Journal of Digital Forensics, Journal of Digital Forensics,
Security and Law Security and Law
Volume 7 Number 1 Article 3
Pandoras Email Box? An Exploratory Study of Web-Based Email Pandoras Email Box? An Exploratory Study of Web-Based Email
Forgery Detection and Validation. Forgery Detection and Validation.
Richard Boddington
Murdoch University
Grant Boxall
Murdoch University
Jeremy Ardley
Dalton Pty Ltd
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Boddington, Richard; Boxall, Grant; and Ardley, Jeremy (2012) "Pandoras Email Box? An Exploratory Study
of Web-Based Email Forgery Detection and Validation.,"
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law
Vol. 7 : No. 1 , Article 3.
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Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
Pandora’s Email Box? An Exploratory Study of
Web-Based Email Forgery Detection and
Richard Boddington
School of IT, Murdoch University
Perth, WA 6150, Australia.
Tel: +61 893602801 Fax: +61 89360 2941
Grant Boxall
School of IT, Murdoch University
Perth, WA 6150, Australia.
Tel: +61 893602801 Fax: +61 89360 2941
Jeremy Ardley
Dalton Pty Ltd
Forensic Information Analysts
Tel: +61 8 6280 0008
Web based email systems may be a source of pristine digital evidence because of
the perceived difficulty of client tampering with messages stored inside the email
account. We demonstrate that such assumption is wrong in the case of Windows
Live Hotmail
. Windows Live Mail
synchronises message on client-side
computers with the Hotmail
server, benefiting users wishing to synchronise their
email accounts and personal devices. However, this synchronisation opens an
exploit for wrongdoers to tamper with existing email messages and attachments as
well as facilitating the insertion of fabricated messages. The exploit process
enables persistent storage of tampered and fabricated messages on the Hotmail
server. The exploitation favours both account owners and wrongdoers who gain
unauthorised access of others’ accounts. Even if tampering were suspected, we
anticipate some difficulties in validating messages to determine their reliability
and relevance. We predict, with trepidation, that the exploit process will become
commonplace and pose greater challenges to the cyber forensics examiner and
, Windows Live Hotmail
and Windows Live Mail
are the registered
trademarks of Windows Corporation.
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
legal practitioner during investigations and legal proceedings. Regrettably, the
exploit complements the existing arsenal of tools for email forgery. More
ominously, it provides opportunity for traceless injection of illicit
material/malware onto any machine synchronised with the Hotmail
Keywords Digital evidence, evidence validation, Windows Live Mail
, email
tampering, web-based email exploitation.
Covert attacks to gain control over other usersweb-based email accounts for a
range of illegal and unethical purposes is not a new or uncommon phenomenon
(Florencio & Herley, 2007). Use of email systems to promulgate the spread of
malicious software capable of breaching privacy, disabling individuals
computers and networks, and a myriad of scams, are unwelcome but well-
entrenched phenomena (Sunner, 2005). Bogus email messages created with little
technical skill can override email identity checking process, providing anonymity
for the miscreants and when delivered can have disastrous outcomes for victims
of such ploys (Levi & Koc, 2011). A significant vulnerability is poor password
security measures used by email providers, aggravated by weak user passwords,
which in turn facilitates, if not actually encourages exploitation of this essential
communications medium (Craddock, 2011; Preibusch & Bonneau, 2010).
The ability to access others email accounts allows intruders to create, delete,
transmit, move and copy messages but little else. An intruder, or account holder
wishing to modify an existing email message for some improper purpose may be
able to export messages, modify them but then find it impossible to reinsert the
emails into web-based accounts. It was considered difficult, if not impossible, to
modify web-based email messages stored on vendors’ servers without direct
access to the server by means other than the web page (Ardley, 2011).
We became aware of a current criminal case
during which the defendant
suggested the possibility of the complainant tampering with messages received by
the complainant from the defendant in a Hotmail
web-based email account. The
suggestion was this was done as a means to implicate the defendant in a criminal
activity. Initially, the proposition seemed improbable because of perceived
technical difficulties in editing message content and was dismissed by the
prosecution team of cyber forensics experts as being technically beyond the
ability of the average home computer user without advanced programming skills.
Nevertheless, the defence, forensics team considered it was possible with an
unknown but probably low level of difficulty, and further research would help to
identify and test simple processes allowing authorised and unauthorised
tampering of Hotmail
messages to succeed.
While the case is sub judice we are not permitted to identify the court or parties
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
In this paper, we show that Windows Live Hotmail
messages can be modified
with a modicum of skill and that simple processes do exist to overcome
export/import issues as well as obliterating traces of modification used in these
processes. We observed that it was a relatively simple process to access and
modify Hotmail
messages by a non-technical forger using Windows Live Mail
(WLM); an unannounced vulnerability we contend existed since 2007. The
processes we tested confirmed that it in some instances, it was possible to produce
near perfect forgeries. We will demonstrate that a Windows Live Hotmail
account can be synchronised with WLM by the account holder but unlike the
account, WLM can be used to alter existing messages and insert
fabricated messages into the Hotmail
account stored on the Hotmail
Reliance on Hotmail
messages as unadulterated digital evidence is questionable,
and confirmation of the WLM exploit means that some form of validation is
required. If tampering evidence on the forger’s computer were purged, it is likely
that the Hotmail
server would provide the only possible means to detect and
verify message tampering and fabrication. However, reliance on Internet Service
Providers to provide full historical records of their client’s Hotmail
communications may prove disappointing to law enforcement agencies seeking
confirmation of tampering and fabrication because of insufficient message
logging. We note, for example that in contrast to its European and American
counterparts, Australia does not require Internet Service Providers to maintain
detailed logs of its users Internet activities including email messaging. Australia
does not presently possess powerful legislative standards such as the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute requiring service providers to retain
significant sets of data on their clients that assist law enforcement in investigating
crime and seeking exculpatory evidence to eliminate the innocent from their
investigations (Attorney-General’s Department, 2010).
Australia’s Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 permits
service providers to provide telecommunications data, including email data, to
law enforcement agencies and telecommunications data and related information
kept for billing and other business purposes (Attorney-General’s Department,
2010). Australian federal and state government laws do not mandate service
providers to retain Internet data (e.g. SMTP records or mail client access other
than authentication) and email providers are unlikely to record email logs for any
length of time or hold sufficient data to validate suspect email messages. This
apparent lack of data available from service provider logs to assist examination
was further incentive to undertake our study to see what other evidence of
tampering the WLM exploit might provide.
Notwithstanding legislation empowering law enforcement agencies to obtain
email records from email vendors in criminal investigations, it is not always so
straightforward in civil cases. In a 2008 civil trial (Alexander, 2008) a
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
Mississippi district court upheld the defendants’ right to seek the quashing of a
court order by the other party seeking detail of the email accounts of the
defendants’ employees. The court ruled that the relevant statute the third party,
the email vendor, may not disclose such information in civil matters (Alexander,
We foresee that evidence obtained by forensics examiners from Windows Live
server logs that hitherto provided authoritative views on message
antecedents and attributes might no longer be relied upon per se. Although email
communications exploitation through a broad range of attacks has been present
since its creation, we anticipate that WLM, while offering many benefits to its
users, may be one of a number of applications inadvertently nurturing email
forgery in a variety of forms.
Although at the time of writing were unable to find any scientific literature on the
WLM vulnerability or other exploits, we thought it prudent to publish and make
aware those responsible for law enforcement and the courts that the integrity of
web-based emails should not be taken at face value. We suggest that some means
of validating email messages be applied when circumstances dictate or ideally, as
a matter of standard forensics practice. We have also engaged with Microsoft via
appropriate channels and received a reply that stated they were aware of the
functionality of the application but that it was essential to, “. . . provide a more
complete service to customers wanting email synchronized across multiple
devices”, but Microsoft was unaware of the exploitation process per se (Ardley,
2011, pp. 3-4).
Of concern to us was whether email messages could be tampered with and
fabricated messages could be inserted into a target Hotmail
account using WLM.
If so, certain criteria must establish alteration of the message content, the message
headers and the message attachments as well as insertion of fabricated messages.
It was necessary to establish that these changes would persist in the Hotmail
account linked to the server, not solely in the WLM account after an extended
. To establish a proof of concept, we required certain conditions that would
confirm conclusively the WLM exploit process, namely:
1. Message content could be altered.
2. Message headers could be altered.
3. Message attachments could be altered.
4. Fabricated messages could be inserted.
This paper looks specifically at the current version of Windows Live Hotmail
and the vulnerability of email messages for tampering. Time did not permit us to
An arbitrary eight week-period would demonstrate stability and
persistence of the tampered messages on the Hotmail
sever over an
extended period.
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
undertake similar, detailed examinations using other web-based email
applications, notably Gmail, Yahoo 7 Mail
, AOL Mail
or Outlook
, but the
results observed from exploratory examinations of these applications leads us to
suspect that they too were vulnerable to tampering via WLM, and in the case of
, through the simple ‘drag and drop’ migration process.
In this paper, we outline the history and nature of Hotmail
, Windows Live
and WLM. We define and describe the process of the WLM exploit and
the extent to which it can be used to modify Hotmail
message content, headers
and attachments. We describe how we tested the proof of concept and the
outcomes, and how we compared the modifications with original email data. We
also highlight the challenges to validating messages facing the cyber forensics
, one of the pioneering web-based emails, was made available to the
public free of charge in 1996 (Craddock, 2010a). In 2004, Hotmail
was moved
onto a system using Windows Server and Windows SQL Server
and more
recently upgraded to the latest version of SQL server (Craddock, 2010a). In 2007,
Microsoft released a beta version of its free email application WLM to replace
Outlook Express
on Windows XP
and Windows Mail
on Windows Vista
WLM incorporated the DeltaSync
protocol enabling users to synchronise
and other email accounts with WLM (LeBlanc, 2007a, 2007b; Sierra,
2010). By 2010, Hotmail
accounts synchronised with WLM offered users
synchronicity between their PC email client, their browser, and their phone
(Craddock, 2010b). There is evidence that Outlook
has had a functional
synchronisation for some time, perhaps preceding 2007 using WebDav (LeBlanc,
When installed on a user’s computer under Vista
or Windows 7
typically creates a default directory named Windows Live Mail under the
Microsoft folder in the nominated user’s Users folder. Users are able to add email
accounts by using the menu feature in WLM, provided they add the email account
name and password. Folders under Hotmail
accounts are created in WLM, most
usually, Inbox, Draft, Sent items, Junk email and Deleted items. This is very
similar to some IMAP email-clients such as Thunderbird that provide similar
directory structures and individual files.
Gmail is owned by Google Incorporated. Yahoo 7 Mail
is owned by Yahoo. AOL
Mail is owned by AOL Incorporated.
is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
These applications and operating systems are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
Unlike its predecessors, Outlook Express
and Windows Mail
, which stored
messages in less accessible formats and obscure folders, WLM folders are readily
visible using Windows Explorer, for example, and each message can be opened,
viewed, modified and saved using Notepad, and other text editing software. More
remarkable is that when WLM is running, it is also possible to drag and copy
email messages from any of the message folders to the desktop, edit the message
in various ways, and drag the message back into WLM. This feature is not
obvious to users and we do not believe it was intended to be part of the normal
use of the application. It seemed likely that tampering of email messages could
occur because of the way WLM stored messages from Hotmail
accounts on the
client machine and these messages would be migrated to the vendor server. If so,
these changes were expected to persist server-side and may assist in detecting
The account holder may access the Hotmail
account either by direct access to the
account held on the server or by installing WLM and synchronising
with the Hotmail
account as shown in Figure 1a. Opening the Hotmail
by web access does not permit the user to tamper and insert a fabricated message
into the account. However, accessing the Hotmail
account through WLM
facilitates exploitation and allows the account holder to alter existing sent and
received messages for a variety of reasons.
Figure 1b presents an alternative scenario is when an attacker gains access to the
account holder’s computer and uses WLM to access the Hotmail
server and
tamper with or insert messages.
A remote attack is shown in Figure 2 where the attacker has the account holder’s
account name and password. The attacker is able to access the Hotmail
server by
synchronising through WLM and tamper with and insert messages.
Outlook Express
, Outlook 2011
and Windows Mail
are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
Figure 1a. The account user accesses the Hotmail
server by direct access to
the email account or uses WLM to synchronise and access the account.
Figure 1b. An attacker gains access to the account holder’s computer to
tamper with or insert messages.
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
Figure 2. An attacker on a remote computer using WLM to synchronise with
the account holder’s account on the Hotmail
server to tamper and insert
Figure 3 illustrates how WLM on an account holder’s computer synchronises
with the Hotmail
account held on the Hotmail
server. The Hotmail
account is
added to WLM using the account name and password. The WLM account is
opened on the account holder’s computer and a message selected for tampering is
dragged from WLM by the ‘drag and drop’ facility and placed on the desktop and
the original message in the account is deleted to conceal the forgery. The
extracted message may be edited using a text editor such as Notepad then saved
and dragged back into the account in WLM. The account is manually or
automatically synchronised with the Hotmail
server and the tampered message
remains in the Hotmail
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
Figure 3. The sequence of events showing an account holder altering an
existing email message.
Similarly, in the event an attacker hijacks the account holder’s computer or
initiates an attack from another computer, the attacker has the ability to access the
account holder’s account through the WLM exploit either on the account holder’s
computer or on the attacker’s computer, as shown in Figure 4. The process of
message tampering and insertion is identical with the process illustrated in Figure
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
Figure 4. The sequence of events showing an attacker altering a message in
account holder’s account.
In the first two instances, evidence artifacts of tampering are confined to the
account holder’s computer and the Hotmail
server. In the remote attack,
evidence of tampering would be located on the attacker’s computer and the
server; server-side is dependent on appropriate server logs and retention
periods of those logs.
We discuss the issues of evidence location and characteristics in Section 8.
For the proof of concept, we used a desktop computer running Windows 7 Home
operating system and Windows Live Mail 2011
email application
For ease of reference, we called this computer the ‘editing computer’. A second
computer, the ‘independent computer’, compared and checked the outcomes
obtained by the ‘editing computer’. Identical operating system and email
Windows 7 Home Premium
operating system is the registered
trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
application were installed on the ‘independent computer’ as were used on the
‘editing computer’. The use of the ‘independent computer’ would ensure that
results observed on the ‘editing computercould be verified independently. The
computer mouse was used to transfer twelve candidate message files (.eml) from
the Hotmail
account in WLM onto the ‘editing computerdesktop and vice versa
using a drag and droptechnique. Notepad was used to edit the extracted files
and message files in the WLM folders present on the ‘editing computer directory.
A Windows Live Hotmail
account was created using the ‘editing computer’ for
testing the processes and efficacy of message tampering. The account was
populated with messages sent from other Windows Live Hotmail
, Gmail,
Yahoo 7 Mail
, AOL Mail, and POP3/SMTP accounts created specifically for the
study on a separate computer. Email messages were sent from the Hotmail
account on the ‘editing computer to the other email accounts. These processes
would enable later study of the characteristics of the tampered messages and
fabricated messages located in the respective Inbox and Sent items folders on the
‘editing computer’.
WLM was installed and opened on the editing computer where tampering and
fabrication of messages would occur. The Hotmail
account previously created
for the purpose of the study was synchronised successfully with WLM on the
‘editing computer and we noted confirmation during the account
synchronisation, that the mail server was an HTTP server implementing
version 2.0.0. We observed the same version of DeltaSync
installed during the installation of WLM on the ‘independent computer’.
The study commenced with attempts to copy and modify email messages in the
Inbox and Sent items folders on the ‘editing computer’ by dragging twelve
prepared messages from each folder to the computer desktop to see whether
tampering of the message content, headers and attachments were possible.
Notepad was used to change headers and message content and then the messages
were reinserted into the respective message folder, in some instances with the
original message extant, in others with the message previously deleted.
Observations would determine whether these processes resulted in persistence of
the migrated file remaining in each message folder. On completion of each
tampering process, hashes were taken of each file for later comparison during our
study into the persistence of the messages in the Hotmail
account and the
server. WLM was closed and the computer rebooted to determine
whether the tampered messages persisted in the folders.
We then studied the viability of tampering with extracted messages by
substituting original image and text file attachments with previously prepared
messages to facilitate the substitutions on the ‘editing computer’. We used
Notepad to alter and insert the fabricated scripts into original messages, two in the
Inbox folder and two in the Sent items folder. Once the substitution was
completed, the messages were reinserted into their original folders onto the
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
‘editing computer’ using the ‘drag and drop process. We then manually
synchronised WLM with the Hotmail
To test whether fabricated messages could be inserted into WLM and
synchronised with the Hotmail
server, we used twelve messages from a different
account which we dragged to the ‘editing computer’ desktop then
inserted them into the Inbox and Sent items folders of WLM, which was then
synchronised with the server. Four of the messages contained image file
attachments and the remaining four messages contained text file attachments.
We also wished to observe whether the tampered and fabricated messages
inserted into the WLM folders would synchronise and remain on the Hotmail
server. WLM was manually synchronised after each insertion and the ‘editing
computershut down and rebooted, WLM was opened and observations made of
the presence and characteristics of the tampered and inserted messages to
determine their persistence in WLM. This process was repeated by using a WLM
account on the ‘independent computer to see whether the tampered message
would populate WLM and to observe the characteristics of the messages. To
determine whether the files had synchronised with the Hotmail
server, we used
the ‘editing computer’ and the ‘independent computerand opened the Hotmail
account to see whether the tampered files were present and observe their
characteristics. We assumed that an eight week-period would be sufficient to
confirm that the tampered files persisted on the Hotmail
To gain more information about the DeltaSync
synchronisation process, namely,
the characteristics of the message metadata recorded on the Hotmail
server, we
simulated conditions of the DeltaSync
synchronisation as closely as possible.
is not freely available for use separate from Microsoft products
we were unable to identify the type of metadata stored on the Hotmail
Consequently, we used the UNIX utility rsync as the nearest known
approximation to DeltaSync
to simulate and investigate the server-side actions.
The X-Ways Forensics
analysis tool was used to locate and examine the folder
and email message files and obtain file hashes for comparison and event
reconstruction purposes. This provided confirmation of changes to tampered
messages and proof of reinsertion into WLM and the Hotmail
control account;
physical examination of the computer directories providing more complete file
attributes and antecedents.
Forensics images were taken of the ‘editing computer after the tampering was
completed and the WLM synchronisation with the Hotmail
server completed, to
observe and obtain the characteristics of the WLM folders and messages for signs
Note: DeltaSync
has been reverse engineered at the client side.
X-Ways Forensics is the copyright of X-Ways Software Technology
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
of tampering. Searches of tampering events and migrated message files were also
made to see if any typical evidence artifacts were available to the forensics
These tests were replicated using a ‘third computer’ with Windows XP
Service Pack 2 installed and a compatible version of WLM. This would allow us
to compare results obtained on the ‘third computer’ with the ‘editing computer’.
Section 5 provides details of each examination and our observations so that the
reader may also repeat the examinations themselves.
Question 1: Do tampered and inserted messages synchronise with the
server and persist server-side for an extended period?
Test 1A: Eight tampered messages and four fabricated messages were
created on the ‘editing computer’ and were inserted into
WLM then synchronised with the Hotmail
server. The
messages were hashed for later comparison and WLM was
closed. Testing for synchronicity was carried out on the
‘independent computer’ using Windows 7
and WLM 2011,
by accessing the messages in WLM and the Hotmail
account. This would determine whether the tampered and
fabricated messages persisted on the Hotmail
server when
accessed by the ‘independent computer’.
Outcome 1A: Complete and permanent synchronisation of the tampered
messages was observed. All tampered files were
synchronised and hash values were found to be identical. The
tampered messages persisted in the WLM account and on the
server for a period of eight weeks.
Test 1B: We attempted to replicate the DeltaSync
process on a server to identify the nature of the metadata
synchronised between the server and WLM. This involved
using a server to simulate what occurs on the Hotmail
after synchronisation with WLM using Microsoft’s
, running a similar application, rsync to simulate
as close as possible, to identify the type of
metadata synchronised.
Outcome 1B: The rsync test showed that unlike Windows, which provides
three distinct types of temporal metadata (created, modified
and accessed), rsync preserves last modification time but
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
loses last access time. Modification is a combined creation
and modified time, while accessed is displayed as an access
time. Consequently, server-side metadata and logging is not
expected to provide as much temporal metadata as stored in
the WLM message folders. We recognise there are
applications freely available that are capable of falsifying file
metadata to assist camouflage client-side emails
Question 2: Does WLM support the process of altering email message
Test 2: We added the Hotmail
account to WLM on the ‘editing
computer’. Twelve email messages from the WLM Inbox and
Sent items folders were dragged onto the desktop. Each
message was opened on the desktop with Notepad, the
original message content was deleted and a substituted with a
different message. Using Notepad, the message was then
saved and reinserted into WLM. WLM was synchronised
with the Hotmail
server, closed and the computer rebooted.
Outcome 2: WLM does support the process of altering message content.
The tampered messages persisted in the WLM account and
on the Hotmail
server for a period of eight weeks. These
results were confirmed by accessing the Hotmail
server by
the ‘independent computer’.
Question 3: Does WLM support the process of altering email message
Test 3: Twelve email messages were dragged to the desktop of the
‘editing computer’ and Notepad was used to view and modify
the message headers. The messages were then reinserted into
their respective folders on the ‘editing computer’. WLM was
closed and the computer rebooted.
Outcome 3: WLM does support the process of altering message headers,
notably message name, message timestamps, IP and SMTP
data. The tampered messages persisted in the WLM account
For example, see:
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
and on the Hotmail
server for a period of eight weeks. These
results were confirmed by accessing the Hotmail
server by
the ‘independent computer’.
Question 4: Does WLM support the process of altering email message
Test 4: During tests 2 and 3, we observed that it was possible to
remove and modify message content script and presumably
possible to remove message attachment script. We wished to
confirm whether it was possible to replace the original
attachment script with script from substitute attachments,
specifically, picture image (.jpg) and Word 2010
document files. To do so, we prepared four similar emails to
the original sent and received messages so that we could
simplify the substitution process by having available
attachment data of the same format as the target message. We
would then transfer that image and text file data by copy and
paste into the original message using Notepad on the ‘editing
computer’. WLM was closed and the computer rebooted.
Outcome 4: WLM does support the process of deleting message
attachments and substituting different attachments; notably
text and image files. The tampered messages persisted in the
WLM account and on the Hotmail
server for a period of
eight weeks. These results were confirmed by accessing the
server by the ‘independent computer’.
Question 5: Does WLM support the insertion of fabricated messages?
Test 5A: Using a template from a different Hotmail
account and
mimicking the header and formatting of existing sent and
received messages, four fresh messages were created and
saved to the ‘editing computer’ desktop. The messages were
then inserted into the Inbox and Sent Items folders of WLM,
which was then synchronised with the server.
Test 5B: We created a fabricated text message in Notepad and saved it
on the desktop as an email message (.eml) to see whether the
fabricated message could be dragged into WLM and
synchronise with the Hotmail
Word 2010
is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
Outcomes 5A/B: WLM does support the process of inserting fabricated
messages. The tampered messages persisted in the WLM
account and on the Hotmail
server for a period of eight
weeks. These results were confirmed by accessing the
server by the ‘independent computer’.
Identical outcomes were observed using the ‘third computer’ running Windows
with Service Pack 2 and a compatible version of WLM.
During the course of the study, we recorded observations of additional details
regarding tampering and insertion processes that provide an insight into the
exploit process.
Altering and creating message contents
Using Notepad on the ‘editing computer’ during Test 2 to alter message content
and save the files was a straightforward process only requiring the user to identify
the message content and then substituting the new message by typing or pasting
new text and saving the file. Identification of the message content in the original
message was the first step so that it could be removed or altered, and with a little
practice and intuition, might be considered that a task a novice user could
complete successfully. Figure 5a shows a portion of the message script opened in
Notepad with the message content ‘No attachment’ clearly displayed. Figure 5b
illustrates the message content replaced with the word ‘substituted’. The file is
saved in Notepad and dragged back into the WLM folder. These messages
remained in the same form when viewed on the ‘independent computer’ when
viewed in WLM and the Hotmail
account. All tampered messages appeared
authentic with no evidence of tampering inside the message script.
Messages remaining on the ‘editing computer’ desktop were deleted and the
Recycle Bin emptied. Recovery of erased messages was possible using the
forensics recovery tool and would be of potential evidentiary value in verifying
Altering and creating message names, timestamps and other header data
During Test 3, the process of identifying the relevant timestamps within the
extracted messages required some testing on the ‘editing computer’ to ensure that
all relevant data was changed. This was important, as tampering would be evident
if all temporal data, typically three date sets in the header, did not match and the
reinserted file showed the original date and time in the folder view. Initially, some
reinsertion attempts did fail because of difficulties identifying the header data; for
example, Hotmail
headers are different from Gmail, Yahoo etc. Perseverance
and practice rewarded our efforts in identifying critical dates and times ensuring
they were consistent with the original message format. These messages were
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
reinserted and did move to the intended new time-based order in the message
folders in accordance with the changed dates and times. The files retained their
position and format throughout the eight-week period.
Figure 5a. Original ‘sent’ message with the string, “No Attachment” visible in
two locations.
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
Figure 5b. Original message replaced with the tampered ‘sent’ message. The
string “substituted visible at the same locations. Note the date/time and
message name changes.
Changing the message name was a simpler process to master and it was possible
to change all message names, which retained their status after reinsertion. Figure
6a shows the original message name ‘ORIGINAL.docx’, whereas Figure 6b
shows the altered message name changed to ‘SUBSTITUTED
Changing IP and SMTP data was a straightforward process although a forger
would have to ensure that the altered data would enhance the forgery. For
example, if a fabricated IP address was inserted this might reveal tampering and
defeat the purpose of the forgery. If an attacker manipulated a message the
metadata stored locally, the Modified, Accessed, Created times will change and
be identifiable to a forensic examiner. Specifically, those metadata would differ
from the header information that is contained in the message when they should be
in close approximation of one another.
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
From our observations, we identified and analysed groups of evidence artifacts
created during the tampering processes on the ‘editing computer’. This included
locating evidence of tampering and the use of the WLM exploit on the ‘editing
computer’. From the outset, it was evident that WLM logs, while a possible
source of ‘tamper evidencemay not always be available for examination if the
forger removed traces of the application’s presence on a computer used to
complete the tampering or fabrication. Similarly, effective erasure of email
messages edited on the host computer desktop would leave little for the forensic
examiner to use.
Figure 6a. Original message showing text attachment script before alteration.
Figure 6b. Tampered message with the document attachment script removed
and replaced with a substitute document script.
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
We assume, based on the rsync test and the persistence of messages retained on
the Hotmail
server, that the server would retain creation/modified metadata
when the message was synchronised on the Hotmail
server. Whether the
metadata would provide meaningful corroboration would require checking the
metadata under legislative power or court order. This metadata may be the best
means of authenticating messages timestamps by comparing them with server-
side timestamps. That is, of course, provided the message was still stored on the
server and whether correlating the timestamps was possible to provide meaningful
It appears the messages headers scripts are persistent and remain with the message
irrespective of synchronisation with the server. How reliable are the message
header timestamps and can they be taken at face value? Even if the message were
authentic, the timestamps may be inaccurate because of a range of delays and
transmission faults. Comparing the sent message header with the received
message header would provide a means of triangulating the most reliable dispatch
and receipt times. Comparing the messages with the server timestamps is also
conditional on the correct interpretation of the timestamps. Even if they do
conflict with the message timestamps, it may suggest tampering or some other
event. The difficulty is the last accessed time is not overly helpful and the
creation/modified timestamp metadata identified in the rsync test does not provide
a log of original creation or modified events. However, the creation/modified
metadata used to compare the message timestamps would establish message
Deleting and substituting message attachments.
Removing original attachments (Word 2010 documents and image files) from
messages stored on the ‘editing computer and replacing them with substitute
attachments initially appeared more challenging and time-consuming than
replacing message and header scripts. Study of the attachment required
confirmation of the start and end of the attachment scripts. Once located the
attachment boundaries were identified it was a straightforward process to remove
original scripts using Notepad. Figure 6a is a segment of an original message
viewed in Notepad showing the start and end boundaries of the attachment script -
a Word 2010
document in this instance. Once removed, it was possible to copy
and paste the substitute attachment script from a previously prepared message
attachment into the tampered message. Figure 6b shows a segment of the
substituted attachment script (Word 2010
) inserted into the message.
Comparison of the hash values of all messages and attachments reinserted into
WLM showed they maintained all their file characteristics.
Ability to alter messages in the directory folder
In a separate test using the ‘editing computer’, we noted that the WLM exploit did
not support attempts to open and alter messages located in the computer directory
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
folders that were visible using Windows Explorer
. While fabricated messages
could be inserted and existing messages could be opened using Notepad, the
messages did not synchronise with WLM and did not appear in the folders when
viewed with WLM. None of these messages synchronised with the Hotmail
server because of the local synchronisation that only synchronises messages when
WLM is run.
Ability to create fabricated messages
Test 5 showed that it was possible to create and insert fabricated messages by two
different processes: by creating an email message, and by changing the file
extension of a text document to .eml format. Both processes provide the means to
include malicious code into the message script and pose security threats to unwary
recipients unprotected by malware filters.
Our ability to manipulate and insert messages through WLM into the Hotmail
server established proof of concept of the exploit. Study of these processes
showed that the exploit could be used for message tampering and the insertion of
malicious code. Test 1 confirmed that the tampered messages with altered
messages content persisted on the Hotmail
server for the trial period of at least
eight weeks.
Tests 2, 3 and 4 show that WLM permits tampering through a simple drag and
drop message migration using a simple text editor. We observed the process
failed repeatedly when attempting to tamper messages in the computer folder
directory housing WLM files. Tampering with message content is a relatively
simple process requiring relatively little knowledge. Changing file headers and
removing and substituting attachments requires more knowledge, but no advanced
computer skills.
Test 5 confirmed the ability to create and insert fabricated messages into WLM
and synchronise those messages with the Hotmail
server through two different
processes. The process of creating a fabricated message mimicking a genuine
email required some practice, but was helped by using message templates
matching message formatting to other email applications and not considered an
insurmountable challenge to novice forgers. The process of changing file
extensions to .eml was uncomplicated but their format was readily recognisable as
fabricated messages. Of security concern is that this process permits the inserting
of ‘zero-daycode into a target computer.
Time did not permit us to trial similar examinations with Gmail, Yahoo 7
and AOLmail applications beyond some initial account creation in WLM
and basic proof of concept trials. Preliminary trialing did confirm that tampering
Windows Explorer
is a registered trademark of Microsoft
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
was achieved to the same degree as with our earlier examinations of Hotmail
Outlook 2010
appeared to present a similar opportunity for a similar process to
be exploited.
There may be other applications, such as Mozilla Thunderbird that enables
message tampering with similar results as WLM. We leave that to further research
to clarify the possibility but consider it worthy of mention at this time. Similar
attacks may be feasible against Gmail using IMAP.
Having established the vulnerability of various web-based email applications to
tampering, we can envision serious third-party injection attacks. Consider a
government official with home and office internet access. The attacker injects
malware with appropriate social engineering tags inserted into the message and is
synchronised to the investigator’s account as we have described previously.
Custom code ('zero day') can pass virus scans and is later run by the investigator
as a trusted programme potentially compromising the official’s home and office
In another scenario, a vengeful, disgruntled client seeks to implicate a business
provider and tampers with an existing email from the provider to discredit the
latter. If the provider has no record to contradict the forgery, it may be
burdensome if not impossible to support a counter-claim, for as we have shown,
there may be a paucity of tampering evidence.
A tampered email message could have serious implications for its victim as well
as potential benefits for the forger. We assert that Hotmail
messages tendered as
evidence should not be accepted at face value if there were even the slightest
doubts over their integrity; yet some form of validation is required. Validation
requires confidence about inferences drawn from the evidence, in particular,
verification of the domain where the evidence is created, processed and
transferred (Boddington, Hobbs & Mann, 2008). As Boddington et al., (2008)
assert, not only the validity of the evidence files but examination of the
application and operating programs must be available for examination. Simply
assuming an email message is authentic and relates to a critical date and time,
without seeking some reasonable validation can be disastrous. Such expediency or
inattention to detail, as Dardick (2010) points out, may involve faulty reasoning
that fails to prove that the facts support the conclusions and only those
conclusions. It was important to see whether forgeries and fabricated messages
could be detected though.
A potentially rich source of evidence is the directory folder and WLM but a
perceptive forger may well deep erase traces of WLM, or it may be unavailable if
the ‘editing computer is not located or its existence unknown. We assume, based
on the rsync test and the persistence of messages retained on the Hotmail
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
that the server would retain creation/modified metadata when the message was
synchronised on the Hotmail
server. Whether the metadata would provide
meaningful corroboration would require checking the metadata under legislative
power or court order. This metadata may be the best means of authenticating
message timestamps by comparing them with server-side timestamps, which
depends on the message still being stored on the server and whether correlating
the timestamps provides meaningful information to assist analysis.
What concerns us, and should certainly be heeded by those with a vested interest
in seeking the truth, is that while tampering may be suspected, the metadata
available to support or refute assertions as to the message integrity may be scarce
in cases where attempts have been made to camouflage the alterations.
Government and private organisations often have in place email security and pre-
forensics strategies that record all received, sent and deleted messages on their
own servers. This would seem to be a wise precaution, because such strategies do
save deleted messages for use in future investigations. Having an original
message to compare with a tampered message may be a sound validation process.
Otherwise, if an original message is no longer available there is nothing to
challenge a tampered or fabricated message linked to the server with a wrongdoer
exploiting an external Hotmail
Further research would be helpful to understand more fully, what useful server-
side evidence is available to the forensic practitioner. Equally important would be
a reliable, formal validation template to help the forensics practitioner examine
suspect messages. Given the large number of email clients in use, the question of
email aggregation playing a role in this type of exploit should also be
considered. The WLM exploit may be prevented by administration through one of
the other email clients, and since the exploit deals with the messages maintained
on the account holder’s computer and their synchronization to the Hotmail
server, this raise the question of whether this can be bypassed by using another
client. While the main focus of this paper is on WLM and how it stores
messages, these other aspects warrant further consideration.
The results of this study may well have implications for cyber forensics examiners
and legal practitioners preparing cases involving email evidence. We have shown
that WLM facilitates forgery and requires little computer skill to fulfill improper
or mischievous aims. Validation of email messages should be undertaken
whenever there is a suspicion of, or claim of tampering is implicit. This requires
access to email message metadata server side and from likely venues where
WLM was used to undertake tampering.
This confirmation of the WLM process to edit and exploit web-based emails
persuaded us to bring this to the attention of law enforcement authorities. We
hope it will assist forensics examiners in considering the possibility of message
tampering in future cases and perhaps review some existing and previous cases
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 7(1)
where incorrect assumptions were made regarding the authenticity of email-based
digital evidence.
Assuming the server side messages are stored in some sort of database (and a
reasonably complex one we assume), the problem could be fixed by removing
updates to message bodies and attachments within the server side database, so that
when synchronisation occurs, only the entire email can be removed or deleted,
rather than updated. The implications of the WLM exploit process should be
considered by Microsoft and fixed.
Civil, criminal and internal disciplinary cases involving emails are not novel and
occur with increasing sophistication. We predict cases of tampering will come to
public note more often in the future. Pandora’s email box is now opening and
legal cases relying on email evidence should be cognisant of the danger of
assuming the obvious. Prudence suggests circumspection of the circumstantial.
Mr. Richard Boddington holds a B.Sc (Hons) 1
Class and is undertaking Ph.D.
research in digital evidence validation at Murdoch University, Australia where he
teaches and researches information security and cyber forensics. He has a police
and security intelligence background and provides cyber forensic analysis and
expert testimony for the legal fraternity in a range of civil and criminal cases.
Mr. Jeremy Ardley has a B.Sc in Physics and Computer Science. He has 30+
years’ experience in information capture, analysis, presentation, and advice to
decision makers. He now works as a Forensic Information Analyst, interpreting
forensic evidence and advises legal teams on technical evidence as well as acting
as an expert witness.
Mr. Grant Boxall is a third year student completing a B.Sc, majoring in Business
Information Systems, Cyber Forensics and Computer Science at Murdoch
University where he is also completing a postgraduate certificate in Business
Administration. He has a background in database programming, data analysis
and application development.
Our sincerest thanks are extended to Drs. Valerie Hobbs and Graham Mann of
Murdoch University for their support and feedback during the preparation of the
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