Environmental Health and Safety Environmental Health Program
117 Draper Hall 40 Campus Center Way Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: 413-545-2682
Potluck Meals are no-fee communal meals where all the attendees bring a small amount of food
to share. Unfortunately, potluck meals can present a public health hazard due to the large variety
of foods offered. Time/Temperature for Safety Control (TCS) foods prepared in non-commercial
kitchens can result in life threatening foodborne illnesses. Good planning and proper sanitation
practices, and a manager certified in ServSafe (or equivalent) food safety on-site, reduce the
likelihood of a foodborne illness. The maximum number of attendees at a potluck meal is ten,
(10). Any other food event that does meet the above conditions must be handled in conjunction
with Auxiliary Enterprises.
Food allergies may also be life threatening and precautions must be taken when planning the
potluck, preparing and serving foods that contain allergens in their ingredients. Organizers and
sponsors of any food event must pay attention to proper food protection and sanitation practices
when planning, organizing, and holding the event. Food safety is your responsibility!
A Potluck meal proposal requires food handlers to take a food safety training. At least one
group member must be a ServSafe certified manager, and shall be known as the Person In
Charge (PIC). All other food handlers shall take the (Potluck/BBQ) on-line OWL training
prior to event. The OWL Certificates of completion and the ServSafe Manager’s Certificate
must be uploaded to Campus Pulse as part of the Event Submittal process and must be
submitted 30 days before the event.
Time/Temperature for Safety Control (TCS) foods include: meats, poultry, seafood, dairy
products, eggs and bacon, raw seed sprouts, sliced melons, tofu, partially and fully cooked fruit
and vegetables (this includes cooked potatoes, squash, onions, rice, peppers), sliced fruit and
salads. These items can all cause life threatening illnesses if they are not handled safely during
transportation, storage, preparation, cooking, delivery, and serving process. Cross-contamination
issues, improper cooking temperatures, improper food holding temperatures, poor hygiene
practices, and improper cleaning and disinfecting are all conditions that may contribute to unsafe
food and potential foodborne illnesses. Please review the EH&S Food Waiver Policy (Food
Event Description & Instructions), Food Waiver Considerations Chart, personnel, and food
safety requirements as well as the Allergen Fact Sheets.
Potluck Pre-Event Requirements
I have reviewed and will abide by the EH&S Food Waiver Policy (Food Event Description
& Instructions), and Food Waiver Considerations Chart, this Fact Sheet, the EH&S Food
Allergy Fact Sheet, and the Campus Allergy Fact Sheet. I will also ensure that this
information is distributed to all of my group’s food event participants.
I will email the EH&S OWL training certificates to foodwaiver@ehs.umass.edu.
I understand the types of foods meant by Time/Temperature Control for Safety (TCS)
foods, (see definition).
Potluck Fact sheet
I understand that TCS (Time/Temperature Control for Safety) foods may only be handled
and prepared by a trained volunteer under the direct supervision of the ServSafe
Certified Manager.
I understand that any corrective action deemed necessary by EH&S or Auxiliary
Enterprises staff must be taken by the group or the right to continue the event or hold
future ones may be forfeited.
Event Requirements
Prior to preparing any foods, everyone should thoroughly wash their hands with soap and
warm water. Hand washing is to be repeated after any act that could contaminate hands, such
as coughing, eating, handling garbage, or using the toilet. Food-grade safe (non-latex) gloves
should be used and changed frequently along with hand washing.
Food-grade non-latex gloves shall be worn at all times and changed when they become
contaminated. Gloves must be discarded and hands shall be properly washed and dried prior
to donning a new pair of gloves. All food handlers must frequently wash their hands and in
between each glove use. Gloves shall be changed after one use, (i.e. single use task), or
after becoming soiled or torn. Hand sanitizer may be used after hand washing has occurred
by food handlers.
Prior to preparing any foods, all surfaces shall be cleaned and sanitized thoroughly. Do not
prepare different food types such as raw meats and then fruits and vegetables without
cleaning all counters, cutting boards, wares, and utensils in-between uses with hot soapy
water followed by a kitchen sanitizer such as bleach and water.
Chewing gum, eating, drinking and use of tobacco products are prohibited in the cooking
and serving areas. The University is a smoke-free campus.
A separate set of utensils/platters shall be used for raw foods and cooked foods. All food
handlers must ensure that there is no cross-contamination occurring between raw and
cooked foods. All Ready-To-Eat, (RTE), food shall be handled by gloves or barriers, such
as deli sheets to prevent cross contamination.
Foods shall be cooked up to the proper temperatures:
165˚ F Poultry; stuffing; stuffed meat, seafood, poultry or pasta
160˚ F Ground meats; ground seafood; shell eggs hot held for service
145˚ F Seafood, fish, shell & shellfish; steak/chops, beef, pork, veal, lamb chops with a
3 minute rest time
145˚ F Roast of pork, beef, veal, and lamb cooked and holding 145˚F with a 3 minute
rest time.
Keep HOT FOODS HOT, held at 140˚F or above; keep COLD FOODS COLD, held at
41˚F or below.
All ingredients listings on original packaging must be available for review by any patron,
or use this form (ingredients form here
ALLERGENS such as wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, soy, eggs, fish, and shellfish
must be labeled with labels or tent cards for each type of item. (Sample
Potluck Fact sheet
Ice used for cooling any food or beverage CANNOT be used for any other purpose. Store
all beverage containers in a new barrel of ice, with barrels used solely for this purpose.
ALL FOOD MUST BE COVERED to protect it from dust, flies and people.
No shared serving of food (family style) is allowed; tongs and spoons are required for each
food item, and the food shall be served by trained servers. Individual plates/cups are
required. Condiments shall be from individual packets or individual serving containers are
Food shall be delivered at the proper time, (delivered immediately for service after
preparation and travel time shall be 30 minutes, or 0.5 hrs, or less).
Food shall be discarded if total travel and service time exceeds 2.0 hours.
Discard any food not meeting time and temperature standards and any other food safety
Leftover food shall be discarded into University food-composting bins. No TCS food
leftovers can be saved or distributed.
No more than 10 participants are allowed.
No person who has vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, a cold, sore throat, and/or cough (with or
without a fever) or is ill with any foodborne illness or respiratory illness, such as Covid-19
or has an infected cut on the hands, arms, or face may prepare or handle food served to
the public. Everyone must sign a Food Handler (Illness) Reporting Agreement (FHRA)
that indicates that each food handler is free from a foodborne or respiratory illness,
(including Covid-19) or symptoms of a foodborne or respiratory illness.
Any corrective action deemed necessary by EH&S or Auxiliary Enterprises shall be taken by
the PIC (Person-In-Charge) of the food event or the right to continue the event or future
events may be forfeited.
The PIC must maintain a list of who donated what food item in case of any necessary follow-
up. This list and the signed (FHRA) forms shall be sent or delivered to: EH&S, 117 Draper
Hall before the event is held. The ServSafe Manager’s Certificate shall be uploaded to
Campus Pulse.
Any complaints of foodborne illness shall be reported to EH&S immediately at 545-2682.
Failure to report a complaint of potential foodborne illness shall result in the forfeiture or the
group to hold future food events.
Contact EH&S with any questions at 413-545-2682; ask for the Environmental Health Program.
Potluck Fact sheet
*Private potluck meals shared by 10 members of the same Residence Hall or Department, (not
advertised to the public and not advertised in Campus Pulse), are private events and not part of
the food-waiver registration process. In all circumstances, you shall maintain safe food handling
processes, maintain proper personal health and hygiene standards, maintain proper food-allergy
practices and shall comply with Covid-19 health precautions, such as social distancing, and
wearing of face coverings when not eating or drinking. Any instance of foodborne illness must be
reported to EH&S at 545-2682.
Forms & Attachments:
I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure all individuals handling food must sign
and follow the Food Handler Illness Reporting Agreement (FHRA)
and at least one
person shall be certified as a ServSafe Manager (PIC).
Prior to the event, the original signed FHRA form for each participant shall be sent via
email to: foodwaiver@ehs.umass.edu
, or by campus mail/delivery to: EH&S,
Environmental Health Services, 117 Draper Hall.
The ServSafe manager’s certificate shall be uploaded to Campus Pulse or emailed to
. OWL Certificates shall be uploaded.
The PIC or student event organizer must retain a list of the food preparers and the foods
they donated in case of any necessary follow-up. The list must be sent or delivered with
the signed Food Handler/Volunteer Agreement form(s) to EH&S, (see above).
Submittal Deadline:
I understand the following deadlines must be followed after the required attachments
uploaded, including the ServSafe Manager’s certificate, forms delivered, and the
submittal is complete in Campus Pulse:
Potlucks: > two weeks, or 10 business days
List of required items (Auxiliary will provide):
Small diameter probe food thermometer
Probe wipes
Soap & sanitizing solutions (labeled spray bottles)
Surface wipes
Tongs, multiple color-coded sets (use colored tape on handles)
Paper towels
Hand-wash stations
Heavy duty extension cords
Crates for elevating items off ground & empty containers
Hair nets/hats
First Aid kit
Home canned foods such as pickled, cured, fermented or brined foods are not allowed. Raw
foods are also prohibited, including but not limited to: sushi, oysters, steak tartar, eggnog, Caesar
salad with egg dressing, etc. Also, a sign must accompany the meal that the food and event has
NOT been inspected by UMA EH&S or the local Health Department.