Use the Will County Board of Review electronic submission portal to submit your appeal electronically at
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Residential Appeals FAQ’s
Before you file an appeal do this:
Talk to your local Township Assessor. If there is something that can be corrected on your
assessed value, the Township Assessor would be the person that could immediately correct this
information without filing an appeal. Be patient, the local Assessors are very busy at this time
of year. Assessors may also speak to you over the phone, without having you make an
appointment! If you don’t know who your local Township Assessor is; you can find this
information on our website at and go to the Assessor Information link.
Now, if you and your Assessor cannot reach an agreement, follow these FAQs.
First off, don’t be frustrated. Filling out an appeal form isn’t hard, but it does take some effort
on your part. Just follow these steps.
Lets get started.
Use the Will County Board of Review electronic submission portal to submit your appeal electronically at
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Filling out the appeal form
Page 1 - Section I Must be completely filled out with correct and current information.
County Parcel Identification No. is your PIN. You can find this PIN in the box, above your name, on your
Property Tax bill. It is the 16 digit number that looks like: 01-01-01-100-001-0000. If you don’t know
your PIN, you can find it on our website, by going through the property search
link. Read the search instructions carefully if your address isn’t finding a record.
If your property is in a Real Estate Trust please ensure that you also fill out the Board of Review Appeal
Disclosure Form. Failure to submit this form can result in the non-acceptance of your appeal.
Remember to provide a phone
number where you can be reached
(this is very important in case we need to
contact you quickly)
County Parcel Identification No. is
your PIN. You must not forget this
Use the Will County Board of Review electronic submission portal to submit your appeal electronically at
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The assessment placed on the real property for said tax year is as follows:
By the Assessor - This is your current assessed value If you do not have this value, you may find it on
our website through the PIN or address search link at
Your Claim - This is what you feel your assessed value should be. Make sure your evidence supports
your claim.
This appeal is based on: You are required to check one of these. This is determined by the type of
evidence you are submitting:
Here’s how you tell what type of appeal you are filing:
Recent Sale You check this option if you are using your recent closing documentation, and/or you are
using your Illinois Transfer Declaration (PTAX-203 Form) for your home, and a copy of your property
record card from your Assessor.
Comparable Sales You check this option if you are using comparable and recent sales of homes of like
or similar style and size to your home in your area. You must include copies of property record cards
from your local Township Assessor, and a copy of the Illinois State Transfer Declaration (PTAX-203
Forms) of those sales, which can be obtained through or coming into our
Assessment Equity You check this option if you are utilizing comparable homes in your immediate
area that are assessed less than your home. These homes should also be of like or similar style and size
to your home. You will need copies of property record cards from your local Township Assessor and
pictures of the comparables.
This would be your
assessed land value.
Typically, you don’t
file an appeal on the
land. Therefore, this
number will stay the
This would
be what you
feel your
value should
This would be what
you feel your
Farmland assessed
value should be.
(if applicable)
This would be
what you feel
your Farm
assessed value
should be.
(if applicable)
(if applicable)
Use the Will County Board of Review electronic submission portal to submit your appeal electronically at
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Page 2 Instructions
Section II
If you purchased your house within 6 months of the current assessment year, please fill in this section.
The answers to this section can be found on your closing paperwork. If your purchase wasn’t within this
time frame, you don’t need to fill this section in.
Make sure you agree to the portal access, sign
and date your appeal. This is the single most
important thing to remember, and the most
forgotten step. If it’s not signed and dated, it’s
not a valid appeal.
Use the Will County Board of Review electronic submission portal to submit your appeal electronically at
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Page 3 - Section III The Grid
The grid should be filled out to the best of your ability. It is to your advantage to provide as much
information as you can to assist the hearing officer to reach a fair and equitable assessment decision.
A majority of the information needed to fill the grid out can be found on the property record cards you
obtained from your local Township Assessor. You can utilize our website as a tool for research;
however, you cannot submit the information from our website as your evidence.
The reason for that is, the Property Record Cards in your local Township Assessor’s office are the official
records, and contain the most recent/accurate information available on properties.
Locate the sales listings on our site, contact your local Township Assessor for copies of the Property
Record Cards for those homes, visit the Recorder of Deed’s website or our office for the PTAX-203 forms
(if you plan to use them), and assemble your pictures, appropriately labeling them to the corresponding
You only sign this if you do not
want a hearing or cannot appear at
a hearing. By signing it, you
“waive” your desire for a hearing.
Use the Will County Board of Review electronic submission portal to submit your appeal electronically at
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What kind of evidence do I need?
The Board of Review looks for a minimum of 3 comparables. “Comparables” are homes that are like
your home. For example: if you have a 2 story house, make sure you use other 2 story homes. Try to
use a minimum of 3, but you may use as many as you want.
The comparables must be in your subdivision and township, as close to your home as possible.
Obtain the property record cards for your home and the comparables at your local Township Assessor’s
office. While there, you should talk to your Township Assessor about your current assessed value.
When using homes that have sold in your neighborhood - the sales had to occur in the prior three years
of the current year.
Well, what does that mean? It means the assessment you are appealing is your current year
assessment. That current year assessment is based on prior three years of sales. So, you must use
sales in your appeal from this prior three year period. A current year sale would only be considered if it
is for the subject property, meaning you recently purchased your home and are appealing that
assessment based on your purchase price.
Copies of the Illinois State Transfer Declaration (PTAX 203 Form) of your sales comps can be obtained
through or by coming into our office.
What kind of pictures do I need?
Take pictures of the front and back of your home. You only need the front of your comparables. The
pictures must be dated from your camera, or a sales slip showing you had the pictures developed this
year. The Board needs to know that the pictures you took are recent.
You must also identify what comparable goes with what picture. Write the PIN or “Comp 1” on the back
of the picture so the Board can tell which picture goes with which comp on your grid.
Section IV If you recently constructed your home
Did you build your own house? Did you act as your own general contractor? You need to bring in those
documents to establish this fact. For instance, the bills for the lumber, materials, bills from electricians,
plumbers, bills for concrete work, etc. If you didn’t build your own home, you don’t need to fill out this
At this point, you’re appeal should be complete. You should be finished filling out your appeal. Now,
you must submit the original appeal form and this includes all the pictures and evidence. Do not
forget to make a personal copy for yourself because the original is used by the board. Please do not
use staples, use binder or paper clips to keep your appeal together. The board does not provide any
copies of evidence to the taxpayer at the time of hearing, so it is advised that you keep a copy for your
Use the Will County Board of Review electronic submission portal to submit your appeal electronically at
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Last check:
Did you sign and date your appeal?
**Make sure your appeal is
post marked by due date
published for the current year.
This date will be found on your notice,
and published on the Supervisor
of Assessments website.
Your appeal is ready to be filed.
There are now three ways to submit your appeal. 1: Submit your appeal in person at the Will County
Supervisor of Assessments Office at 302 North Chicago St. Joliet, IL 60432 2
floor; 2: Send your appeal
via U.S. Mail; 3: Use the Will County Board of Review electronic submission portal to submit your appeal
electronically. Go to to submit your appeal electronically. PLEASE NOTE:
An incomplete electronic submission will result in the non-acceptance of your appeal.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office at (815) 740-4648 and we
will do our best to assist you.