did you know this information before you came to class?
12. Any other general comments?
1. Were course objectives
developed from specific tasks
for the course?
2. Did test questions match the
objectives taught?
3. Did subject matter contain
the information necessary
to teach that objective?
4. Were student exercises and
practices in instructional
material relevant to specific
learning objectives?
5. Were reference materials
readily available to the
instructor and the students?
6. Were audio equipment and
materials easily obtainable
and in good working order?
7. Were students interested in
the subject matter?
8. Were students attentive and
well motivated?
9. Was instructor interested in
the subject matter and
10. Did instructor have adequate
time to prepare for the
11. Was learning environment the
most suitable to the material
being taught?
12. Was the delivery the system
most efficient and economical
13. Was the instructor-to-trainee
ratio appropriate for the instruc-
tional setting?
INSTRUCTIONS: This critique sheet will be used to evaluate and improve facility training
programs. Please place an "X" in a number block to represent your score for each criterion, and include
additional comments, if you wish. An envelope for completed course critique sheets will be provided by
your instructor. These completed critique sheets will then be delivered to the appropriate Training
Name: Job Title:
Course: Course Date(s):
Instructor(s): Course Location:
Improvement Adequate Excellent
1. Technical quality of the course?
2. Teaching skills/expertise of the
3. Technical knowledge of the in-
4. Instructor attitude?
5. Appropriateness of course topics?
6. Sequence of course topics?
7. Length of course?
8. Instructional quality of training
9. Participant learning resulting from
the course?
10. Overall opinion of the course?
(Note: If comment is directed to a particular criteria, please include the number with your
comment.) Comments:
Signature (optional)
This form is to be completed by the trainee following completion of the training. A rating of 1 indicates little
or no value or poor quality. A rating of 5 indicates high value or high quality.
Course Title:
Instructor: Date:
Please include comments in each blank: Check appropriate box:
1. Objectives (clear, appropriate)?
2. Content (organized, relevant)?
3. Speaker (knowledgeable, responsive)?
4. Delivery (lively, stimulating, clear, fluid)?
5. Visual Aids (helpful, well-designed)?
6. Handouts (helpful, well-designed)?
7. Application (useful on the job)?
8. Overall Rating (satisfying, recommendable)?
Poor Excellent
Poor Excellent
Poor Excellent
Poor Excellent
Poor Excellent
Poor Excellent
Poor Excellent
Other comments (e.g., training weaknesses/strengths, suitability of course length, adequacy of
Name (optional): Contractor:
Department: Title:
The following example represents a method for instructors to summarize the major comments
submitted by students for supervisory notification and possible course or lesson revision:
Course/Lesson Title:
Period of Instruction: Instructor:
Critique Comments Recommended Action
/ /
(Submitted By) (Date)
Training Coordinator's Comments:
Revision File / /
(Training Coordinator) (Date)
cc: Training Manager
This example checklist could be used to judge whether a lesson plan meets predetermined standards
and is ready for use by an instructor.
Note: To use this checklist each item must be compared to standards that are determined by your
individual facility. These standards should be included on this form.
Author: Revision No.:
Date: / /
Instructions to Reviewer: Place the appropriate letter in the blank provided—
S (Satisfactory), U (Unsatisfactory). If U is entered, explain why in the comment section:
S = Item is properly completed
U = Item is not completed or improperly completed
N/A = Not applicable.
Cover Page (A)
Course/program title
2. Module/title or unit number
3. Appropriate approvals (supervisor, SME, etc.)
Prerequisites for module/unit
5. Page numbers with total pages of lesson plan listed
6. Revision number and effective date (if initial lesson plan, write in date of lesson plan
Author's name
8. Revisor's name
9. Learning objectives
10. Learning objectives listed in sequence as taught
Approximate teaching time
12. Instructor references
13. Trainee references.
Left-Hand Column (B):
Content written in seminarrative style (not a typical outline or
completely narrative textbook)
Content introduction, motivational statement
Content summary/review of objectives
Content matches objectives
Math word problems with solutions fully written.
Right-Hand Column (C):
Lists instructional methods in sufficient detail to permit another
instructor to successfully teach the lesson
Lists media to be used
Lists oral questions and answers.
The reviewer is instructed to use the following criteria and check one of the two boxes below:
1. If all applicable items are Acceptable
—Check Box a.
2. If any applicable items are Unacceptable
—Check Box b.
3. List specific problems under "Comments."
a. Recommended for approval.
b. Not recommended for approval. Critical missing items listed below should
be added and the lesson plan resubmitted for review and approval.
Reviewer's Signature: Date: / /
/ /
(Instructor/Observer) (Class Size) (Date)
(Course Title) (Phase Title) (Lesson Title)
[Length of Lesson (scheduled/actual)] (Length of Observation)
Directions: Check Yes, No, N/O (Not Observed), of N/A (Not Applicable).
The following questions provide a example of how a checklist format could be used to evaluate
an instructional presentation in a classroom setting:
1. Advance Preparation—Determine if the instructor demonstrated adequate preparation for the
training session:
a. Training area was set up for effective instruction prior
to training (e.g., lighting, seating, supplies)?
b. Training materials were gathered and checked for
accuracy, completeness, and legibility?
c. Training materials were previewed?
d. Administrative materials (e.g., attendance sheets)
were organized for effective and efficient use?
e. Training aids and materials (e.g., tests, handouts,
transparencies) were available?
f. Audio/Visual equipment was set up and operational?
2. Format of the Training Material—Determine if the instructor demonstrated ability to follow the
a. An overview of the session was presented as a part
of the introduction?
b. Training content was presented according to the lesson
2. Format of the Training Material (continued):
c. Instructor/trainee activities were implemented according
to the plan?
d. The instructor demonstrated the ability to make instruc-
tion meaningful for the trainees?
e. Training objectives were provided at the beginning of the
f. Objectives were reinforced during the training?
g. Examples and analogies were used to apply the content
to practical situations?
Determine if the instructor demonstrated the ability to focus trainee attention on the training
a. The trainees were provided with an appropriate purpose/
rationale for the training?
b. Interest in the topic was increased through use of
c. The relationship of the present session to previous training
was identified?
d. The on-the-job significance of the training was
Determine if the instructor demonstrated the ability to present the content and instructor/ trainee
activities in an organized, logical sequence:
a. One teaching point/objective flowed to the next?
b. Trainees could follow the presentation without
c. "Nice to know" information was minimized?
d. Meaningful relationships between concepts and skills
were clear?
e. Topics had natural beginning and ending points?
3. Technical Material Review (for use when evaluation is performed by a SME)—Determine if the
instructor demonstrated appropriate technical competence to present the subject matter:
a. Content knowledge was accurate and current?
b. Knowledge was of appropriate depth?
c. Knowledge could be applied to the job as appropriate?
4. Applied Instructional Theory—Determine if the instructor demonstrated the ability to involve
trainees actively in the learning process (as opposed to constant lecture or watching a
a. Active trainee participation was encouraged?
b. Checks for understanding were made through question-
ing, performance, review quizzes, etc?
c. Training was monitored/adjusted according to trainee
d. Allowances were made for "slower" and "faster"
e. Behavior and trainee responses were reinforced in a
positive manner?
f. Frequent and appropriate trainee responses were
g. Opportunity to ask subject-matter questions was
h. Trainees were given an opportunity to practice more
than once (if needed)?
i. "Hands-on" practice was provided where possible?
j. "Hands-on" practice emphasized critical steps and
4. Applied Instructional Theory (continued) Determine if the instructor summarized key points,
information, and task steps before progressing to the next objective:
a. The amount of information presented was appropriate
for the trainees?
Additional Comments:
The example below is representative of how a checklist could be used to evaluate facility
change actions and their applicability to training.
New Development: Revision:
1. Identify the problem/need:
2. Is the problem/need safety-related? Yes: No:
3. What job classification is affected? (Check one)
a. Control Room operator
b. Shift supervisor
c. Shift superintendent
d. Facility equipment operator
e. Shift technical advisor
f. Electrician
g. Mechanical maintenance
h. Instrument and control technician
i. Radiation protection technician
j. Chemistry technician
k. Managers and technical staff
l. Other
4. What type of task is involved? (Check one)
a. Normal operations
b. Maintenance and surveillance
c. Administrative
d. Abnormal
e. Emergency
f. Team evolution
g. Other
5. How important is this situation? (Check one)
a. Negligible
b. Undesirable
c. Serious
d. Severe
e. Extremely severe
6. Does the situation require urgent consideration? Yes: No:
7. How difficult is this task to perform? (Check one)
a. Not difficult
b. Moderately difficult
c. Very difficult
8. What is the frequency of this problem/need? (Check one)
a. Infrequent (a few times a year)
b. Moderately (about once a month)
c. Very frequent (weekly to daily)
9. What is the source of the problem/need? (Check one)
a. Lack of training
b. Insufficient training emphasis
c. Lack of practice during training
d. Incorrect training materials
e. Conflict between training and job requirements
f. Regulatory requirement
g. Not applicable
10. How can this recommendation benefit facility operations? (Check one)
a. Correct unsafe practices
b. Improve facility availability
c. Eliminate equipment misuse/damage
d. Reduce reworks
e. Reduce unscheduled maintenance
f. Improve employee performance
g. Accelerate qualification
h. Avert anticipated problem
i. Respond to regulatory/requirement/change
j. Maintain job qualifications
11. How do you suggest training be revised or developed?
(Attach a written description that describes the root cause of the problem and how it should
be corrected.)
Recommendation Submitted By: / /
(Signature/Title) (Date)
Recommendation Reviewed By: / /
(Signature) (Date)
Recommendation Approved By: / /
(Signature) (Date)
This rating scale provides an example of how a laboratory session could be evaluated. The
Mastery, Satisfactory, and Unsatisfactory ratings provide a three-part rating scale.
Date: / /
Name: Name:
Title: Title:
Course Name:
Course Number: Control Number:
Announced: Unannounced:
Start Time: Stop Time:
Instructions—The instructional evaluation form is divided into five parts. Each statement
should be rated.
M = Mastery Instructor exhibited and consistently applied the
stated characteristic.
S = Satisfactory Instructor exhibited the stated characteristic.
U = Unsatisfactory Instructor did not exhibit the stated characteristics.
NA = Not Applicable Not relevant to this observation.
N/O = Not Able to Observe Evaluator not present when it should have occurred.
General Instructional Techniques
(circle one) Notes
1. Objectives for the laboratory were:
a. Stated prior to performance. M S U NA N/O
b. Discussed prior to performance. M S U NA N/O
General Instructional Techniques (circle one) Notes
2. Instructor followed the lab guide (content M S U NA N/O
and time).
3. Instructor actively assisted trainees M S U NA N/O
during lab sessions.
4. Instructor identified and corrected trainee M S U NA N/O
knowledge and skill weaknesses.
5. Instructor used trainee responses and M S U NA N/O
other situations as opportunities to teach
and reinforce concepts.
6. Instructor indicated interest and enthu- M S U NA N/O
siasm for the session.
7. Instructor listened to the trainees and M S U NA N/O
responded to their questions and needs.
8. Instructor adjusted the pace to the level M S U NA N/O
of trainees' knowledge and ability.
9. Instructor movements and gestures were M S U NA N/O
appropriate (not distracting).
10. Instructor maintained vocal variety M S U NA N/O
(avoided monotone).
11. Instructor avoided using distracting vocal M S U NA N/O
mannerisms (“and-uh,” “you know,”
12. The instructor summarized activities at the M S U NA N/O
end of the session.
13. Instructor solicited and answered unre- M S U NA N/O
solved trainee questions at the end of
Knowledge of Subject Matter Ratings
(only to be answered by SME) (circle one) Notes
1. Instructor explained technical information M S U NA N/O
clearly and concisely.
2. The instructor pointed out differences M S U NA N/O
that may exist between the lab and
actual facility procedures and equipment.
3. The questions required the trainees to:
a. Think through causes and M S U NA N/O
effects of steps.
b. Think through plant conditions, M S U NA N/O
activities, causes, and responses.
c. Integrate knowledge (theory, M S U NA N/O
systems, procedures, tech specs/
bases, etc.).
4. Instructor's feedback to trainees (timing, M S U NA N/O
frequency, nature) was appropriate for
the stage of the session.
5. The instructor effectively incorporated M S U NA N/O
the theory of facility operations and
industry operating experiences into the
laboratory training.
6. Enough time was spent on exercises. M S U NA N/O
Comments and Examples:
This rating scale provides an example for development of a five-part rating scale. Each descriptor builds on
the previous one, thus providing a progressive rating from Low (1) to High (5). The specific application of this
rating scale is to evaluate instructional materials with regard to their support of the lesson's learning objectives.
Instructions: The material is arranged so that the indicators are grouped according to the competency which
they define. Each indicator is followed by a general comment which clarifies the intent of the
indicator. Key points in the descriptors and corresponding examples are also provided in an effort
to make evaluating the competency and indicator easier. Rate the indicator by circling the
appropriate descriptor number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
Instructor's Name: Date: / /
COMPETENCY: Uses instructional techniques, methods, and media related to the objectives.
INDICATOR: Uses instructional materials that provide learners with appropriate practice onobjectives.
(The focus of this indicator is on materials such as texts, lab equipment, etc., used by individual trainees. This
may be left blank in some situations. This indicator requires reference to the instructor's plans since the focus is the
match of materials with objectives.)
One Scale of Descriptors Comments
1. Materials chosen are irrelevant to the topic or
objectives, or no materials are used when it would
have been appropriate to do so.
2. Materials chosen are related to topics, not objectives.
For example, the objective may state “distinguish
between gamma and beta radiation,” but the list used
includes many other radiation types.
3. Most materials chosen are relevant and provide for
practice on specific objectives. Some of the practice
may be insufficient in quantity to achieve the
4. Materials chosen are relevant to the objectives.
Trainees are given ample opportunity to practice the
5. In addition to Item 4, formal or informal progress
assessment techniques are used to determine whether
the practice individual trainees receive is sufficient.
Classroom questions may be an adequate basis for
a 5 rating if Descriptor 4 is observed. However,
simply asking “Any questions?” is not sufficient
for a rating of 5.
COMPETENCY: Plans instruction to achieve selected objectives.
INDICATOR: Specifies or selects trainee objectives for lessons.
(This indicator was selected to assess the appropriateness of the objectives which are found in the lesson plans.
Objectives are to be rated if they are prepared by the instructor or are selected for use from the textbook, a “canned”
instructional program, or other source. To be rated, the objectives must be included in the portfolio. For a rating
of 3 or higher, the objectives must be stated as expressive encounters or in the performance terms.)
Scale of Descriptors Comments
1. The instructional plans do not include objectives for
trainees. If there are objectives they are in terms of
instructor behaviors or goals.
Instructor Behavior—The instructor will introduce
the topic of reactor fundamentals.
Long-Range Goals—The trainee will become a good
operator by his study of reactor fundamentals.
2. The plans include a statement of trainee objectives
which are written in broad terms. Many of the
objectives seem questionable for the topic or the
trainees. Objectives that should have been used with
the unit are missing.
Broad Terms—The trainee will understand the
process of reactivity.
3. The plans include stated trainee objectives that, with
only a few exceptions, are appropriate for the topic
and the trainees.
Performance Outcome—Those objectives in which
the desired outcome is stated in behavioral terms
(e.g., the trainee will draw a one-line diagram of
the RHR system).
4. All objectives are appropriate to the unit and the
trainees. The differences in Items 3 and 4 are that
in Item 3 some of the objectives are questionable for
the topic and the trainees; whereas, in Item 4 all
objectives are appropriate for the topics and the
5. In addition to the items included in Item 4, the
objectives are sequenced in hierarchical fashion by
either the instructor or the text.
COMPETENCY: Demonstrates a variety of teaching methods.
INDICATOR: Implements learning activities in a logical sequence.
(The intent of this indicator is to determine if the instructor can select and logically sequence learning activities.
The intent is also to determine if there is sequence from one activity to another within an activity.)
One Scale of Descriptors Comments
1. Activities in the classroom are unrelated to one
another or to the objectives.
2. Many ideas, skills, or activities seem out of sequence.
3. The lesson is arranged to present most ideas, skills,
etc., in a logical sequence. Only occasionally is there
a problem of sequence.
4. No instances of problems in sequencing are noted.
5. In addition to Item 4, provision is made to acquire
prerequisites before or during learning activities, if
learners have not already done so.
This example provides a model for supervisors feedback on trainees three to six months after training has taken
place. This is not a complete evaluation instrument, but it is a sample of a five-part rating scale used for
posttraining evaluation.
This posttraining evaluation is designed to obtain information which will maintain and improve training program
quality. Based upon your observations of the trainee's job performance, rate the trainee on each of the listed tasks
by circling the appropriate number. The rating should be based on performance of tasks that were trained on during
the course or program.
Supervisor's Name: Date: / /
Course/Program Title:
Rating Scale:
1— Unacceptable trainee performance; insufficient display of learning ability and/or manual
2— Poor trainee performance (partially competent); marginal display of learning and/or manual
3— Adequate trainee performance (competent); sufficient display of learning and/or manual
4— Very competent trainee performance; good display of learning and/or manual dexterity.
5— Extremely competent trainee performance; outstanding display of learning and/or manual
TASK STATEMENT: Initiate a chemical item classification permit as the requester.
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
TASK STATEMENT: Remove protective (anticontamination) clothing.
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
TASK STATEMENT: Perform a locked, high-radiation area/exclusion area, entry/exit.
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
TASK STATEMENT: Perform equipment/tool/area decontamination.
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
This rating scale example is not complete but provides an example format of how simulator instruction
could be evaluated. The H (High), M (Moderate), and L (Low) scale provides a three-part rating for
Instructor: Course:
No. of Trainees: Date: / / Time: Observer Signature:
Instructions: Below is a list of competencies which simulator instructors should use to contribute to the
learning process. For each competency observed, please check H (High) always observed,
M (Moderate) generally observed, or L (Low) seldom observed, to indicate its strength.
The ratings must be based on the appropriateness of the characteristic observed. Comment
on the overall characteristics or on each specific characteristic as necessary.
Competency/Characteristic Rating Comment
Questioning Techniques:
1. Poses questions to the group.
2. Restates learner's response.
3. Handles incorrect responses
Use of Simulator:
1. Communicates using proper phones.
2. Requires trainees to use proper
3. Initiates malfunctions properly.
4. Operates instructor's console
5. Utilizes simulator training time
6. Utilizes simulator training time
Trainee Activities:
1. Reports to assigned facility.
2. Uses procedures.
3. Uses reference material
4. Uses phones correctly.
5. Works as a team.
6. Maintains proper roles.
7. Responds positively to critique.
Competency/Characteristic Rating Comment
Technical Knowledge (Contents to be used by subject-matter experts only):
1. Presents information clearly.
2. Demonstrates knowledge of
reactor operator, senior reactor
operator, and shift supervisor
3. Focuses presentation on level of
learner's understanding.
4. Organizes material and
presentation well.
5. Demonstrates familiarity with facili-
ty procedures/reference material.
Summary (Overall):
1. Completes required documentation
and logs.
2. Summarizes simulator session.
Reviewed with instructor: / /
(Reviewer) (Date)
Noted: / /
(Supervisor) (Date)
cc: File (original)
Training Manager
(Note: Similar forms should be developed and used for each instructional setting.)
This Trainee Posttraining Evaluation example is not complete but is representative of how combined rating scales
can be used effectively. For each task, the knowledge and performance items are three-part scales and the job
relatedness and job preparedness items are six-part scales.
Course/Program Title:
Date(s) of Training:
This Trainee Posttraining Evaluation questionnaire is designed to obtain information which will maintain and
improve the quality of our training programs. Based on what you now know about your job in relation to the
training you received in this course, please rate the following performance objectives/task statements by checking
the relevant line or by circling the appropriate number on the rating scales.
TASK STATEMENT: Conduct surveillance test of instrument valves.
1. Knowledge—Training provided knowledge of (check one):
____ a. Parts, tools, equipment, and simple facts used on the job.
____ b. Includes “a” above plus the procedures used to complete the task.
____ c. Includes “a” and “b” above plus the operating principles involved in performing the task.
2. Performance—Training provided the skills needed to perform (check one):
____ a. Simple parts of the task.
____ b. The task with supervision.
____ c. The task without supervision.
3. Job Relatedness—Tasks trained on related to my job (circle one):
N/A 1 2 3 4 5
(Not applicable, (Applies (Applies somewhat (Applies to about (Applies mostly (Applies to all
does not apply very little to my job.) half of my job.) to my job.) of my job.)
to my job.) to my job.)
4. Job Preparedness—Level of task training prepared me for my job (circle one):
N/A 1 2 3 4 5
(Not applicable, (Applies (Applies somewhat (Applies to about (Applies mostly (Applies to all
does not apply very little to my job.) half of my job.) to my job.) of my job.)
to my job.) to my job.)
TASK STATEMENT: Calibrate and maintain source range monitor.
1. Knowledge—Training provided knowledge of (check one):
____ a. Parts, tools, equipment and simple facts used on the job.
____ b. Includes “a” above plus the procedures used to complete the task.
____ c. Includes “a” and “b” above plus the operating principles involved in performing the task.
2. Performance—Training provided the skills needed to perform (check one):
____ a. Simple parts of the task.
____ b. The task with supervision.
____ c. The task without supervision.
3. Job Relatedness—Tasks trained on related to my job (circle one):
N/A 1 2 3 4 5
(Not applicable, (Applies (Applies somewhat (Applies to about (Applies mostly (Applies to all
does not apply very little to my job.) half of my job.) to my job.) of my job.)
to my job.) to my job.)
4. Job Preparedness—Level of task training prepared me for my job (circle one):
N/A 1 2 3 4 5
(Not applicable, (Applies (Applies somewhat (Applies to about (Applies mostly (Applies to all
does not apply very little to my job.) half of my job.) to my job.) of my job.)
to my job.) to my job.)
TASK STATEMENT: Tag defective equipment/tools.
1. Knowledge—training provided knowledge of (check one):
____ a. Parts, tools, equipment and simple facts used on the job.
____ b. Includes “a” plus the procedures used to complete the task.
____ c. Includes “a” and “b” plus the operating principles involved in performing the task.
2. Performance—Training provided the skills needed to perform (check one):
____ a. Simple parts of the task.
____ b. The task with supervision.
____ c. The task without supervision.
3. Job Relatedness—Tasks trained on related to my job (circle one):
N/A 1 2 3 4 5
(Not applicable, (Applies (Applies somewhat (Applies to about (Applies mostly (Applies to all
does not apply very little to my job.) half of my job.) to my job.) of my job.)
to my job.) to my job.)
4. Job Preparedness—Level of task training prepared me for my job (circle one):
N/A 1 2 3 4 5
(Not applicable, (Applies (Applies somewhat (Applies to about (Applies mostly (Applies to all
does not apply very little to my job.) half of my job.) to my job.) of my job.)
to my job.) to my job.)
This questionnaire example is not complete but provides a format model for evaluating trainee feedback at the
end of a course. (Note that the scale requires each trainee to evaluate and express an opinion about statements
relating to the training just received.)
Course/Program: Date: / /
Name (Optional): Instructor's Name:
Please circle the following statements using the following scale:
0 = N/A Not Applicable Nor Observed
1 = SD Strongly Disagree
2 = D — Disagree
3 = N Neutral
4 = A — Agree
5 = SA Strongly Agree
1. Time allotted to each unit of 0 1 2 3 4 5
instruction was about right?
2. Examples, analogies, and topics in 0 1 2 3 4 5
training were relevant to my job
3. Training aids, audio-visuals and 0 1 2 3 4 5
handouts were current, accurate, and
relevant to my job needs?
4. As a result of attending the program 0 1 2 3 4 5
or course, I am better prepared to
perform my present duties?
5. The classroom setting helped to 0 1 2 3 4 5
promote learning?
6. Facility specifics were taught where 0 1 2 3 4 5
7. The classroom training I received was 0 1 2 3 4 5
beneficial to me in my understanding
of facility operations?
8. The information received in training 0 1 2 3 4 5
was accurate and consistent with
information received in the plant?
9. The composition of the group was 0 1 2 3 4 5
appropriate to allow me to gain the
most from the program (e.g.,
participant position, responsibilities,
interests, beginning knowledge level)?
10. My questions were answered 0 1 2 3 4 5
11. Overall, the course/program was 0 1 2 3 4 5
beneficial and will help me to better
perform my job?
This end-of-course evaluation example provides an alternate format for a questionnaire evaluation instrument.
It is also incomplete, but does provide a model for collecting trainee input on training just received.
Course Title: Course Date: / /
Instructor: Trainee Job Title:
We need your evaluation of the training that you have just completed. Please indicate your responses to the
statements below by checking the appropriate box:
1. Program Content: Always Always Sometimes Never Never N/A
Almost Almost
a. This training was
relevant to my job.
b. The training was well
c. The training objectives
were clear to me.
2. Training Material:
a. The information
provided in texts and
handouts was adequate.
b. The text and handout
material were easy to
c. The visual aids were of
good quality.
3. Instructor:
a. The instructor was
knowledgeable about the
course material.
b. The instructor's training
information was well
communicated to me.
c. The instructor kept me
interested in the course.
d. The instructor
demonstrated enthusiasm
for training and the
subject being taught.
4. Training Methods:
Always Always Sometimes Never Never N/A
Almost Almost
a. The lectures were well
organized and informative.
b. I participated in classroom
c. Classroom discussions were
useful for clarifying ideas.
d. There was an adequate
number of training
e. Training exercises were
useful in clarifying
f. There was enough time
spent on individual
g. Exams and quizzes were
relevant to the training.
h. Exams and quizzes
reinforced the training
This questionnaire is an example of a narrative program evaluation, that could be used to comprehensively
evaluate a training program covering many months. Only sections of the program evaluation have been supplied
as a format model. Although classroom and laboratory settings are not included in the figure, they should be
developed as appropriate.
Program: Facility:
Date(s) Conducted From: / /
To: / /
In completing the step-by-step procedures of the narrative program evaluation instrument, the evaluator(s) will
be required to respond in various manners at each point in the process. Both objective and subjective data will
be collected. Because of the diversity of the program, some steps may not be applicable, and these steps should
be cited. Examine the applicable training materials and interview instructors, trainees, and trainees' supervisors
to answer the following questions:
1. Does a written job/task analysis exist for this program? (Cite examples.)
2. Did training personnel and facility technical personnel participate in identifying training needs and
developing training programs? (Describe the process.)
3. How was the job/task analysis used to provide the basis for making decisions regarding program content?
(If a training task list or matrix has been developed for this program, attach a copy.)
4. Were the entry level skills and knowledge of the trainees given consideration when the program was
developed? (Discuss the considerations.)
Development (Continued):
5. Has the program been compared with current facility procedures and other technical and professional
references to identify training content and facility-specific information for use in developing training
6. How were the suggested instructional methods or activities developed (task analysis, terminal
performance objectives, enabling objectives, actual experience, test pilot, etc.)?
Additional Remarks:
On-the-Job Training (OJT):
1. Is in-facility training delivered using well-organized and current materials? (Include samples.)
2. How are training materials kept current with respect to facility modifications and procedure changes?
(Cite examples.)
3. Is OJT conducted by designated personnel who are instructed in program standards and methods? How
are they instructed?
On-the-Job Training (OJT) (Continued):
4. What are the required qualifications for in-facility evaluators?
5. Are the above qualifications appropriate for tasks being taught or evaluated?
6. What materials are provided for the trainee's OJT? Include samples.
7. Is the trainee provided an appropriate amount of time in which to learn tasks prior to evaluation?
8. What instructional aids are available to the trainee during the OJT process?
Additional Remarks:
Simulator Training:
1. Do simulator responses emulate those of the plant?
2. Does the simulator hardware resemble that of the Control Room?
3. Is the simulator configuration program effective?
4. To what degree does a nonplant-referenced simulator respond to the trainees' actual plant?
5. Determine if appropriate procedures, references, etc., are available and maintained current:
a. For nonplant-referenced simulators, are actual facility procedures and references utilized and
adapted as appropriate?
6. Do simulator training materials provide for a proper mix of normal, abnormal, and emergency
Simulator Training (Continued):
7. Do continuing training materials effectively incorporate facility and industry events?
8. Does the normal Control Room complement participate in simulator training?
9. Does management routinely observe and evaluate simulator training?
10. Are effective posttraining critiques conducted?
11. Is feedback from trainees and management solicited and used to modify or improve the quality of the
12. Are trainee performance evaluations effectively used to enhance the training program?
13. Do exercises and scenarios effectively support established learning objectives?
Simulator Training (Continued):
14. Does the content of the training guides support the related classroom instruction?
15. Determine if simulator guides, including exercises and scenarios, are based on sound operating
a. Do they reflect the manner of conducting business established at this plant?
16. Are learning objectives specific to identified training needs of the plant?
17. Are there learning objectives established for each crew position?
18. Do exercises and instructors challenge trainees to perform to the best of their ability?
Additional Remarks:
Reviewed By:
(Training Manager)
cc: File (original)
Training Coordinator
User Organization
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Preparing Activity:
Review Activity: Project Number:
DOE Operations Offices 6910-0042
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DOE F 1300.3
U.S. Department of Energy OMB Control No.
(Instructions on Reverse)
OMB Burden Disclosure
Statement on Reverse
1. Document 2. Document Title
3. Name of Submitting Organization 4. Type of Organization (Mark
Other (Specify)
5. Problem Areas (Attach extra sheets as needed.)
a. Paragraph Number and Wording
b. Recommended Wording
c. Reason/Rationale for Recommendation
6. Remarks
7a. Name of Submitter
(Last, First, Mi)
7b. Work Telephone Number
(Include Area Code)
7c. Mailing Address
(Street, City, Zip Code)
8. Date of Submission
DOE F 1300.3
OMB Control No.
INSTRUCTIONS: In a continuing effort to improve the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Technical Standards, this form is
provided for use in submitting comments and suggestions for improvements. All users of DOE Technical Standards are
invited to provide suggestions. This form may be detached, folded along the lines indicated, taped along the loose edge (DO
NOT STAPLE) mailed to the address indicated or faxed to (615) 574-0382.
1. The submitter of this form must complete blocks 1 through 8.
2. The Technical Standards Program Office (TSPO) will forward this form to the Preparing Activity. The Preparing Activity
will reply to the submitter within 30 calendar days of receipt from the TSPO.
NOTE: This form may not be used to request copies of documents, nor to request waivers, deviations, or clarification of
specification requirements on current contractors. Comments submitted on this form do not constitute or imply authorization
to waive any portion of the referenced document(s) or to amend contractual requirements.
OMB Burden Disclosure Statement
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time
for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection
of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Office of Information Resources Management Policy,
Plans and Oversight, Records Management Division, HR-422 - GTN, Paperwork Reduction Project (1910-0900), U.S.
Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington DC 20585; and to the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) Paperwork Reduction Project (1910-0900), Washington, DC 20503.
U.S. Department of Energy Technical Standards Program Office
c/o Performance Assurance Project Office
P.O. Box 2009, Bldg. 9201-3
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-8065