Medi-Cal Asset Elimination
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Do assets affect my eligibility?
Starting on January 1, 2024, assets, such as bank accounts, cash, a
second vehicle, and homes, will no longer be counted when determining
Medi-Cal eligibility. Income and income from assets, such as income from
property, will continue to be counted.
What are “assets?”
Assets include bank accounts, cash, a second vehicle, homes, and other
financial resources.
If I am applying for Medi-Cal, do I need to fill out and submit asset
Starting on January 1, 2024, Medi-Cal applications will no longer ask for
asset information.
Asset information and verification is required if you are applying for
Medi-Cal coverage for 2023.
Starting January 2024, individuals applying for Long Term Care (LTC)
services may be required to provide asset verification if, within the past 30
months, assets were transferred for an amount less than the fair market
If I am a current Medi-Cal member, do I need to fill out and submit asset
information at renewal?
No, asset information is not required.
In 2024, renewal forms will no longer ask for asset information.
That means you can keep your savings and assets and still keep your
Medi-Cal coverage.
It is important to open and review any mail received from your county
about your Medi-Cal coverage.
I was not eligible in the past. With these changes, could I be now?
Yes. If you believe you may be eligible for Medi-Cal with the asset change,
learn more and apply at
Can I get help completing the form?
Help is available. For assistance, contact Customer Service Center at (866)
What if I am no longer eligible for Medi-Cal?
If your coverage is denied, delayed, reduced, or stopped, you can ask your
local Medi-Cal office to review your case. You can also ask for a State Fair
Hearing to determine your eligibility if you disagree with the decision.
Submit an online request
here or call the State Hearings Division toll-free
at (800) 743-8525. If you ask for a hearing before your Medi-Cal ends,
your coverage will continue during the process.
What if I am asked to pay money to complete my renewal application?
BEWARE OF SCAMS: Medi-Cal will never require payment to submit a
renewal or application. If you get a call asking for payment to apply or
renew, report it. Please call the Medi-Cal fraud hotline at 1-800-822-6222.
What other options for insurance do I have if I am no longer eligible for
If you qualify, your local Medi-Cal office will send your information to
Covered California, which will pick a quality plan for you that provides the
best value at the lowest cost.
Watch your mail for important communications from Covered California,
including an envelope that says, “Stay Covered with Covered California”. If
you receive a notice asking to confirm your plan, respond right away. You
will have the option to change your plan or cancel. Visit
or call Covered California’s service center at (800) 300-1506 to learn more.
If you have Medicare, you might not qualify for Covered California. For
additional assistance you can call the Health Consumer Alliance at
Could my child be eligible if I am no longer eligible for Medi-Cal?
Even if you are no longer eligible for Medi-Cal, your child could still be
eligible for coverage. For more information, contact our Customer Service
Center at (866) 613-3777.
Do I need to do anything now?
You do not need to do anything now, unless you were previously denied
and want to reapply, or if you need to complete a renewal form.
Will I receive requests from the county for any asset information?
You still might be requested to provide documents to verify your income
from property/assets, if any.
What if I didn't receive a renewal packet?
If you didn’t receive a renewal packet contact our Customer Service Center
at (866) 613-3777 to confirm the address we have is correct and request
another be mailed to you.
Are there any changes to the Estate Recovery Program?
There are no changes to the Estate Recovery program due to the
elimination of assets. For more information about the Estate Recovery
program, refer to the website: Estate Recovery (