Financial Lines
Employment Practices Liabil
California Sexual Harassment
A former employee of a fitness center sued her employer alleging that she and other
female employees were subjected to sexual harassment by male club managers,
salesmen and personal trainers despite repeated complaints to management. The
employees were awarded $3.6M (Arbitration).
A former drug store manager sued her employer alleging that she had been sexually
harassed by her supervisor and that after she complained the behavior continued, she
received negative reviews and was denied raises and bonuses. The jury awarded the
plaintiff $3M for damages.
California Sexual Harassment and Wrongful Termination
A female manager at a health club filed a sexual harassment and wrongful
termination suit against her employer. She alleged that she was demoted and then
fired after she complained to management about the harassing behavior of male
managers. The jury awarded the plaintiff $2.4M.
California Pregnancy Discrimination
A female project manager sued her employer, a technology company, for pregnancy
discrimination. She alleged that she received a negative evaluation and was
terminated due to her pregnancy and leave of absence. The jury awarded the plaintiff
$4.8M: $3.8M for punitive damages.
Colorado Disability Discrimination
A former male employee sued his employer, a packaging company, for disability
discrimination alleging that the company refused to allow him to return to work after
he was on disability leave recovering from a brain aneurysm. The jury awarded the
plaintiff $8M: $7.5M for punitive damages.
Colorado Racial Discrimination
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) settled a race
discrimination case brought against a local newspaper for $375K. The suit was
brought on behalf of 10 African-American employees who alleged that they were
discriminated against in the workplace due to their race.
Florida Sexual Harassment and Discrimination
The EEOC sued a small manufacturer on behalf of three female and four male
employees of Cuban descent, alleging that the women were sexually harassed by their
supervisors and that the men where discriminated against when they supported the
women’s allegations. The matter settled for $1M.
Financial Lines
Employment Practices Liability
Claims Scenarios
Illinois Retaliation and Discrimination
An African-American former employee sued her former African-American small
business employer for retaliation and discrimination when she was terminated after
refusing to back him in a race discrimination case with another employee. The jury
awarded the plaintiff $3.1M: $2.8M for punitive damages.
Iowa Sexual Harassment and Retaliation
A female factory worker sued an Iowa manufacturer for sexual harassment and
retaliation. She alleged that she had been sexually harassed by co-workers on a
continual basis and that when she complained to her supervisor about this harassing
behavior, she was demoted and reprimanded for complaining. A jury awarded the
plaintiff $1.5M: $640K for emotional distress, $78K for back pay, $40K for future
medical expenses and $750K for punitive damages.
Iowa Sexual Harassment, Retaliation and Hostile Working Environment
Two former employees sued a uniform cleaning company for sexual harassment,
retaliation and a hostile work environment. They alleged that their supervisor made
sexist comments and retaliated against them when they would not acquiesce to his
advances. The jury awarded the plaintiffs $608K.
Louisiana Racial Harassment and Retaliation
The EEOC settled a racial harassment and retaliation suit brought against a local car
dealership for $200K. The suit alleged that a used car manager, who was white,
subjected six African-American employees to a racially hostile workplace; including
repeated incidents of verbal harassment and racial slurs.
Massachusetts Disability Discrimination and Wrongful Termination
A maintenance worker sued his employer for disability discrimination and wrongful
termination. The employee alleged that he was put on involuntary leave of absence
and subsequently terminated after he informed his employer that he had multiple
sclerosis. The jury awarded the plaintiff $286K.
Michigan Discrimination and Wrongful Termination
A manager of a rental business sued his employer for discrimination and wrongful
termination. He alleged that he was terminated because he was overweight and
suffered from a disability which caused him to sweat profusely. The jury awarded the
plaintiff $284.5K.
Financial Lines
Employment Practices Liability
Claims Scenarios
Missouri Sexual Harassment and Retaliation
A female employee sued a parts company for sexual harassment and retaliation. She
alleged that she was sexually harassed by her supervisor over a two month period and
that the company failed to investigate after she complained. She also alleged that she
was terminated after complaining. The jury awarded the plaintiff $6.8M: $6.75M for
punitive damages and $50K for compensatory damages.
Mississippi Age and Racial Discrimination
A former convention center manager sued the facility for age and race discrimination
when a less qualified, younger employee was given the position of director of
marketing. A jury awarded the plaintiff $659K.
New Hampshire Disability Discrimination and Wrongful Termination
A former employee sued her manufacturing company employer for disability
discrimination and wrongful termination. The employee alleged that after she
informed her employer that she needed a kidney transplant she was terminated. The
jury awarded the plaintiff $480K. The plaintiff passed away before trial.
New Jersey Sexual Harassment
The EEOC settled a sexual harassment claim brought against a small trucking
company for $250K. The suit was brought on behalf of a female truck driver who
alleged that she was sexually harassed by her supervisors and co-workers and that her
truck’s brakes and engine had been sabotaged by these workers.
New York Racial and Gender Discrimination
The EEOC sued a “tool and die maker” for race and gender discrimination in hiring
practices. EEOC alleged that the African-American and female applicants were turned
down for all positions except clerical. The matter settled for $940K.
Nevada Sexual Harassment
The EEOC settled a sexual harassment claim brought against a Las Vegas restaurant
for $600K. The matter was brought on behalf of female hostesses and waitresses who
alleged that the manager groped and propositioned them on a continual basis.
The EEOC sued a sports bar on behalf of seven female employees alleging sexual
harassment by the owners. The bar owners settled the matter for $200K. They also
agreed to a three year oversight with specific mandates in handling employees.
Financial Lines
Employment Practices Liability
Claims Scenarios
North Carolina Sexual Harassment
A movie theatre settled a sexual harassment claim brought by the EEOC on behalf of
teenage boys against their manager for $765K. The claim alleged that the theater
failed to check the manager’s background, which would have revealed that he was a
convicted sex offender. The claim further alleges that the manager made quid-pro-quo
demands on the boys and had fondled and groped the boys.
North Dakota Racial Discrimination
The EEOC settled a race discrimination case brought against an assisted living
community for $650K. The suit was brought on behalf of African-American applicants
for employment and alleged that the facility had a policy of rejecting African-American
Pennsylvania Sexual Harassment, Retaliation and Constructive Discharge
A clinical specialist sued her employer for sexual harassment, retaliation and
constructive discharge. She alleged that after she repeatedly complained to human
resources about this harassing behavior the company demoted her and transferred
her to a lesser position in another department. The jury awarded the plaintiff $350K
for compensatory damages.
Texas Retaliation and Wrongful Termination
A former press operator sued his local newspaper for retaliation and wrongful
termination alleging that he was fired after he reported sexual harassment by his
manager. The jury awarded the plaintiff $1.1M.
Texas Gender Discrimination
The EEOC settled a gender discrimination claim brought against an electrical
manufacturer for $500K.The claim, which was brought on behalf of male applicants
for employment, alleges that the company discriminated against men when they hired
only woman because they believed that woman were more dexterous than men.
Virginia Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
A former female sales manager sued a time share company for gender discrimination
and sexual harassment alleging that she had been passed over for promotion on three
occasions when the position was given to less qualified male candidates. She further
alleged that she was continually sexually harassed by senior executives. The Jury
awarded the plaintiff $7.7M: $2.5M for compensatory damages, $5M for punitive
damages and $200K for back pay.
Financial Lines
Employment Practices Liability
Claims Scenarios
Virginia Racial Discrimination
An African-American sanitation worker sued his former employer, a waste service
company for race discrimination. He alleged that he was subjected to a hostile work
environment and harassed due to his race. He further alleged that he was paid less
than white employees who performed the same job. The jury awarded the plaintiff
$2.6M: $600K for compensatory damages and $2M for punitive damages.
West Virginia Wrongful Termination and Retaliation
A former nurse sued a hospital for wrongful termination and retaliation. She alleged
that she was wrongfully terminated in retaliation for complaining about the hospital
being short staffed. The jury awarded her $2M: $769K for compensatory damages
and $1.25M for punitive damages.
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AIG is the marketing name for the worldwide property-casualty, life and retirement, and general insurance operations of American International Group, Inc. For additional information,
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products may be distributed through affiliated or unaffiliated entities. Certain property-casualty coverages may be provided by a surplus lines insurer. Surplus lines insurers do not generally
participate in state guaranty funds and insureds are therefore not protected by such funds.
The loss scenarios described herein are provided solely for the purpose of providing examples of the types of claims which typically are submitted under an Employment Practices Liability
Insurance policy, and such loss scenarios do not contain sufficient facts to determine whether all or part of such claims would be excluded from coverage by one or more of the terms and
conditions of an Employment Practices Liability Insurance policy. Actual claims with similar or identical fact patterns may contain facts or circumstances which preclude coverage for all or
part of such claims under an Employment Practices Liability Insurance policy.