Department of Defense | Defense Human Resources Activity
Defense Travel System (DTS) Guide 4:
Local Vouchers
April 03, 2024
DTS Guide 4: Local Vouchers April 03, 2024
Defense Travel Management Office 1
Table of Contents
Revision History .................................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 1: Local Vouchers Introduction ............................................................................. 3
1.1 Trip Processing Rules ............................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2: Create a Local Voucher ...................................................................................... 5
Chapter 3: DTS Expenses Module ....................................................................................... 7
3.1 Add Expenses ........................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Import from GTCC ................................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Attaching Documents .............................................................................................................. 15
Chapter 4: DTS Accounting Module ................................................................................... 21
4.1 Lines of Accounting ................................................................................................................. 21
4.2 Add a LOA ............................................................................................................................... 21
4.3 Add Multiple LOAs................................................................................................................... 22
4.4 Financial Summary.................................................................................................................. 23
Chapter 5: Review ............................................................................................................... 26
5.1 Review Profile ......................................................................................................................... 26
5.2 Review Local Voucher............................................................................................................. 27
5.3 Pre-Audits ............................................................................................................................... 28
5.4 Digital Signature ...................................................................................................................... 29
5.5 Document Access and Retention ............................................................................................ 32
Chapter 6: Additional Resources ....................................................................................... 33
6.1 Component Representatives ................................................................................................... 33
6.2 Helpful References .................................................................................................................. 33
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Revision History
Redesign of expenses and
receipts screens
General update
Section 2
Updated Dashboard screen
General review
Page 4
Updated Expense wording
Updated mileage expenses
screen shots
Section 2,
Page 7
Rebranding effort
Added Browsers for DTS
Updated CT links and wording
Chapter 1
Chapter 5
Updated screen shots and
Updated Expense table
Added What is a Valid Receipt
Info paper
Table 4-1
Page 10
General Review
Removed Travel System
Updated Multiple LOAs
Page 3
Page 19
General Review
Added Data Access and
Retention Section
Page 32
Updated Constructed Travel
Page 33
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Chapter 1: Local Vouchers Introduction
A local voucher is a claim for reimbursement for expenses you incurred and allowances you earned while
conducting official business in the local area near your* Permanent Duty Station. A local voucher is a stand-
alone document you may only submit after you complete your official duty. Therefore, you may not project
expenses or estimate allowances on a local voucher. Instead, only enter actual amounts.
* In this guide, “you” are a traveler, unless otherwise stated.
Travel documents are subject to internal (per local business rules) and external (e.g., Defense Finance and
Accounting Service [DFAS]) audits which help identify improper payments, recognize trends, implement
corrective measures to appropriately recover funds, and improve travel compliance. If you are uncertain if an
expense is allowable then review the JTR, contact your Lead DTA or supervisor before submitting the local
voucher for approval and payment. Your AO should carefully review the submitted local voucher and return it
for correction, if any portion is non-compliant for travel policy.
Note 1: If you’re logging into DTS for the first time or after an extended period, DTS may provide you a pop-up
message which can include:
Review and Update Profile - This option triggers when it is at least 60 days since your last log on to
DTS. Either choose Open Profile and make your changes or Continue without Updating. For more
about profiles, see the DTS Guide 1: Authorizations and DTA Manual, Chapter 7: People.
What’s New - This feature alerts you when software changes occur. The first time you access an
affected module, the What’s New feature activates. A series of pop-up screens annotate any revisions.
Once you proceed through the overview, you must select Got It to close the messaging. Your personal
profile tracks your acknowledgement and then the What’s New feature inactivates. As this a one-time
alert, unless there is another system change, you will not see the What’s New alert again. For more on
the What’s New feature, review the DTS Guide 1.
Note 2: Before accessing DTS verify your web browser is fully compatible with the system. Chrome, Edge, and
Firefox browsers work with DTS. Contact your IT POC for technical support. See the bottom of the DTS Home
page, Need More Assistance? for the requirements.
1.1 Trip Processing Rules
Travelers and those who create, edit, or amend documents for travelers must adhere to trip processing rules.
Local voucher specifications apply to reduce incorrect claims. These processing rules include:
Local vouchers must be processed for only actual expenses incurred.
Local vouchers must have a current or a past date create date. No future create date permitted.
Local vouchers do not have access to the Reservation module or Per Diem table.
Local vouchers may combine expenses from different dates.
Local vouchers may contain more than one LOA, but each LOA must use the same Format Map (e.g.,
Air Force, Army etc.).
Local vouchers cannot be stamped Signed with a future expense date.
When a document does not meet the policy requirements for trip creation date, or contains future expense
date, DTS will alert the user.
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If creating a document with a future create date, the following error message displays on the Local
Voucher screen:
o “Local voucher date cannot be greater than today’s date.” “There are errors with this local
voucher. Please correct the errors and try submitting again.”
If signing a document with a future expense date, the following error message displays on the Digital
Signature page.
o “TRIP NOT COMPLETED Document contains expenses with future dates. Local Vouchers
cannot be signed until all the expenses claimed have occurred.”
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Chapter 2: Create a Local Voucher
To create a local voucher log onto DTS. On the DTS Dashboard (Figure 4-1), select Create New Document then
choose Local Voucher.
Figure 4-1: DTS Dashboard
The Create Local Voucher screen (Figure 4-2) opens. A Progress Bar, (left side of the screen) tracks your
Local Voucher steps.
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Figure 4-2: Local Voucher Date Screen
1. Enter the Local Voucher Date. The screen defaults to the current date, but you can change it. Once you
save the date, you can’t change it. Note: The create date can’t be greater than the current date. DTS
will display an error message, if you try to create a local voucher with a future date.
2. In Reference, you can enter information per your local policies or leave the field blank.
3. Are you Attending a Conference or Event? Provide a Yes or No response. If Yes, select the conference
name using the drop down menu or if the name is not in the listing, select Other.
4. Select Continue to create the local voucher. The Enter Expenses screen (Figure 4-3) opens.
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Chapter 3: DTS Expenses Module
The Expenses module allows you to enter all your incurred expenses and earned allowances. You must enter
them accurately to ensure you receive the proper reimbursement. You can access the Expenses module at any
time on the Progress Bar and then the Enter Expenses screen (Figure 4-3) opens.
3.1 Add Expenses
Enter your incurred expenses and attach your receipts and supporting records on the Enter Expenses screen.
Figure 4-3: Enter Expenses Screen
Add new expense:
1. On the Enter Expenses screen, select Add (Figure 4-3, Indicator 1). The Add New screen opens (Figure
4-4). Note: Under Select Type* use the drop-down menu to access the four primary expense
categories, Add Expense From GTCC, and Documents.
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Figure 4-4: Add New Screen
2. Select the Expense Category, then the Expense Types display (Figure 4-4). Table 4-1 shows the
expenses available in each expense category.
Key Note: If the Expense table does not include an allowable incurred expense, contact your DTA or AO
for guidance on entering the expense in DTS.
Example: When using the Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) on official travel, if a Cross Border
Processing Fee occurs, an option could be to use the Foreign Currency Conv Fees expense type to
record the cost, then add notes to the expense for the AO to review.
Table 4-1
International Travel Expenses
Foreign Currency Conv Fees
Mileage Expenses
Private Auto - Local Area
Private Motorcycle - Local Area
Private Vehicle - GOV Auth & Avail
Other Expenses
Other - Create Your Own
Recruiter - Parking
Recruiter - Snack
Returned Payment
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Transportation Expenses
Government Vehicle - Fuel/Oil
Public Transportation
Rental Car
Rental Car - Fuel
Tolls/Ferry Fees
3. On the Add New screen, select the expense type (Figure 4-5).
Figure 4-5: Add New Screen - Expense Types
4. The selected expense appears on the Add New screen (Figure 4-6). Note: Fields with a red asterisk (*)
identify required information. Enter the data for the expense (e.g., Parking) and continue until you add
each incurred expense.
To complete an Expense entry:
Verify the Select Type displays the correct expense.
If flagged as a requirement, then Attach Receipt.
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Figure 4-6: Add New Screen - Expense Details
Select or enter a Purpose (why you incurred the expense).
The Expense Date defaults to the Local Voucher Date. You can change it to the date of the actual
expense. Note: If you enter a future date for an expense, you will not be able to sign the local voucher
until that expense date occurs.
Enter the Expense Amount.
DTS automatically selects the Method of Reimbursement for you. Select the drop-down menu if you
need to change it.
(Optional) Enter Notes for the expense.
Mileage Expenses contain additional fields to enter data. Specifically, you must select a mileage rate
(Private Auto Local Area, Private Motorcycle Local Area or Private Vehicle GOV Auth & Avail)
and a Start Location (My Residence or Duty Station).
o If your Start Location is My Residence:
Enter your local travel location (Figure 4-7a) in the End Location.
Select either One-Way Mileage or Commuting Cost radio button and enter your
usual commuting mileage or cost (one-way). DTS calculates your mileage allowance
for you.
Example: It’s 50 miles from your residence to the local travel location. Your daily
commute is 30 miles. The mileage rate is $0.665, so your reimbursement for one
direction is 50 miles 30 miles = 20 miles x $0.665 = $13.10 (Figure 4-7a).
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Figure 4-7a: Mileage Expense Screen - From Residence
o If your Start Location is Duty Station, just enter the total Miles driven. DTS calculates the
mileage (Figure 4-7b). Note: You can also check a box to create a round-trip expense.
Figure 4-7b: Mileage Expense Screen - From Duty Station
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5. Select Add (Figure 4-6, 4-7a, and 4-7b). The list of expenses displays on the Enter Expenses screen
(Figure 4-8).
Per the JTR, all lodging expenses (regardless of cost) and all other expenses of $75.00 or more require a
receipt. The information paper, What is a Valid Receipt?, discusses receipt requirements, gives examples of
improper receipts, and provides policy resource links.
To assist you with travel compliance, DTS flags those items with a Receipt Required indicator (Figure 4-8,
Indicator 1) or triangle icon. For expenses under the policy threshold DTS will display N/A or no receipt
indicator appears (Figure 4-8, Indicator 2).
Attach a supporting record or receipt:
1. Begin on the Enter Expenses screen and locate the expense entry.
2. Select the expense Details (Figure 4-8, Indicator 3) and the widow expands with attaching options.
3. Browser or drag and drop to include the record. Save the selection. See Section 3.3 below for complete
4. Select expense Details again to close the window. The Enter Expenses screen updates reflecting the
paper clip icon for attachment.
Figure 4-8: Enter Expenses Screen - Receipt Requirement Column
Additional actions for saved expenses are available under options (3-dot icon) on the right side of the expense
entry (Figure 4-9).
Duplicate an expense:
1. Begin on the Enter Expenses screen and locate the expense entry to copy (Figure 4-9). Example: The
same expenses on different days (e.g., the same parking fee each day of a multi-day event).
2. Select Duplicate Expense. The Duplicate Expense screen opens.
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3. Enter the date for the duplicated expense.
4. Select Duplicate Expense. The duplicated expense displays on the Enter Expenses screen.
Delete an expense:
1. Begin on the Enter Expenses screen and locate the expense entry (Figure 4-9).
2. Select Delete Expense. The Delete Expense screen opens.
3. Select Delete to remove the expense. The expense is no longer in DTS.
Figure 4-9: Enter Expenses Screen - Options
3.2 Import from GTCC
Instead of manually adding an expense charged to the GTCC, you can save steps by importing GTCC charges into
the document.
Add a GTCC expense:
1. Begin on the Enter Expenses screen and select Add (Figure 4-10). The Add New screen opens (Figure 4-
Figure 4-10: Enter Expenses Screen - Add an Expense
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Figure 4-11: Add New Screen
2. Use the drop-down menu and select Add Expense from GTCC (Figure 4-12).
Figure 4-12: Add Expense from GTCC
3. On the Import Expense screen, check the box to select the transaction or charged item from the list
(Figure 4-13). Select the expense category and expense type.
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Figure 4-13: Import Expense from GTCC
4. Select Import. The Enter Expenses screen updates with the imported expenses appearing in a list
(Figure 4-14).
Figure 4-14: Enter Expenses Screen - Imported Expense from GTCC
Note: Only import valid charges (Figure 4-13). Do not import meal transactions into Expenses. If a valid
transaction you want to import appears in the list, but you cannot select the expense type and you see a
warning message, “This expense cannot be imported,” you must add it manually using the instructions in Section
3.3 Attaching Documents
The Enter Expenses screen (Figure 4-15) allows you to attach documents that support your trip claim such as
receipts and memorandums.
Figure 4-15: Enter Expense Screen - Added Expenses List
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You can attach documents to an existing entered expense using Details, use Documents to attach records, or
Import a PDF.
Attach records using Details:
1. Begin on the Enter Expenses screen and locate the expense item. Select Details. The window opens
(Figure 4-16).
Figure 4-16: Attachments Screen
2. To attach a receipt to this expense, select browse to search for the file, the + sign to upload it, or Drag
And Drop it into the Attachments area. Whichever option you chose, you only need to follow the
prompts, then select Done to retain the entry.
Figure 4-17: Attached Receipt Screen
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3. Once the file attaches (Figure 4-17), you should see the document and view the number of
attachments. Icons on the screen include:
Trash can to remove the record (Indicator 1)
Rotate Left (Indicator 2)
Rotate Right (Indicator 3)
Zoom In (Indicator 4)
Zoom Out (Indicator 5)
Add (Indicator 6)
Download Attachments (Indicator 7)
Add Documents:
1. Begin on the Enter Expenses screen. Select Add. The Add New screen appears.
2. Select the Expense Category, then the Expense Types displays, use the dropdown menu to choose
3. Choose one of the five Type options.
4. Select Attach Document to browse for a file.
5. Enter Document Name.
6. Select Add to retain the selection.
7. The Enter Expenses screen updates to reflect the attached file.
Import a PDF:
1. Begin on the Enter Expenses screen. Select the Import PDF icon and the Import PDF window opens.
2. Select Browse to search for the file. Choose Select (Figure 4-18).
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Figure 4-18: Import PDF Screen
3. An Import PDF screen opens. Check the box and choose Next.
A list of expense types appears (Figure 4-19). Select Attach to Existing (Indicator 1) to associate the file
to a current expense or select an expense type from the list to Create New expense (Indicator 2), so
you can attach the file. Follow the prompts to advance.
Figure 4-19: Import PDF Screen
4. Select Done to retain the entry. The Enter Expenses screen updates to reflect the attached file with the
expense item (Figure 4-20).
Parking 01 09 23.pdf
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Figure 4-20: Enter Expenses Screen - Receipt Attached
If you have several supporting documents or receipts, on the Enter Expenses screen, you can use the Download
Attachments option to combine the information (Figure 4-21, Indicator 1). Once you select the Download
Attachments icon, the window opens. You can save the compiled receipts and attached documents zip file to
your PC. If you don’t attach all uploaded documents, you will receive an information message (Figure 4-21,
Indicator 2) alerting you of required action.
Figure 4-21: Enter Expenses Screen - Download Attachments
Once you enter all your expenses or allowances, provide the required receipts or supporting documents, then
select Continue (Figure 4-22).
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Figure 4-22: Enter Expenses - Expense Summary Screen
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Chapter 4: DTS Accounting Module
The Accounting module provides key finance data such as identifying where the money is coming from to pay
for this trip and the total trip cost. You can access Accounting on the Progress Bar.
The Accounting screen contains three main areas:
Accounting Codes
Account Summary
The sections below look closer at these main areas.
4.1 Lines of Accounting
The Review Accounting screen (Figure 4-23) shows the funding sources for your trip. DTS calls a funding source
either a Line of Accounting (LOA) or an accounting code. For our purposes, we will use LOA, unless the DTS
screen displays the latter.
Before the AO may approve your local voucher, it must contain at least one LOA. However, DTS does not require
you to provide that LOA. In fact, you can sign your local voucher without a LOA, and some local business rules
require no action from you on this screen. If that is the case, you may skip to 4.4 Financial Summary instead.
Figure 4-23: Review Accounting Screen
4.2 Add a LOA
Many travelers’ profiles list a default LOA. If your profile contains a default LOA, that LOA will appear in your
document automatically (Figure 4-24). You can Add, Edit, or Remove a LOA.
Select Add LOA to see the source list then pick:
From [Organization]: These LOAs belong to your organization.
Shared LOA: These shared LOAs were from a higher organization in your hierarchy.
Cross Org LOA: These LOAs have limited use and belong to an organization outside your hierarchy.
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Figure 4-24: Accounting Codes Screen - Single LOA Added
4.3 Add Multiple LOAs
If you only require one LOA, you can skip this section and move to 4.4 Financial Summary. If you do need to use
more than one LOA for your document, you must allocate the costs which means identifying which expense
types to associate to each LOA.
1. Select Add LOA to select each required LOA label. The LOA labels display on the page and expenses
default to the first chosen LOA.
Note: DTS is designed to only allow LOAs with the same Format Map to process on a Local Voucher. For
example, you if select a LOA with an AF Format Map, then the options in the drop-down list will only provide AF
LOAs. To learn more about Format Maps, see the DTA Manual, Chapter 8 and Appendix R.
2. Select Edit LOA Allocations (Figure 4-25) to divide your costs between LOAs using the options:
Percentage: Select a percent of the total cost to apply to each LOA.
Expense Category: Select the LOA that will pay for each type of expense (e.g., Transportation).
Date: Select the date range that applies for each LOA. This is useful for trips that cross Fiscal Years.
Specific Expense: Select an LOA for each expense that appears in the authorization.
Category / Date: Select LOAs based on a combination of both Expense Category and Date.
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Figure 4-25: Review Accounting Screen - Edit LOA Allocations
3. Once you complete the expense allocation, select Save. The Accounting Codes page updates to reflect
the LOA labels and allocation method.
When you complete the LOA portion, you are ready to proceed with the Review process.
4.4 Financial Summary
The Review Financial Summary screen (Figure 4-26) provides details of various financial aspects of the
document. Most of the data on this screen is view-only, but you can use the Adjust Disbursements link to the
move dollar amounts from the GTCC vendor or your bank account. Access Financial Summary on the Progress
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Figure 4-26 Review Financial Summary Screen
There are three areas within the Review Financial Summary screen:
Expense Summary (Figure 4-26, Indicator 1): Provides the total of all expenses on the voucher and
divides them into reimbursable expenses and non-reimbursable expenses. Non-reimbursable expenses
generally include expenses paid by the Government (e.g., CBA).
Credit Summary (Figure 4-26, Indicator 2): Supplies information about debts the total reimbursement
you are due to receive - Net to Traveler, any amount you were overpaid - Balance Due US, and any
Collections or Waivers/Appeals used to help pay off the debt.
Entitlement Summary (Figure 4-26, Indicator 3): Shows the Total Expenses, Prior Payments,
Collections, Previous Pmt Adjustments, and Net Distribution amount to be paid. The columns
confirm whether the amount in each category affects your bank account (Personal) or the GTCC vendor
(GTCC), then provides the Total per category (Figure 4-27). The Adjust Disbursement link lets you
adjust the amounts to be paid to the GTCC vendor and your bank account:
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o GTCC ATM Withdrawal (Figure 4-27, Indicator 1): If you used a GTCC to withdraw cash from
an ATM, enter the total amount you withdrew. DTS redirects funds to the GTCC vendor to
repay the amount.
o Additional Payment Paid to the GTCC (Figure 4-27, Indicator 2): If you paid any legitimate
expenses with your GTCC that you cannot account for in the voucher (such as a meal), enter
the total amount here. DTS redirects funds to the GTCC vendor to repay the amount.
o Overpaid GTCC [By Traveler] (Figure 4-27, Indicator 3): If you overpaid your GTCC account for
expenses incurred for the trip, enter the amount of the overpayment. DTS redirects funds to
your personal bank account to balance the overpayment.
Figure 4-27: Adjust Disbursement Screen
Before submitting your local voucher, you should always ensure that the total listed in the Net Distribution to
GTCC matches the amount the GTCC vendor says you owe, after accounting for all charged expenses. Paying the
correct amount to the GTCC vendor helps prevent delinquencies in your charge card account.
Once you finish with Review Financial Summary, select Continue (Figure 4-26).
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Chapter 5: Review
Under Review, you can check and update your Profile, verify your trip Expenses are correct, and justify any Pre-
Audits before you Sign and Submit your document.
5.1 Review Profile
Your DTS personal profile contains vital information (e.g., your home address, work location, EFT, and GTCC),
which is required to help you create documents and receive reimbursements. You should check your profile
frequently to ensure all the information in it is up to date. You can update your data by accessing the Review
Profile on the Progress Bar. The Review Profile screen (Figure 4-28) opens.
Figure 4-28: Review Profile Screen
You can update most, but not all your profile information from this screen. Contact your DTA to change fields
that you can’t update yourself. To make a profile change, select Open Profile to access the following screens:
Personal Information: Update your Name, Email address, and Phone Number.
Addresses: Update Residence and Mailing Addresses.
Passport: Enter Name, Passport Number, Expiration Date, and more.
Emergency Contact: Who to contact and number.
Service or Agency Info: Civ/Mil, title/rank, and employer Service or Agency.
Duty Station: Update Duty Station Address, Duty Phone Number, and more.
Accounting Information: Optional to select a default LOA.
EFT and Credit Card Accounts: Update financial information, such as your GTCC (sometimes reflected
as GOVCC in DTS) and electronic funds transfer (EFT) information for your checking or savings account.
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Note: If your profile reflects that EFT payment is mandatory for reimbursements (which is the case for most DoD
personnel), you won’t be able to sign the local voucher, if your profile is missing EFT data.
To save changes to your DTS personal profile, check the box Update Permanent Profile before you select Save.
Leave the box unchecked to save the information for this document only.
5.2 Review Local Voucher
The Review Local Voucher screen (Figure 4-29a and Figure 4-29b) is the end-to-end trip details displaying all the
costs you added to the local voucher, so you should verify all information and correct any errors before you sign
it. You can add comments for clarification of expense entries or travel requirements if needed. There is a Print
option at the top of the screen. You can access the Review Local Voucher screen on the Progress Bar.
Figure 4-29a: Review Local Voucher Screen
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Roughly, from top to bottom, the screens display:
Text fields:
o A Reference number
o Comments to the Approving Official
Expenses and allowances you entered, as well as documents you attached. With a Go to Expenses link
allowing you to open the Enter Expenses screen and make any necessary changes.
A summary of all trip expenses broken down by LOA and by category, along with a Go To Accounting
link to view and update LOAs, if necessary.
Summary provides the Trip costs and distribution of reimbursement (Personal and GTCC).
When you finish checking the document, select Continue to advance.
Figure 4-29b: Review Local Voucher Screen - Continued
5.3 Pre-Audits
The Pre-Audits screen (Figure 4-30) displays items flagged by DTS when they are not within DoD travel policy,
exceed established cost thresholds, or simply require another look to prevent underpayments. Access Pre-
Audits on the Progress Bar.
Note: You can access this screen at any time. However, before you can sign the local voucher, DTS requires you
to access this screen immediately before you proceed to the Digital Signature screen. If you don’t access those
screens in that order, DTS sends cycles you back to Pre-Audits before allowing you to sign the local voucher.
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Figure 4-30: Pre Audits Screen
The screen is broken into two parts:
Pre Audits (flags): These items potentially break travel policy or exceed established cost thresholds.
Use Add Justification to provide Justification to the Approving Official explaining why you selected the
flagged item and why the AO should approve the selection. If your justification does not satisfy the AO,
they will return the document to you for correction or further explanation. You must provide a
justification for each flagged item.
Advisories (notices): These items alert you to items of potential concern or remind you about
something you forgot (e.g., you used a rental car, but didn’t include a fuel expense for it.) They do not
require justification.
When you have properly justified all required items, select Continue to proceed to the Digital Signature screen.
5.4 Digital Signature
The Digital Signature screen (Figure 4-31) allows you to sign the document using your digital signature and track
its progress through the approval process. You can also choose a routing list and enter comments to the AO.
You can access the Digital Signature screen at any time by selecting Sign and Submit on the Progress Bar.
However, if you access the Digital Signature screen this way and attempt to sign the document, DTS will route
you back to the Pre-Audit screen. See the Note in Section 5.3.
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Figure 4-31: Digital Signature Screen
To sign the local voucher:
1. Check document for errors.
2. View the document stamping history.
3. View the (Pending) status stamp (SIGNED, in this case).
4. Under DOCUMENT STATUS, check the box next to, I agree to SIGN this document.
5. (Optional) Change the Routing List your document will follow, after you sign it.
6. (Optional) Add Additional Comments to the AO.
7. Select Submit Completed Document.
DTS verifies the expense dates against the current date. If you enter an expense with a future date, DTS will not
allow you to proceed with signing the local voucher (Figure 4-32). A warning message appears. You will need to
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either remove the future date expense and then sign the local voucher or wait until the expense occurs to sign
the trip.
Figure 4-32: Future Date Expense Warning
After you submit (digitally sign) the local voucher, the following actions occur:
A Confirm Submission box (Figure 4-33) informs you of legal aspects of your claim. You must confirm
that this is a valid claim and that you understand there are legal penalties for knowingly submitting a
false claim.
Figure 4-33: Confirm Submission Screen
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Select Confirm and Continue. You may have to verify your identity by entering your CAC PIN.
A Confirmation window (Figure 4-34) lets you know your document has begun to route to the systems
and to individuals on the selected routing list.
Figure 4-34: Confirmation Screen - Successful Message
To exit the window, select Go To Homepage at the bottom of the screen.
You should receive payment for your claim within 72 hours of the time the AO approves it.
5.5 Document Access and Retention
You can access your recent trips anytime under My Travel Documents. If you don’t see the specific document on
the list, select the box for Show Inactive Documents and the list refreshers for you to view older trips. However,
documents do not stay in the system indefinitely. DTS must adhere to the Records Management requirements
for document retention. DTS will retain documents for 10 years (i.e., after the last processing stamp occurs, any
debt document is satisfied or waived) for audit readiness purposes. Once the retention period is achieved,
documents will be removed from DTS. Note: Contact your Component Representation to further discuss audit
readiness requirements and any exceptions for document retention.
DTS Guide 4: Local Vouchers April 03, 2024
Defense Travel Management Office 33
Chapter 6: Additional Resources
6.1 Component Representatives
Your Component Representatives can provide more information on DTS and specifics for your local business
rules. The DTMO website provides a contact link to your DTS Local Level Support POCs.
6.2 Helpful References
Travel Explorer (TraX) provides a variety of on-demand Web-based Trainings (WBTs) and two Distance Learning
(DL) scheduled classes. The DTMO publishes numerous practical manuals, guides, and trifolds that clarify the
different aspects of official travel. The charts below provide a sampling of materials. For a complete listing of
available resources, check the Training Search Tool.
DTS Guide 1:
Getting Started
DTS Guide 2:
DTS Guide 3:
DTS Guide 4:
Local Voucher
DTS Guide 5:
Group Authorization
Desktop Guide for
Authorizing Officials
DoD Integrated Lodging
Program (ILP) Guide
DTA Manual, Appendix K
Joint Travel Regulations
DTMO Training Search
DTS Guide 4: Local Vouchers April 03, 2024
Defense Travel Management Office 34
Per Diem Rate Lookup
Import/Export Trifold
Information Paper
Information Paper:
Dependent Travel
Information Paper
Renewal Agreement
Travel Information Paper
*Adjustments &
Amendment Trifolds
Information Paper
Update Authorization Trifold:
Update Voucher Trifold:
Information Paper:
Self-Approving Official
Information Paper
Foreign Military Sales
Information Paper
*Constructed Travel Home
Pre-Travel and Post-Travel worksheet and instructions
*Cancellation Procedures
Information Paper
Information Paper:
* Web-based training module is also available in Travel Explorer (TraX)