Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. University of
Vermont Extension, Burlington, Vermont. University of Vermont Extension, and U.S. Department of Agriculture, cooperating, o�fer education and employment to
everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or familial status. Any
reference to commercial products, trade names, or brand names is for information only, and no endorsement or approval is intended.
4-H Youth Dairy Show
at Lamoille County Field Days
Saturday, July 20, 2024
203 Wilson Road, Johnson, VT 05655
Register now for the 4-H Youth Dairy Show at Lamoille County Field Days and be sure to share
this invitation with your 4-H friends!
Registration Forms (see page 5) are due at the UVM Extension Morrisville Oce by Monday, July
8, 2024. This year’s show will include the annual potluck/cookout for lunch. Hot dogs, hamburg-
ers and a drink will be provided. Please fill out the Potluck Cookout Signup Form (page 4) and
share your favorite dish! Milk will be provided.
For program questions or to request language interpretation/translation assistance and/or a
disability-related accommodation to participate in this program, please call or email Holly
Ferris, 4-H Educator for Lamoille and Caledonia Counties, at 802-656-7562 or 1-866-260-5603, or
holly.f[email protected], by Monday, July 1, 2024 so we may assist you.
PARENTS: Contact Holly if you are interested in volunteering to help with the show. Assistance
is needed for the following activities:
Show Secretary
Show Announcer
Ribbon/Prize Organizer
BBQ Assistant
4-H Show Details
The entry fee is $3.00 per animal for all 4-H participants. Each participant will be allowed to enter up
to 3 animals in the show.
Make checks payable to Lamoille County 4-H Foundation and write “Dairy Show” in the memo line.
Lamoille County Field Days will allow the exhibitor and ONE adult to enter the grounds free of charge.
If someone is transporting animals for you, the driver will also be allowed to enter free of charge.
New this year! The Lamoille County 4-H Foundation will be providing carnival wristbands to all 4-H
members who register for the show.
All others attending will have to pay the $15 per person fair entry fee to gain admittance to the show.
Please use the BACK GATE to enter the fairgrounds.
Check in will take place between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. The show will begin promptly at 10:30 a.m.
All animals must be on the fairgrounds by 9:30 a.m.
Exhibitors must bring their own bedding, hay, grain, wash hoses, and water pails.
Wash hoses must be nozzled during use.
Health Requirements
Health papers must be checked before animals are unloaded.
4-H participants will need to show their Approval Forms and Lease/Loan Agreement Forms.
All livestock must have a shipping fever vaccination administered no earlier than 6 months and no
later than 14 days prior to the first show.
All livestock require rabies vaccinations a minimum of 30 days before the show with a veterinarian’s
certificate to verify vaccination or a Universal Health Form for 4-H livestock.
Animals showing any sign, symptom, suspicion, or evidence of any infectious disease, sickness, or
disorder (including, but not limited to, mange, warts, pinkeye, ringworm, scabies, foot rot) shall be
barred from the grounds upon arrival and/or at any time during the show when detected.
All animals over 6 months of age must be dehorned.
Registration Form
Lamoille County 4-H Youth Dairy Show - Saturday, July 20, 2024
Exhibitor Name
Birthday Age (as of 1/1/24)
Club Name or Independent 4-H Participant
Parent/Guardian Name
Fitting and Showmanship Class (circle one):
Novice Junior Senior
Novice F&S is for youth ages 8-13 who are in their first year
in 4-H and have little or no experience showing cattle.
The entry fee is $3.00 per animal for all 4-H participants. Each participant will be allowed to enter up to 3 animals
in the show.
Make checks payable to Lamoille County 4-H Foundation and write “Dairy Show” in the memo line. Completed
Registration Forms and payments may be mailed to Holly Ferris at the Morrisville Extension Oce, 29 Sunset
Drive, Suite 2, Morrisville, VT 05661-8313.
Please read and sign “Release of Liability” Statement below:
I understand that showing, leading and working with dairy cattle of any age involves risk of personal injury.
I, nonetheless, wish to participate in the Orleans and Essex County 4-H Dairy Show to be held at the Orleans
County Fairgrounds site. I do so at my own risk and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the University of
Vermont and State Agriculture College, the UVM Extension, Lamoille County Fair and Field Days, Holly Ferris, their
trustees, owners, employers and volunteers, and agents from any loss, penalties, damages, settlements, costs or
other liabilities arising out of this activity. In signing, I agree to accept all responsibility for any damages, accidents,
injuries, and expenses occurring to or caused by the show person or any cow/calf I have entered in this event.
Animal Name
Class #
Animal DOB $3/Animal Entered
Total Payment:
Signature of Member Date
Signature of Member Date
Registration Deadline: Monday, July 8, 2024
4-H Dairy Classes (based on each animal’s date of birth)
Additional Dairy Group Classes
JUNIOR BEST THREE Three animals from the above heifer and calf classes, bred by the
exhibitor, and one must be owned by the exhibitor. One entry per exhibitor.
BEST THREE FEMALES All bred by exhibitor and at least one owned by exhibitor.
PRODUCE OF DAM Two daughters out of same dam
SPRING CALF On or ater March 1, 2024
WINTER CALF December 1, 2023 ‒ February 29, 2024
FALL CALF September 1 ‒ November 30, 2023
SUMMER YEARLING HEIFER June 1 ‒ August 31, 2023
SPRING YEARLING HEIFER March 1 ‒ May 31, 2023
WINTER YEARLING HEIFER December 1, 2022 ‒ February 28, 2023
FALL YEARLING HEIFER September 1 ‒ November 30, 2022
DRY COW Has completed one lactation
TWO-YEAR-OLD COW September 1, 2021 ‒ August 31, 2022
THREE-YEAR-OLD COW September 1, 2020 ‒ August 31, 2021
FOUR-YEAR-OLD COW Born before September 1, 2020
NOVICE DIVISION Members ages 8 and older who have never shown before
JUNIOR DIVISION Members ages 8 – 13 years as of January 2024
SENIOR DIVISION Members ages 14 – 18 years as of January 2024
4-H Fiing and Showmanship Classes
Potluck Cookout Sign-up Form
For Lamoille County 4-H Youth Dairy Show - Saturday, July 20, 2024
Potluck will take place at lunch. Return this form to: Holly Ferris, UVM Extension, 29 Sunset Drive,
Suite 2, Morrisville, VT 05661-8313 or holly.[email protected].
Hamburger, hot dogs and milk will be provided. Thank you to our sponsors for these donations.
Please check which of the following items you will bring to share:
Protein Dish
I can bring a grill