Interdisciplinary Engineering Digital Scrapbook Quote Transcript
Timestamp 22:16
Congratulations to our extraordinary graduates across all interdisciplinary engineering
programs! It has been a great honor and privilege to work with you. The nature of this “new”
venture in engineering higher education means that you are all trailblazers. In addition to being
great scholars and engineers, you have shown courage and initiative. Your forward thinking that
is focused on problem solving and integrating all the best knowledge and skills regardless of
disciplinary source is an example of our best qualities to all in the engineering profession. You
truly are the future of engineering, and I can’t wait to see the great things in store for you (and
the rest of us) all.
Congratulations, and Gig ‘Em!
Dr. Kelly Brumbelow, Director of Interdisciplinary Engineering Development
Timestamp 23:02
Thank you for your commitment to your studies, which will manifest itself in maintaining the
quality of the Subsea Engineering Master’s program. You deserve credit for the excellence that
you have added to our program and you will be remembered for your contributions. I, and the
subsea engineering teaching staff, wish you the best of luck. Please keep in touch and let us
know how things go for you.
Ronald Ledbetter, Director of Subsea Engineering
Timestamp 23:28
Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventure! It was my great
privilege to know you, to think about all that you’ve achieved and an honor and pleasure to
teach you.
Be lifelong learners that’s my advice for you as you graduate. Whatever you do, never stop
learning, exploring, growing and challenging yourself to be your best.
Another piece of advice be happy and stay calm in your work environment, because you will
be faced with a lot of challenges, both personal and technical.
Good luck and keep in touch.
Dr. Saadat Mirza, Professor of Practice, Subsea Engineering
Timestamp 24:08
My warmest congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your future endeavors.
Dr. Keshawa Shukla, Professor of Practice, Subsea Engineering
Timestamp 24:23
Congratulations for this significant milestone in your life! You made it! You achieve academic
success and consistently demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning and making a
difference in society through a quality and sustainable build environment. Today and more than
ever before, this combination of engineering excellence and commitment is what is needed
most to solve current and future challenges for society and its build environment. Well done
and best wishes for an impactful and successful career!
Dr. Morad R. Atif, Director, Architectural Engineering