Playground: A Safe Building Operating System
Xiaohan Fu
, Yihao Liu
, Jason Koh
, Dezhi Hong
, Rajesh Gupta
, and Gabe Fierro
University of California San Diego, USA, {xhfu, rgupta}
Nanyang Technology University, Singapore, [email protected]
Mapped, USA,
Amazon, USA, [email protected]
Colorado School of Mines, USA, gt[email protected]
Abstract—Building operating systems are an emerg-
ing class of system software that provides services to
applications running on commercial buildings. The cur-
rent state-of-the-art requires applications to be trusted
and carefully monitored due to a lack of authorization,
access control, and execution isolation mechanisms in
existing building operating systems. Proposed solutions
do not adequately handle the complexity and scale of
modern buildings, therefore impeding the adoption
of applications that can enhance energy eciency,
occupant health, comfort, and productivity.
This work explores the execution of untrusted user-
facing applications in smart building environments
with a focus on maintenance and management labor
costs, ensuring the practicality and long-term sus-
tainability of adopting such applications. We develop
an operating system abstraction for smart buildings,
PlayGround, that incorporates a structured semantic
representation of the building to inform the safe,
multi-tenant execution of untrusted applications. We
use the semantic representation to implement (a)
a novel graph-based capability mechanism for ne-
grained and expressive access control management, and
(b) a resource isolation mechanism with preemptive
interventions and passive telemetry-based live resource
monitoring. We demonstrate PlayGround on several real
applications in a real building.
Index Terms—Brick, building, isolation, capability
I. Introduction
Buildings are at the center of nearly all human activities.
An average American spends 90% of time in a building [1].
A 2022 survey found that buildings account for 40% of the
total energy consumption in the U.S and 20% of global
energy consumption, with the latter number rising 2%
per year [2]. Consequently, there is a need to reduce
building energy consumption while also maintaining
occupant comfort and increasing productivity. The rise
of the Internet of Things and the subsequent emergence
of buildings as connected digital assets oers new
opportunities to achieve these goals through the adoption
of intelligent, data-driven “applications.
Applications need to run somewhere. Existing building
management systems (BMS) implement supervisory
control and basic alarming, but their proprietary nature
makes them dicult to program. Over a decade of work
This work is partly supported by the National Science Foundation
under Award Number 1947050.
on operating systems for buildings [3]–[6], application
runtimes [7]–[9], and applications [10]–[13] has established
the need for programmatic abstractions over complex
building subsystems and the I/O functionality provided
by the underlying BMS. Prior work has also proven
the diculty of doing this eectively across a vastly
heterogeneous building stock. Every building is a “one-
o”: an ad-hoc collection of equipment and software from
multiple vendors, most of which are non-interoperable.
The resulting need for standardized representations of
buildings has inspired academic, federal, and commercial
investment in semantic metadata ontologies and schemas
like Brick [14] and others [15]–[18]. These semantic digital
representations increase the programmability of buildings
by allowing applications to dynamically discover available
resources and subsystems.
Despite technological and standardization victories, the
pace of innovation and the adoption rate of “smart build-
ing applications” remains low for two safety reasons.
First, building managers (the custodians of digital access
to buildings) are naturally protective of the safety- and
comfort-critical elements of buildings and are reluctant
to permit unvetted and possibly buggy applications to
inuence the building’s operation. Second, the inability
of modern buildings to properly restrict an application’s
permissions [5], [19] can make the application’s execution
opaque to the manager, leaving it unclear what the appli-
cation is actually doing or how it is aecting the building’s
operation. Indeed, each of the applications cited above was
either evaluated in simulation or with the carefully curated
trust and watchful eye of a building manager. We therefore
propose two safety properties that a building application
runtime should provide: 1. (principle of least privilege) en-
sure that applications interacting with digital and physical
building resources only access what is necessary, 2. (re-
source isolation) enforce that the impact of applications
on building resources are constrained within bounds set
by the building managers, including potentially indirectly
aected ones such as temperature, energy, and peak power
due to the interconnected nature of building systems.
In this paper, we propose PlayGround, a “safe” operating
system (OS) abstraction for buildings that enables the ex-
ecution of untrusted, multi-tenant applications in modern
buildings. The goal of PlayGround is to encourage innova-
tion and exploration of how modern building applications
can provide value to occupants, managers, and other stake-
holders while avoiding the intensive manual eort required
to deploy them safely. While prior work has proposed
various access control [5], [20] and execution isolation [3],
[21] mechanisms, these require intricate conguration and
can impose substantial maintenance burdens on building
managers. We integrate a semantic representation of the
building Brick [14] to imbue our OS services with
detailed knowledge of the building, allowing it to perform
automatically the same procedures and checks that would
normally be performed by the building manager, and to
a greater degree of delity. This also allows all system
congurations to be specied declaratively.
Specically, our contributions are: 1) a detailed
description of a safe building OS capable of running
untrusted user applications, comprising: 2) a dynamic
ne-grained semantic access control mechanism, and 3) a
resource isolation mechanism that is aware of the topology
and composition of building systems.
II. Background and Prior Work
A. BMS and Building Control Logic
Building Management Systems (BMS) monitor and
control various building parameters by controlling
subsystems like heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning
(HVAC) systems, lighting systems, and re safety systems.
Among them, HVAC systems have gathered much research
interest for their signicant energy impact. Air Handling
Units (AHUs), which handle the conditioning of the air
supplied to the building, and Variable Air Volume (VAV)
boxes, which recondition the air supplied to each zone,
are common control objectives in HVAC systems.
Crucially, although BMS are typically isolated from the
public internet behind a rewall or airgapped network,
there is often little security inside the building network.
Some building network protocols do provide support
for modern access control mechanisms [22], but widely
deployed protocols like BACnet provide neither authoriza-
tion nor authentication mechanisms within the network.
Support for auditing writes within the BMS is also rare. As
a result, building managers must be careful to admit only
trusted and carefully tested applications into the network.
B. Computing and Building Operating Systems
Our proposed approach to a safe building operating
system takes inspiration from classical operating systems
(OS). Classical OS provide safe abstractions of underlying
hardware that allow many untrusted applications to
execute over shared resources, where a centralized trusted
kernel operates in a protected memory region to provide
several essential services. These include a hardware
abstraction that insulates users and applications from
the complexities of direct hardware interaction and allows
the OS to multiplex access, a scheduler that synchronizes
the execution of applications and handles the assignment
prefix brick: <>
prefix ex: <>
select ?s where {
?vav brick:feeds ex:Room-101 .
?vav a brick:VAV . # "a" means is type of
?vav brick:hasPoint ?s .
?s a brick:Temperature_Sensor . }
Fig. 1: a) An example Brick graph describing the composition of a
VAV, a room, and a temperature sensor (prexes ex: omitted for
brevity). b) An example SPARQL query that nds the temperature
sensor(s) of the VAV(s) that feeds ex:Room-101.
of OS resources, strict memory isolation between processes
to ensure misbehaving processes do not interfere with the
operation of the system and other processes, and nally,
access control mechanisms that ensure that users and
applications do not gain unauthorized access to resources.
These abstractions are key to providing multi-tenancy, the
ability of an OS to support the safe execution of multiple
independent applications over shared resources.
Prior work proposes that operating systems for
buildings should provide many of the same properties as
traditional OS [3]. Indeed, there are several similarities:
buildings contain heterogeneous hardware that must be
abstracted away to simplify application development;
buildings must also maintain safety- and comfort-critical
constraints like indoor temperature and air quality.
Other academic eorts augment the building OS with
additional services, like data archival [3], [4], rule-based
data sharing [21], and decentralized authorization [5], [20].
C. Building Semantic Metadata
Semantic metadata is an emerging family of formal
digital representations of buildings that encode cross-
subsystem, vendor-agnostic, and machine-readable de-
scriptions of the resources, assets, and I/O points in build-
ings [23]. They replace existing ad-hoc and unstructured
labeling schemes that underlie existing approaches to cat-
egorizing building data [14], [24]. The lack of standard rep-
resentations of buildings and data is a major factor imped-
ing the adoption of intelligent building applications [25].
Eorts to standardize digital descriptions of buildings
have crystallized around graph-based models built
with the Resource Description Framework (RDF) W3C
standard. These include Brick [14], RealEstateCore [17],
Building Topology Ontology (BOT) [26], and ASHRAE
Standard 223P [16]. Building platforms and systems have
been proactively integrating them across industry and
academia sectors [7], [8], [18]. Extensive research has
also been done on eciently generating the metadata
description of a building based on existing information
from BMSes and others [24], [27]–[30].
Our system incorporates the Brick metadata schema.
A Brick model is a graph that represents the assets and
Brick Oracle
ڶ c ̂
գ ϩ
App Steward
RESTful API Interface
App1 AppX
Resource Proxy
Driver Interfaces
Web UI
Users i ʝ ʖ
Ы ԭ Һ v
Ҫ Ќ ӎ
“User” Space “Kernel” Space
Fig. 2: Architecture of PlayGround with a conceptual “kernel”/“user”
space boundary and ve kernel components.
I/O points in a building, and the relationships between
them. This captures the composition and topology of the
building formally, permitting the OS to reason about how
application actions can inuence each other, the building,
and the occupants. A Brick model (graph) is expressed as
a set of
triplets, each encoding a
relationship (predicate) from a subject entity to an object
entity. Entities and relationships are identied by URIs,
but are typically written in an abbreviated form (e.g.
brick:Temperature_Sensor). An example Brick graph
is shown in Figure 1.a. Applications query Brick graphs
using the standard SPARQL query language: the query in
Figure 1.b will return ex:ZNT-101 on the example graph.
III. System Design
PlayGround features a conceptual separation of user/k-
ernel space analogous to classical OS. Our kernel design
has ve major components as illustrated in Figure 2:
1) Resource Proxy, 2) Brick Oracle, 3) Permission
Manager, 4) Resource Regulator, 5) App Steward. The
Resource Proxy provides the hardware abstraction and
handles actual access to various cyber-physical building
resources such as sensors, actuators, data storage, and
alarms. The Brick Oracle contains a queryable Brick model
representing a semantic, graph-based representation of
the building’s structure, subsystems, and I/O points.
The Permission Manager is an authorization service that
manages and enforces the access control (capability)
policies for various entities in the system through a novel
graph-based mechanism. The Resource Regulator enforces
two forms of resource isolation: 1) per-action value guards
inspecting application writes, and 2) live resource tracing
mechanisms tracking consumption constantly. Finally, the
App Steward manages the life cycle of each app instance
from registration to termination.
Applications are separated from the kernel services
through a RESTful API service provided by the system.
Some service endpoints are privileged (e.g., congurations
on these kernel components) and can only be performed
by privileged users i.e., building managers; all others
require authorization by the Permission Manager. We
then elaborate on the design of each component below.
A. Brick Oracle
The Brick Oracle is a graph database engine hosting
the Brick models of any buildings under the supervision
of a PlayGround instance. A building’s Brick model stores
rich semantic data on the building’s architecture, the
assets and equipment within the building, the topology
and structure of the building’s subsystems (e.g., HVAC,
lighting), the data sources and command points presented
by the building’s BMS, and how all of these elements relate
to one another. The graph database exposes a SPARQL
query endpoint which allows applications to 1) retrieve
metadata about buildings and building resources, and
2) dene (sub)sets of resources. This feature is enough
to support existing metadata-based application runtimes
and frameworks [7], [8], [23].
The choice of Brick as the metadata representation
building is signicant. Brick’s design enforces uniformity
in how buildings are modeled; this is further assisted by
new automated workows [25], [27], [31]. Normalizing
how buildings are modeled makes it possible for building
managers, through PlayGround, to dene access control
policies, identify resources, and congure applications
through queries against a building’s model. The cong-
uration of PlayGround is largely dened declaratively by
queries against the Brick Oracle (§III-D,§III-E).
This has two advantages. First, this reduces the eort
required to manage complex access control policies. Rather
than managing long at lists of equipment names and
points, PlayGround allows policies to be dened by how
resources relate not just to one another, but also to the
building’s occupants, application users, and the building
itself. Second, as the underlying building evolves through
natural churn (repairs, remodels, etc), policies can be
automatically refreshed so they remain accurate.
B. Resource Proxy
The Resource Proxy provides read or write access to
physical and logical I/O ”points”. This includes physical
points such as the building’s sensors and actuators, and
logical points like timeseries histories and alarms. The
Resource Proxy abstracts away the dierent protocols
and APIs required to access these resources, and unies
access behind a generic read/write interface. Each point
is represented in the Brick model; thus, the read/write
interface just requires a Brick reference (the name of
the point in the Brick model) to direct the payload to
the correct location. Writes take a value and a set of
standard ags; reads take a time range. The Brick model
captures whether a point supports read-only, or read-
write operations. The Resource Proxy logs all read/write
Def Grad_Student(room: brick:Room)
?e brick:hasLocation {room} .
?p brick:isPointOf ?e .
?p a brick:TemperatureSetpoint .}
?e brick:hasLocation {room} .
?e brick:hasPoint ?p .
?p a ?o .
Def Genie(room: brick:Room)
?e brick:hasLocation {room} .
?e brick:hasPoint ?p .
?p a ?o .
brick:TemperatureSetpoint)) }
?e brick:hasLocation {room} .
?e brick:hasPoint ?p .
?p a brick:TemperatureSensor . }
User Name Capability List
John Doe [Grad_Student(ex:RM-101),]
... ...
Brick Reference Permission
ex:RM-101-Occupany-Sensor READ
ex:RM-101-Temp-Sensor READ
ex:RM-101-Temp-Setpoint WRITE
ex:RM-101-SmartPlug-Switch READ
Genie (a Zone Personalization App)
Delegation Scheme: Intersection
Request Resolution: 1hz
External Resources:
Brick Reference Permission
ex:RM-101-Temp-Sensor READ
ex:RM-101-Temp-Setpoint WRITE
ex:RM-101-SmartPlug-Switch WRITE
Brick Reference Permission
ex:RM-101-Temp-Sensor READ
ex:RM-101-Temp-Setpoint WRITE
ex:RM-101-SmartPlug-Switch READ
a) Example User Permission Prole b) User Permission Prole Assignment
c) Capability of John Doe
d) App Manifest e) Example App Permission Prole
f) Raw Capability of Genie
g) Capability of Genie of John Doe
user specify
Fig. 3: A sample derivation procedure of the capability of the app Genie on behalf of the user John Doe. Note the eect of the intersection
delegation scheme (marked in red). For brevity, we list “WRITE” instead of “READ+WRITE” in subgures c, f, and g.
requests in a transaction log with additional metadata
including the timestamp and identity of the requester.
Other components in the system and building managers
may use this information to relinquish controls, investigate
users/apps, and so forth. Due to the simplicity of the
read/write interface, it is also straightforward to extend
the Resource Proxy to new types of building resources.
C. App Steward
The App Steward manages the entire life cycle of
each application including registration, execution, and
termination. PlayGround hosts every application locally
by loading their front-end as external resources into the
web UI of PlayGround and executing their backend servers
in isolated containers. By default, all app containers can
only access the system’s API. This way PlayGround ensures
full control over the applications and their data ow.
1) Registration: Every application needs to be approved
by the building managers to be “installed” into the system
on registration. To be able to host them, we require
app developers to upload the code of both the frontend
interface and the backend service per registration. We also
require the developers to provide a manifest specifying
the permission prole, action frequency, and external
endpoints of the application. The permission prole and
delegation scheme together dene the capability required
by this app in a graph-based format (§III-D). The action
frequency species the maximum rate that the app
can make requests at. The external endpoints are vital
resources other than the system API endpoints that this
application would need to function properly.
Figure 3.d contains an example app manifest. This
example application wants to make requests at most
every second and access an external weather service API
endpoint. Building managers may inspect the app manifest
(and optionally the code) to decide whether or not to ap-
prove it, before it can be instantiated by users. Approvals
can be reverted, resulting in the termination of existing
instances and the removal of the app from the system.
2) Execution: Each application instance for each user
runs in its own container. This allows PlayGround to
precisely monitor the frequency and content of requests
against the building, as well as ensure the application
is only accessing resources the associated user has
permission for. Compared to prior work where one external
application serves all users on the system, this eectively
prevents over-privileging applications.
3) Termination: An app instance can exit normally, be
gracefully terminated, or be forcefully killed. An app will
exit normally if a user is done with using it by clicking
the exit button or being idle for too long. Sometimes, the
system may require an app instance to be stopped e.g., the
app is disapproved or this instance is breaking resource
constraints (§III-E). We oer a mechanism to allow the
app to terminate gracefully after receiving the request
e.g., cleaning up things and relinquishing certain controls,
but the App Steward may still force kill an app instance
(and relinquish all relevant points) when necessary.
D. Permission Manager
Permission Manager is the authorization service in our
system; it also plays a key role in resource isolation.
The capability of each entity (user/app) in our system is
managed in a novel graph-based format we call permission
prole. A permission prole is a function-like object
that takes in a few Brick-typed arguments and returns
two lists of building resources for read and (read plus)
write capability respectively. The derivation of the two
capability lists is dened by two SPARQL queries which
use the provided arguments as parameters. Note that the
permission prole is statically typed arguments must
be of the specied Brick class. Upon any read/write access
to building resources, the Permission Manager checks the
ڶ c ̂
oversee critical
resource points
Resource Monitor
App Steward
resource, value
գ ϩ
resource, value
if valid
ML Model
Policies for resource
Value Guard
Resource Proxy
Driver Interfaces
Resource Constraint
ex:floor1_energy_zone_meter 100
ex:AHU1_cooling_power_meter 100
... ...
Resource Constraint Storage
if valid
if invalidif invalid
inquiry inquiry
Fig. 4: The system components involved in a user/app making an actuation (write) request to a resource point.
capability of the requester to verify whether this is an
authorized attempt and approves/declines accordingly.
1) User Permission: To dene a user’s capability, the
building manager just needs to choose or create a proper
permission prole and specify the argument(s). Multiple
permission proles can be applied to one user — the actual
capability of this user is dened by the union of these pro-
les. Consider Figure 3: User John Doe’s capability is de-
ned by one single permission prole named Grad_Student
with argument ex:RM-101. The SPARQL query results
dene the points this user is authorized to read/write. If
there is a need to update the capability of John Doe, the
building manager can simply change the arguments passed
to Grad_Student or assign more permission proles to this
user. The Grad_Student permission prole can be reused
on other users with potentially dierent parameters. The
building manager may also directly edit the SPARQL
queries in the prole to enforce updates on the capabilities
of all users under this permission prole at once.
2) App Permission: Recall that applications are re-
quired to provide a manifest listing the permission prole
and the delegation scheme per registration. Users instan-
tiate applications with arguments to the application’s
permission prole. The arguments must be from the user’s
capability list or the arguments used to instantiate any of
the user’s permission proles. This ensures the application
cannot escalate privileges beyond what the user can do.
For the example in Figure 3, John Doe can instantiate
Genie with the four entities in Figure 3.c and ex:RM-101
(the argument of his permission prole Grad_Student), out
of which ex:RM-101 is the only option of required type
brick:Room. The capability of this app instance, as listed
in Figure 3.f, is then computed similarly by the SPARQL
queries dened in permission prole App1Permission
(Figure 3.e) with argument Grad_Student.
When an app instance is making write or read requests
to resources, its capabilities are delegated by the user.
PlayGround provides two types of delegation schemes:
intersection and augmentation. App developers specify the
desired delegation scheme in the manifest and let the
building manager decide whether it’s appropriate. The
intersection scheme is intuitive the nal capability of
an app on behalf of a user is the intersection of the capa-
bility of this app instance and the user. In our example,
though genie app should have read plus write capability to
ex:RM-101-SmartPlug-Switch, it is degraded to read after
the intersection since John Doe has only read capability to
it (highlighted in red in Figure 3). Augmentation grants
the app instance the full capability as dened by its per-
mission prole, regardless of whether the user has those ca-
pabilities or not. This is particularly useful when the appli-
cation may need to access low-level resources that are not
authorized for regular users. For example, to fulll a user’s
zone comfort request, an HVAC control app may need to
operate on AHU setpoints that are inaccessible to the user.
Permission proles provide a ne-grained and adaptive
denition of capabilities and eectively avoid over-
privileged scenarios due to gross-grained policies over
xed domains like buildings or oors. Meanwhile, the
maintenance and extension of them are as expressive and
simple as writing/modifying Brick queries and arguments.
E. Resource Regulator
The Resource Regulator implements resource
We allow building managers to specify constraints on the
value of critical building resources e.g., peak power con-
sumption, and to customize regulation policy i.e., actions
to take once the constraints are broken. This allows build-
ing managers to bound the behavior of untrusted applica-
tions to avoid them “crashing” the building. Resource Reg-
ulator has three main sub-components, described below.
1) Resource Constraint Storage: The table of resource
constraints relates Brick references (representing I/O
points and building resources) to their constraints. For
example, in Figure 4 we set an upper bound of 100 on
ex:AHU1_cooling_power_meter and 100 on ex:floor1_
energy_zone_meter. The rst constraint refers to a
physical energy meter; the second refers to a virtual meter
that aggregates energy consumption (dened declaratively
by a query against the Brick Oracle). The Resource
Regulator ensures that the value of the resources does not
exceed the corresponding constraints. Constraints apply
not only to read-only resources such as sensor readings but
also to writable resources such as actuators and setpoints.
2) Pre-write Value Guard: Pre-write value guard is a
preemptive mechanism to ensure resource isolation. It
looks at the proposed write value of an authorized write
request and only approves it if the value is decided to be
valid. The decision on validity is made by the validators
assigned to the resource targeted by the write request.
Value validators are functions that take the target resource
and the write value as inputs and return a boolean value
indicating the validity or otherwise raise an error on failure
to make the decision. Building managers can assign a value
validator to a set of resources dened by a SPARQL query
this assignment is adaptive and ne-grained. Building
managers may also assign more than one validator to a set
of resources to form a queue of validators. The value guard
will only approve the request when all validators in the
queue approve (failed ones skipped). The system defaults
to refusing actions against resources without a validator.
For the example in Figure 4, we assign various example
validators including “ML Model” and “Simulation” to the
target entity. If the “ML Model” fails and the “Simula-
tion” validator returns false, value guard will immediately
disapprove this request, skipping any subsequent valida-
tors. Validators can always query the resource constraint
storage and Brick Oracle for necessary information.
3) Live resource monitor: Live resource monitor is
a passive isolation mechanism. The resource monitor
continuously watches critical resource points as set up by
the building managers (e.g., resource points that measure
or represent power or energy consumption) and takes
actions following the provided regulating policy when the
values of the watched resources exceed the constraints
specied in resource constraint storage (see Figure 4).
The action and the subject of the action are fully up
to the policy it may freely interact with other kernel
components such as the Resource Proxy, Brick Oracle,
and App Steward to obtain useful information and carry
out the action. For example, the default fallback policy in
our system will relinquish all relevant control points and
terminate apps that have written to those points.
IV. Implementation
We have built a prototype of PlayGround to validate our
design ideas. Here we describe our implementation as a
reference (see Appendix for more details). PlayGround
comprises a set of Docker containers. One container
implements the functionalities of each kernel component
of our design described in §III and oers a RESTful
API interface exposed to the users. The other containers
host database services to store essential information in
the kernel, including an RDF-graph database for Brick
modelings and SPARQL queries, an object database
for system policies such as application manifests and
permission proles, and a time-series database for
transaction logs. Privileged users, i.e., building managers,
may manage the system policies and non-privileged users
may initiate read/write requests and Brick queries through
the API endpoints or a basic web UI. Users instantiate
and interact with installed apps through the web UI.
The declarative aspects of our design rely on SPARQL
queries. To speed up these queries, we implement in-
memory caching and pre-computation. When the system
starts, a background thread pre-computes frequently
used queries such as those for capability derivation and
resource-validator mappings. These pre-computed results
are then stored in the cache in the format of key-result
pairs, where key is the identier of the query plus query
inputs. Uncached queries are computed on-demand and
cached. PlayGround suspends all system services of a
building while its Brick graph is updated. After the graph
of a building has been updated, all related cache entries
are invalidated and the pre-computation process restarts.
We evaluate the eect of caching in §V-E.
V. Evaluation
To evaluate the ecacy of our system, we rst inspect
our two proposed mechanisms for access control (Permis-
sion Manager) and resource isolation (Resource Regulator)
with two real-world case studies respectively. We then con-
duct the microbenchmark showing that the runtime over-
head of these mechanisms is reasonable and scales well.
We conclude with real-world deployment observations.
A. Setup
For the following two case studies, we deploy PlayGround
on a real-world multi-purpose building on campus. We
support the control of the HVAC system and 80 smart
plugs through a BACnet driver interface in the Resource
Proxy. In companion, we have a Brick representation of
this building which describes arrangements of rooms and
oors, and specications of hardware including over a
thousand HVAC points and the smart plugs (hardware
limit, external reference to the BACnet objects, etc.) with
their relationships to rooms/oors. The building prex
is again ex:. We conduct the case study on one AHU
(ex:AHU1) and two oces (ex:RM-101, ex:RM-102) fed by
this AHU to minimize the aected residents.
B. Case Study #1 on Access Control
In this rst case study, we evaluate our graph-
based capability (access control) system with the zone
personalization application, Genie [13]. Genie allows
users to personalize the HVAC settings in their zone by
adjusting the temperature setpoint. Users can also control
TABLE I: Detailed timeline of the case study #1 on access control.
# Event and Eect
Two new grad student users A and B signed up to the system.
BM assigned Grad_Student permission prole to them with
arguments ex:RM-101 and ex:RM-102 respectively.
Our system derives the capability of new users A and B.
A and B instantiated Genie with ex:RM-101 and ex:RM-102 as
the argument of Genie’s permission prole respectively.
The actual capability of the two genie app instances delegating
A&B were derived (refer Figure 3 for details).
A and B both adjusted the temperature setpoint for their
respective rooms successfully. A tried to control the smart
plug but got “permission denied”.
Grad_Student prole allows only read access to smart plugs.
A reported this. BM then updated the Grad_Student prole by
rewriting its R/W query to include the smart plug (brick:On_
Off_Command) in the results (see updated one in Appendix E).
Capabilities of A and B were updated noting the updated prole
Grad_Student. The capability of two app instances on behalf of
them was also re-derived subsequently by the system.
A retried to control the smart plug and was successful.
The updated capability took eect instantly.
BM moved the smart plug from RM-101 to RM-102 and
updated the Brick graph of the building accordingly.
Our system recomputed the above capabilities noting the
changes in the building environment.
A and B both adjusted the temperature setpoint for their
respective rooms successfully. A tried to control the smart plug
but got “resource not found”. B successfully controlled the plug.
Our system denied A’s request but approved B’s request since
the plug was no longer in RM-101 but in RM-102.
the smart plug within the zone with it. We ported Genie
to use the interface provided by our system kernel
given a provided room, it nds the temperature setpoint
and the smart plugs in the room through a Brick query
and controls them through Resource Proxy.
We start with the initial state of the system of this case
study. Recall that the capability of a user or app is dened
by permission proles composed of Brick queries and the
provided arguments. The building manager (BM) reused
the example permission prole Grad_Student we’ve shown
in Figure 3 and incorporated it into the system. (BM
can always write more Brick queries to dene additional
permission proles. See Appendix E.) Meanwhile, BM
approved the app Genie, with the app manifest and
permission prole we’ve seen in Figure 3. BM placed a
smart plug in RM-101, represented as a brick:On_Off_
Command entity as a point of ex:RM-101 in the Brick graph.
We list actions taken by users during the case study
and the eect on our system in Table I. We also plot the
trace of relevant hardware readings in Figure 5 along with
the event timeline. We can see that temperature sensor
readings were changing according to user actions on the
temperature setpoint (with slight ventilation delay) and
smart plugs were turned on and o when the control
actions were successful (at the time of event 5 and 7).
Observations: Event 1, 4, and 5 show the exibility of our
2:00pm 2:10pm 2:20pm 2:30pm
Temperature [°F]
1 2 3
5 6
Event Timeline
On O Status
Temp Setpoint Temp Sensor Smart Plug
Fig. 5: Zone thermal conditions in Case Study #1. Circled numbers
refer to the event number in Table I.
capability system. Building managers can easily create and
assign capability policies, and they can also update exist-
ing policies without worrying about running applications.
Event 2, 3, 6, and 7 demonstrate that our graph-based per-
mission prole and per-user per-app app instance design
ensures access control at ne granularity avoiding over-
privileged cases app instances of the same app (genie)
delegating user A and B were dened with exclusive capa-
bilities and couldn’t interfere with each other’s resources.
Event 6 and 7 further exhibit that our (capability) system
may work adaptively throughout building environment
changes — after moving the smart plug, Genie instance of
A could no longer nd the plug as expected and meanwhile
the instance of B gained the capability to control it.
C. Case Study #2 on Resource Isolation
In this second case study, we evaluate the ecacy of
our Resource Regulator in maintaining resource isolation
constraints and preventing authorized yet potentially
harmful actions from (untrusted) applications. We prepare
a sample application that can control the points of a
given AHU. The app comes with a permission prole
that uses the augmentation scheme and asks write access
to all points of the given argument (an AHU). This
ensures that every action taken by an instance of this
app on the assigned AHU in its argument is authorized
by our capability system. The cooling command of the
AHU, which decides how much cooling (%) the AHU will
produce, will be the main test subject of this case study.
At the initial state of the case study, BM approved
and installed this app. We also set up a test user with
write capability to ex:AHU1 and its points. Recall that
the resource constraint policies in Resource Regulator are
managed by resource constraint storage, resource moni-
tor, and pre-write value guard. To protect hardware and
TABLE II: Detailed timeline of case study #2 on resource isolation.
# Event and Eect
1 Wrote 0% to the cooling command, successful.
Wrote -100% and 200% to the cooling command, both failed.
Blocked by the range checker.
Wrote 95% to the cooling command, unsuccessful.
Blocked by the power predictor since the prediction is
103 kBTU/h, larger than the 100 kBTU/h constraint set.
BM updated the brick graph such that now the maximal of
the cooling command is 80%.
Wrote 95% to the cooling command, unsuccessful.
Blocked by the range checker instead, for its higher priority.
6 Wrote 75% to the cooling command, successful.
BM updated the upper bound of ex:AHU1_cooling_power_meter
from 100 to 60 kBTU/h in the constraint storage.
System relinquished the cooling command and killed this app.
The resource monitor spotted the cooling power had exceeded
the constraint and took action following the regulating policy.
save energy, BM set an upper bound on the cooling
power meter of AHU1 (ex:AHU1_cooling_power_meter) at
100 kBTU/h in the constraint storage and let the resource
monitor oversee it. The regulating policy is congured
to relinquish the cooling command and terminate any
existing app instances that have written to it when the
cooling power is over the above constraint. BM also set up
two validators on the cooling command of ex:AHU1 in the
value guard (as ordered in the queue): 1) a range checker
that checks whether the input cooling command value falls
between the maximal and minimal dened in Brick graph
(0 and 100 in this case); 2) a power predictor that predicts
the cooling power of an AHU given the input cooling
command based on historic data using a naive two-layer
neural network and checks whether it is smaller than the
upper bound dened in the resource constraint storage.
We describe the detailed timeline of actions taken by
users in this case study in Table II and plot the cooling
command/power of AHU1 throughout this case study
in Figure 6. We can see that the cooling power and cooling
command were changing according to user actions at
event 1 and 5. Also, note that the cooling command was
relinquished and dropped to 0% immediately after the
power constraint was adjusted by BM (event 7).
Observations: Event 1-6 demonstrate the ecacy and
exibility of our pre-write value guard. Two validators
worked together to preemptively block write actions
following policies dened by BM and the policies could be
updated in real-time. Event 6-8 show the eectiveness and
adaptability of our live resource monitor. It successfully
aborted actions that were not blocked by the value guard
but had violated the latest updated resource constraints.
D. Comparison to Existing Approaches
We here remark on limitations in existing access
control and resource isolation approaches from building
2pm 2:10pm 2:20pm 2:30pm
Cooling Command [%]
1 2 3
5 6
Event Timeline
Power [kBTU/h]
cooling command
cooling power
Fig. 6: AHU1 cooling conditions throughout Case Study #2. Circled
numbers refer to the event number in Table II.
and computer systems domain and how aspects of our
approach complement them. First, eorts to implement
access control in buildings often require deep knowledge
of custom ad-hoc policy languages. Nevertheless, these
policies must be written on a per-building basis with
explicit knowledge of the available resources in the
building and how they relate to one another an update
on the building usually leads to an extensive rework. This
micromanagement can be unrealistic in modern buildings
which can contain hundreds of equipment assets and
hundreds of thousands of I/O points for sensing and
control. We address this issue by utilizing a structured
semantic representation of the building in our proposed
OS. Access control policies in PlayGround are written
expressively in a standard graph query language without
substantial learning costs. Moreover, these policies are
generic to buildings — they can work with updated build-
ing environments or be portably reused on new buildings.
Second, most eorts do not properly address the issue of
application isolation in the building domain. This is where
buildings are fundamentally dierent from computers.
Traditional OS treats shared resources as fungible, i.e.
it does not (usually) matter which CPU cycles or which
physical memory addresses an application is assigned,
or when they are assigned. However, the high degree of
interconnectivity between building resources means that
control of one resource (e.g., a hot water coil) can inuence
the behavior of separate but downstream resources (e.g.,
the position of a valve) and the resulting eect on occupied
spaces (e.g., the temperature of a room). PlayGround
addresses this by allowing building managers to dene
arbitrary connections between resources of concern and
relevant control points expressively in the format of
regulating policy and resource constraints.
E. Microbenchmarks
To understand the cost of our graph-based mechanisms
and the eectiveness of caching, we measured the
runtime of relevant system services including capability
derivation (computing capabilities of an app delegating a
user), validator mapping (nding the validator queue
1 2 3 4 5
#assigned permission proles
Runtime [ms]
Capability Derivation
1 2 3 4 5
#validator assignment policies
Validator Mappings
w/o cache
w/ cache
Fig. 7: Time consumption of capability derivation vs. number of per-
mission proles assigned to a user; and time consumption of resource
validator mappings vs. number of validator assignment policies.
assigned to one resource), and resource specication
retrieval (obtaining the essential metadata to read/write
a resource) on the Brick graph of the same building
used in case studies, with 1344 readable/writable resource
points described. We also benchmark the cost of the two
validators used in case study #2. The tests are executed
on a machine with an AMD 3960X 24-Core CPU, RTX
3090 GPU, and 64GB memory. We measure the caching
eect after cache entries have been fully pre-computed.
To benchmark capability derivation, we measure the
average time consumption of the capability derivation
of the same app delegating users with 1 to 5 various
permission proles assigned to them. Similarly, we obtain
the average runtime of validator mapping by measuring
the average cost of mapping all available resource points
when there are 1 to 5 real-world validator assignment
policies in the system. See Appendix E for all detailed
policies (queries). We present the results with and without
caching for both operations respectively in Figure 7. We
can see a clear increasing pattern without caching. In
contrast, caching drastically speeds up the process to
<1 ms and scales well. The total memory consumption of
caching both operations in full (for all the resource points
under ve dierent proles/policies) is 4.8 MB at its peak.
We benchmark the resource specication retrieval
process by measuring the average time consumption
of getting the read/write specications of a thousand
randomly sampled resource points in the graph. We get an
average runtime cost of 7.9 ms without caching and 0.24 ms
with caching. We measure the eciency of the range
checker validator on a thousand random resources and 3
random input (writing) values and obtain an average of
9.1 ms without caching and 0.5 ms with caching. Similarly,
we measure the eciency of the power predictor validator
and get an average of 1.4 ms runtime cost (with cuda). The
peak memory consumption of caching these operations for
all resource points is 3.3 MB. The memory consumption is
reasonably low and we expect it to scale eectively with
additional resources or buildings in the system.
F. Real-world Deployment
As of the time of submission, we have deployed our
system on two real buildings on campus (including the one
used in the case studies), beta-serving over 30 volunteer
students and sta for three months consecutively. Two
building applications (a power estimation app in addition
to the Genie application we have mentioned above) are
installed and work out of the box with no “one-o modi-
cations. Our resource isolation and capability mechanism
successfully enables personalized zone control and building
telemetry with these two (untrusted) applications while
not sacricing the safety of the building the resource
constraint set by us e.g., cooling and heating power of
various AHUs and maximum power consumption of smart
plugs were successfully enforced. The deployment to a
second building was straightforward system policies
e.g., permission proles, validator assignments, and
regulating policies were directly shared and reused in these
two buildings. We include all these policies we create here
as template examples in the system so that future building
managers with no prior knowledge of programming can
get a bootstrap adopting our system. We plan to provide
more ready-to-go templates for future work.
G. Limitations and Future Work
PlayGround does have limitations that we would like to
address in the future. First, our system does not handle
the situation where multiple users have conicting write
requests on the same resource point — we would like to ex-
plore various arbitration mechanisms to solve this problem
for future work. Second, our system lacks a standardized
method to enable building application compatibility
checks. We plan to incorporate semantic suciency [31] to
ll this gap. Last, we do not have a formal user study of
our system with building managers though we have been
working closely with them to understand the problem
statements. We leave this as the subject of future work.
VI. Conclusion
We have developed PlayGround, a safe building oper-
ating system that incorporates Brick semantic represen-
tations of buildings with two proposed novel mechanisms
including 1) a graph-based capability mechanism for access
controls, namely permission prole; 2) a resource isolation
mechanism with support of both pre-action interven-
tions and telemetry-based live inspections. PlayGround
demonstrates the feasibility of hosting untrusted, multi-
tenant building applications safely while avoiding intensive
maintenance and deployment costs. We accomplish this
by empowering the OS services with detailed knowledge
of buildings and supporting a declarative conguration
setup. We envision that building managers with little
or no programming background can easily adopt and
maintain BOSes following our design with an emerging
Brick-driven ecosystem including applications and various
system policy congurations in the future.
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ex:plug1 a brick:Active_Power_Sensor;
brick:hasUnit unit:MilliW ;
ref:hasExternalReference [
a ref:BACnetReference ;
bacnet:object-identifier "181160_analogInput_3" ;
bacnet:object-name "AI3 BERT Power Measurement" ;
bacnet:objectOf ex:plug1_BACnetDevice ; ] ;
ref:hasTimeseriesReference [
a ref:TimeseriesReference ;
"0000000-0000-000-0000-000000000000" ;,
ref:storedAt "postgres://" ; ] .
Fig. 8: An example Brick resource representation with external
A. Implementation of Resource Proxy
We store the necessary specication of a resource point
to support read/write operations as external reference
objects in Brick. Resource Proxy retrieves this information
from the graph given the Brick reference and nds the
corresponding interface to carry out the request. We
present an example in Figure 8. Provided with the Brick
reference ex:plug1, Resource Proxy rst runs a SPARQL
query to nd the type of the external reference, which in
this case is ref:BACnetReference. Resource Proxy then
invokes the driver interface for this resource type with
the payload plus other remaining specications in the
external reference (object identier and object upstream
in this example). When a read request is accompanied
by a time range in its payload, it indicates a time-series
read request. In this case, Resource Proxy will look for a
ref:TimeseriesReference object in particular and invoke
the time-series driver. Any failure encountered in the
above process will abort this incoming read/write request.
Various driver interfaces for distinct types of resources
all follow the same signature by inheriting a provided
abstract base class (ABC) take as input the resource
endpoint plus the payload and perform operations
accordingly. For instance, when there’s a True relinquish
ag in the payload of a write request, it should release or
reset the control over the resource (if possible). To extend
support to new types of resources, we only need to import
new driver interfaces inheriting this ABC to our kernel
B. Implementation of App Steward
All app containers reside in a separate docker network,
where we enforce strict network restrictions as a whitelist-
based “rewall”. By default, the only destination on the
whitelist that an app container can communicate with
is the core container hosting the API interface the
external endpoints listed in the app manifest are added
to the whitelist respective to the app. App Steward
dynamically maintains these whitelists by manipulating
iptables on this docker network interface. App Steward
also interacts with the underlying docker daemon to
manage each app container instance.
1) Registration: When the registration of an application
is approved, App Steward stores the provided app
manifest and permission prole (nd more details on
this in §C), saves the frontend static les, and builds a
docker image for the backend (we require the existence of
a valid dockerle in the source code).
2) Execution: When a user asks to instantiate an
application, App Steward starts a docker container with
the built image of the application and loads the frontend
static les. It also passes a JWT token signed and generated
for this app instance to the container as an environment
variable so that the app instance can use it with the APIs.
Meanwhile, App Steward stores the essential metadata
associated with this app instance such as container id,
the initiating user, and the argument for the permission
prole provided by the user. Applications can call an API
to get a list of resources from which a user can select, for
instance, to specify the room or equipment. This follows
the same rule as the argument that they can provide for
the app’s permission prole.
3) Termination: When an application instance needs
to exit or be gracefully terminated, App Steward always
tries to stop the container with the associative container
id gracefully with a SIGTERM signal. Applications are
expected to react to SIGTERM promptly and perform
necessary clean-ups and relinquish action. If the container
fails to exit within a 30 s timeout or it is forcefully
terminated, a force stop (SIGKILL) will be enforced.
A stopped docker container is typically not removed for
faster start-up in the future.
C. Implementation of Permission Manager
The core of Permission Manager is the permission
proles. We store the SPARQL queries of each permission
prole in f-string format when invoked, the associated
arguments will be lled in. Permission Manager maintains
the user permission prole assignment table as well. The
capability derivation procedure described in §III-D in
practice would be 1) Permission Manager rst looks up
the user permission prole assignment table and computes
the capability of the user given the stored SPARQL queries
and associated arguments; 2) then it uses the arguments
for the permission prole of the app saved by App Steward
per instantiation to compute the raw app capability; 3) it
derives the nal capability with the delegation scheme
specied in the app manifest.
D. Resource Regulator
1) Resource Constraint Storage: Resource constraint
storage provides an interface to enquire about whether a
particular resource value exceeds the constraint or not,
preventing other kernel components from raw queries to
the resource constraint table
Def Grad_Student(room: brick:Room)
?e brick:hasLocation {room} .
?p brick:isPointOf ?e .
?p a ?o .
?e brick:hasLocation {room} .
?e brick:hasPoint ?p .
?p a ?o .
Def Lab_Manager(room: brick:Room)
?e brick:hasLocation/brick:feeds*
{room} .,
?e a brick:Equipment .
?p brick:isPointOf ?e . }
Def Plug_Master(plug:
?p brick:isPointOf {plug} .}
a) Updated Grad_student b) Permission prole for lab managers
c) Permission prole plug masters
Fig. 9: Sample permission proles we used in case study #1 and the
microbenchmark for permission derivation.
2) Pre-actuation Value Validators: Validators, similar
to driver interfaces in Resource Proxy, inherit an ABC
to make sure that they follow the same abstraction as de-
scribed in §III-E. We can add new validators to the system
by simply importing more child classes. In practice, exam-
ple validators can be prediction functions on energy con-
sumption or some basic range checkers on the write values.
3) Validator Assignments: Recall that building man-
agers may use SPARQL queries to assign validators to a set
of building resources. Unlike permission proles, the look-
up process to nd the validators assigned to a resource here
is reversed we need to nd which set of resources (or
SPARQL-dened policy) includes the resource under ques-
tioning and obtain the validator queue accordingly. How-
ever, query-dened sets are not necessarily mutually exclu-
sive. Therefore we allow building managers to optionally
dene the priority of each policy. Policies of higher priority
are looked up rst; the order of policies of the same priority
being looked up is random. Once a policy is found to
contain the target resource, the lookup process is nished.
4) Regulating Policies: Again, regulating policies
inherit an ABC and follow the abstraction that takes
as input a pair of a resource and the current value of this
resource (exceeding the constraint), and decide follow-up
actions accordingly. There’s no return value. The exact
behavior of a regulating policy is highly customizable.
With the input provided, an example regulating policy
may rst query the Brick Oracle to gure out the attribut-
ing resources and the transaction history within Resource
Proxy to obtain a history of which application on behalf of
which user made what actuation at when to help identify
the guilty applications. Then it may decide to terminate
these applications and relinquish these control points by
interacting with the App Steward and Resource Proxy.
E. Sample Policies Used
The updated permission prole for Grad_student used
in case study #1 is shown in Figure 9.a. The other
?loc brick:isPartOf
ex:First_Floor .,
?equip brick:feeds ?loc .
?p brick:isPointOf ?equip .
?p a brick:Point .
?p brick:isPointOf ex:VAV-2 .
?loc brick:isPartOf
ex:Third_Floor .,
?equip brick:feeds* ?loc .
?p brick:isPointOf ?equip .
?equip a brick:Point .
{?p a brick:Point .
?p brick:isPointOf ?equip .
ex:AH-4 brick:feeds ?equip .}
{?p a brick:Point .
?p brick:isPointOf ex:AH-4 .}
a) “First Floor” Policy
b) “AH-4” Policy
c) “VAV-2” Policy
d) “Third Floor” Policy
e) “Default” Policy
Fig. 10: Sample validator assignment policies we used in the
microbenchmark for validator mappings.
permission proles we used to be randomly assigned to
users in the microbenchmark for permission derivation are
listed in the rest of Figure 9. The Lab_Manager permission
prole is dened for lab managers who should have write
access to all equipment points in the assigned room/lab.
The Plug_Master permission prole will grant one user
write access to all points of the assigned smart plug
(brick:Smart_Plug is a customized extension to Brick
not included in the ocial Brick ontology).
The ve validator assignment policies we used in
the microbenchmark for validator mappings are listed
in Figure 10. “First Floor” denes the set composed of
all points of equipment that feed sub-locations on the rst
oor of the building. “AH-4” denes the set of resources
consisting of all points of AH-4 and its sub-components.
“VAV-2” denes the set of all points VAV-2. “Third Floor”
is similar to “First Floor” but applies to the third oor.
“Default” is the fallback policy which simply contains all
points in this building. In the microbenchmark, we rank
their priority in the following order: “Third Floor”, “VAV-
2”, “AH-4”, “First Floor”, and “Default”. When there are
fewer than ve policies in the system in the experiment, we
keep the less prioritized ones. For instance, when the num-
ber of assignment policies in the system is 3 (i.e., the third
datapoint for validator mappings in Figure 7), we have
them ordered as “AH-4”, “First Floor”, and “Default”.